Now that the dust has settled on all of human history...

now that the dust has settled on all of human history, can we finally agree that the french were the greatest of all time?

Yeah by far best language, culture, and gee whiz what a beautiful country. Also just look at how glorious quebec is.


Every great failure and setback of western civilization is due to French incompetence and cowardice

big dumb reactionary who thinks the french revolution was bad detected

>probably fat
>probably anglophile


I agree but God wanted to make the world fair.
He knew that the world would have been entirely french if Plantagenet would have won. So he talked to Joan of Arc and she helped Valois house to win the war.

Then the french Light striked again with french revolution and Napoleon. God knew if Napoleon had taken Russia the World would have been entirely french also.
So he launched a terrible winter in Russia on the french troops. It was the end of Napoleon

>le cock
the french really love the cock, don't they?

are you implying anglos are god?


No but God helped them throught Joan of Arc and Winter disaster

Bien sûr que nous le pouvons, mon ami.

>the dust has settled on all of human history
Brb apocalypse is coming

Ahah, so funny! it's really nice to have Argentina around for some fun!




>he's not represented by a cock proudly raising the red tip of its head up to the sky

>can we finally agree that the french were the greatest of all time?
I doubt anyone can truly dispute that they WERE the greatest. Now, France's politicians are doing what the vikings, the Caliphate, the English, the Austrians, the Spanish, the Swedes, the Germans, the Russians, the Turks and many others have tried but failed: destroy France beyond the point of repair.

Just as modern historians look upon Justinian as the last of the Romans, future historians will see De Gaulle as the last of the Frenchmen.

t. Chuck Jamal Deveraux


Again, what language are we using? Yeah, thought so.


A language sprawled across the world through the influence that the USA dazzles on the world, a country that was founded through our intervention, and that is constructed in its third by vocabulary stemming from French words.

Yeah, thought so too.


.......sauce? How the fuck could someone use that in this very context?

t. Billy-Bob Lemontier

maybe someone was getting gangbanged hard

hentai can do anything