Why Russia ;_;

Why Russia ;_;

Isn't there enough cheap wodka to go around?

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Tell it to this guys

Government has raised excise taxes so the cheapest is about 200 roubles, good quality 500

Thats pretty cheap friendo

Pretty fucking cheap when your monthly wage is 10-18k rub.


Its not even funny you know.
I wanna commit suicide but I'm too pathetic to do that.

here the hobos used to drink windwasher liquid but when we joined eu,eu legistlation forced us to denaturate the alcohol in those,so couple of deaths ensued.

now they mainly use opiates or drink hand desinfectant

But at least you´re getting rid of the worst bydlos m8, or who are the ones dying? Also why don´t you just brew your own drinks?

>worst bydlos
they regenerating everytime

Hawthorn tincture (96% ethanol) costs 30¢ for 100 gramms, while cheapest vodka is 2,5$

Instead of killing yourself, why don't you risk your life doing something crazy like parkour? If you fuck up you'd probably die anyway, and if you don't you are no longer depressed and you're having fun.

Plus, Russians doing parkour is a pretty popular meme. Try it, maybe?

why can't you faggs just buy vodka its turbo cheap

>savior of the white race!!!
>Russia will save us from degeneracy!!1

Well some faggots who cant into good job will always says that they dont have money for it

Thats pretty cheap

Russians do it already.

He looks like finnish desu

>Russians doing parkour is a pretty popular meme

That buys you hundred litres. How much do you drink?

>doing something crazy like parkour? If you fuck up you'd probably die anyway,

You have just a good a chance of really hurting yourself and being in a great deal of pain.


I din't imply he wasn't

Imo better than hanging yourself in some boring ass commieblock.

Good parkour skills

Russians are fucking niggers they should all die hope that Trump and Chinks will nuke you to death

>these are the same people who hacked into the US html mainframe and accessed the isopalavial interface and changed the fractal drive measures and made trump president

All under obammas watch according to democrats




What did he hope was going to happen? Some of these people are silly.

Why are Russians so mysterious?

Russian soul told him - "Don't give a fuck man" or russian "Пoхyй".


You probably earn 20-30k SEK here after tax. 0,7l vodka costs 200SEK.

>Isn't there enough cheap wodka to go around?

A bottle of good vodka cost 500-700 rubles, while minimum wage in Russia is 7500 rubles.

>cheapest vodka is 2,5$

$3.25, they have risen the minimum price.

>Russian Astronauts

The cheapest vodka I have ever seen since January was some shitty local booze for like 130 rubles/0,5.
So let's say that some alcoholic russkiy earn 10k rubles for cleaning toilets so he can buy ~80 bottles of wodka, it's 2,6 bottles every day or 1,3 liters of woda daily. Pretty cheap, I dunno why people still use methanol and other stuff, there is no reason for that

Switch to the superior Scotch whisky m8.


Shit like this almost makes me want to live in Russia. Alchohol, laughs, carelessness and dumb shit. You guys seems like just my type.

But from all the things I hear about Russia from Russians also makes me think it's a shitty and boring place.

And let's not forget about SHABASHKA which can give to russki alcoholic about 30% of his monthly salary. He can spend it for food or extra vodka. Also cigarettes.

My favorite one.

>implying it's possible to buy Scotch whisky anywhere outside of the biggest cities in Russia
>implying a poor Russian bydlo alcoholic earning 10-15k rubles/month could afford it


Sometimes it ends like that.


>minimum wage in Russia is 7500 rubles.
You wot m8, you meant the lmminimal wage?


You ruskies should worry about your insane inflation instead of your pissvodka


That looks fun as shit lmao

Yeah but what can we do about it


>1,3l of Vodka a day

Jesus fuck, do Russians have two livers or is your cheap vodka less than 40%?

Vlad no ;_;

If all of you use 10% of your valuta as toiletpapier, rouble will skyrocket higher as ever

Jokes aside, you catch me.
My real name is Vlad (Vladislav).

Do you Russbros do dumb shit on a regular basis, or is that just a meme?

Are there really people in Russia who earn only 10k rubles a month? Isn't that less than $175?

Most people are really dumb, yes.

Yes there are.
Nobody cares how you are going to survive with this.

It's 40%. Two livers yeah - one for the body and one for mysterious russian soul

>is your cheap vodka less than 40%

It wouldn't be vodka then.


did he die

He was never alive in the first place.

What "valuta" are you talking about?


How many do you have?

Would taking magic mushrooms on a bus and seeing where it goes and trying to find your way back be a slav-tier crazy thing to do?

One of my acquaintances lives in Moscow and earns 15k rubles (he has got a meme degree and no skills), so in regions it's very probable that people earn very little amount of money.

je snapt het grapje niet

Good on the lad for taking it so calmly.

I don't think so, Russians don't get along with drugs usually. Except for alcohol, of course.

If you dared a Russian like the ones in the videos in this thread to do it, would he?

My friend did it when he drank himself to a memory loss. It wasn't intentional though.

they probably had half their brain melted by krokodil abuse anyway
i feel bad for russia, we've forced them into even more poverty than they already had

Are you a jew or what? Why are you replying to my question with a question?

Yeah just like fucking your porch

I don't think that Russians who would be willing to do it sit here, ameribro.


>260 roubles for 1l of Vodka
>The cheapest trash vodka here is 20 bucks for 0,75l

I'm scared to think what that vodka in your pic tastes like.

Good point. I like to think all Russians are a bit ballsy when it comes to this stuff, though. Like it's part of their genes or something.

Like rubbing alcohol diluted with tap water
t. vodka pro

I wouldn't dare to try.

It's like he just downed a bottle of Vodka and he's trying to do pushups.

Dumb questions get dumb replies. Im giving you a solid method to up the value of your rouble

>slav qts
Westerners you still can save her, it's not over yet

We should leave only one (1) ruble and we will be rich as fuck. Good tip master Jew.

But who will own this ruble

You know who...

That's nothing desu.
Gramps told stories about some russians that served with him, they used to put shoe polish on bread, wait until bread absorbes alcohol and eat it. Now that was fucked up.

Nobody. But who gives a fuck when you live in a rich country, right?

Why not to abolish money at all?


What do Slavic girls like in men?


Paper and plastic.

This is desguisting desu
But it reminds me of gummy bears impregnated with vodka.

jesus fucking christ

>gummy bears impregnated with vodka.
That's actually good. Ever tried vodka melon?

Well, it's certainly more creative that they usual drinking of Eau de Cologne.