Rekt bread. I'll drop a shit ton to get started I suppose

Rekt bread. I'll drop a shit ton to get started I suppose.








How did this happen?

Did he die?

How are his clothes mint?

What the fuck story? Some cunt just throws a shirt down wtf






Non of those fucks know how to do a proper cpr






oh my word.. did he survive?


Yeah, it was a little nerve gas but he is good


he later died of eternal bleeding

Caution, watch out for this new summerfag actively trying to search out and "derail" rekt threads, kek

Ehhh. Who survived now-a-days? No one promises you will survive

fake as your mama tities

Faggot has school in the morning. He's asleep to get up in time for the short bus

summer is truly here

damn he ded?

oh no lel xD ty 4 the caution im soooo scared of sexy picturz!!!!!!11 watch out for scary poster guyz!!!

Oh, wait, I'm not 14 like you are. Who the fuck cares?

Another rekt bread??? Here we go. I told you faggots I would be here all day. It's only 2 am here


Time to derail

Samefag. Also, I don't see these pictures as derailment. They just add to the mix and you get to keep bumping good threads, thanks for your service.

gotta cut loose, footloose

You sick fucks

james, seriously cut it off your waaay past your bedtime

No shit retard. I'm the only one posting the porn. I'm here to derail



Kek. You remembered my name!


of course bby



Supreme summertime faggot

>typical game of cs:go.webm


aww, he's finally getting attention in his sad, sad little life. it's one thing to make a gore thread, it's another to spend hours and hours and hours of your own time finding gore threads and then posting irrelevant pictures. betcha feel proud of yourself buddy, there's nothing really else to do with your little life. Keep posting your cute little pictures. :)

This thread will derail


>Falling for this obvious-ass b8

The joke went right over your head buddy, it's okay. I see you like tumblr. It all makes sense..





is he ok?






Dat nigga shopped at the right store that day.









come back pupper



Sex is violent

this is pure gold

you are abusing the spiderman Calling,only in loli,shota,r34,rule,34,,cp,bait,r you allowed to derail threads,you bring shame to all of us spiderman!!



omg did the dude survive the tsunami after?
plz reply

it ends to soon, where is the rest of it?


fuark that is satisfying, anyone have link to news article? Want to read about dumb faggots crying about how the bus driver used too much force or some shit





You fuckers are lucky. My phone is acting up. Not letting me upload images. Enjoy it for now you sick fucks

What if she already dead?

His face got fucked. Is there a long version of this newfriend?


wow, wildturtle really is retarded

Sadly... no.....

id post gore but aint got none