Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!



>jenny claim
>pretend i have an image

i agree, science would benefit greatly from this knowledge
Ill show you! im gonna get big and strong and then we'll see who the bully is
nah nah nah, im not talkin about any old lewds, im talkin prime, OC lewds

Also claiming

Kek, it's a good place but never did I get service worth 20 buck tip. Goddamn sausage was always cold. Ayy that sounds like an awesome night. Anything like that planned to happen again? Kek, imagine if you'd had joined. Alpha as fuck but jobless as fuck too. Would of been a good way to get in there though.

>Best idol claimed


Miho claimed

I think i made it

still here


im not a bully i just think your plans are not good

lol what did you do exactly?

>small screen
Recently I've known your pain. My laptop screen broke about two weeks ago and it was 1920x1080p, now it's 1336x768, everything is so much more squeezed together.
I can't post if internet doesn't load the recaptcha, The thing is too long for my screen to be able to press the post button.
Do you live alone?

hey robo

This isn't the trap thread.

gotta claim fast!

Still here.

where are you finding these quality pictures?

OC? Nah boss, think you're off point I'm sure.

Summer means swimsuits though!

d.va ulted in cliffside shack where the objective is on Ilios, I slammed her and myself off the cliff

Heya Velvet
Holy kek

We can both be cute kitties.
>and lick each other clean~
This is good but we need another sample without the bathing suit...
>Science thanks you for your contributions~
>You will receive a reward for your aid.

Give me your shekels first.
Your the one that brought it up.
So you do it first.


hey karen! how are you surviving?

>my chassis


Oh yeh shoo me dat sweett boipuccy, san.

>grabs knife

Nice job!
What happened to your clothes though?
>And mine

Welcome back everyone

There are no Chara Swimsuit pics yet!

Heya Syndra! How are you?

Hello to you too!

Sup Jenny?

Please don't bully Chara, or he will bite your dick off when he'll succ that big dick.





Now you're getting the idea~

Commission one!
>Speaking of commissions, I just got this one done
>Worth the $15 imo

>the sausage was always cold
what sort of shanty shack fuckwit does that? and then how do they get 20 dollars in tips!? its not fair. and tbh, i really wanted to do it with them, but i just couldn't that time, of course the one time some qt's wanna take shots with me its when im working haha
thats what bullies say
i dunno man, my senses are honed through years of loneliness

Literally my least favorite cripple.

I think she rapes you at one point.

my waifu is the most kawaii

uh ok so what now?

Tohsaka poster is back for a bit before I head off to bed

not much.

>tried drawing chara in my spare time.
>ended up drawing Vivan somehow.

cory in the house was nothing but Oscar bait fag

Don't even try to deal with her.

it's a secret.

Dont worry we just need one more to finish our research, this one requires full body nudity...
>Very good looking full body nudity~
Oh I'm getting all kinds of ideas.
>Very lewd ones~


that looks cool

Chara pls.

I can has that boipucci? I lov u :'(


That's a nice pic! Sadly I'm no richfag and commisioning pics is just... nah for me

Not sure what to think of this, but I'm no artist myself

I have no idea what you're talking about
Am just a friendly muslim

Just barely
7 hours left, thirsty.

Ah I think you deserve a reward for this

>Bob Ross

Thank (You)

Topkek, you tell me! I swear one of the waitress must be sucking off the customers every once in awhile. It really isn't kek. Who knows maybe she'll come back one day haha.

Sorry to disappoint but that last picture i posted is actually the lewdest picture i've ever seen of my waifu.

No fear, only dreams.
Im doing alright, nothing new to report.
For some reason i liked here more than Emi.
I might need to read ks again.
Oh, germany is that way.

>implying retarded armless chick and bbq girl are better

Oh, do tell sometime~
>I'm sure we can trade ideas, and more~

It was done by my friend, and he said he might do a pay by effort model. I'm sure a simple $5 one could get you a pretty good sketch, especially since the character design seems a lot simpler than what I asked for.
>Chara in a swimsuit
>Makoto in a gypsy fortune telling outfit with tarot cards
Big difference in effort.

Lily a best cripple. Hanako a close second.


>butthurt fag is butthurt
>i'm no artist myself
I'm not an artist either. i just draw to pass time at work.
sounds tough. i'm doing fine, hands are a little sore. but i'm fine.


Akiko claimed

I'm back. What did I miss?

ah alright thank you goy
we need to culturally enrich as many countries as possible after all

working hard?

nothing. now pretend you saw nothing.
tripping over on concrete. sounds silly, i know.



(You)'re welcome
besides those trips I suppose.

True enough... but then I could just sit down and try it myself. I'm just too lazy and I really have no damn money.

>That's why I'm writing applications now

Oh, Didn't know that. I don't draw anymore. Used too though.

Heya Akiko! Missed nothing I suppose. Just newfags.
QOTT: Do you think Sup Forums is more cancer than it was when you joined?

I don't think so, It was always a shithole and it will always be. It goes with the flow of time. Earlier there were no memes, but there was some other shit.

I dont know...

>Its to dull

Akikos plz of help em win Chara's boipucci heart.

Can't resist a bad girl




Karen was a jew all along

now we get ripped bro, you gotta spot me on my super set
>sucking people off under the counter
must be! but i guess thats just how it is, chicks at my work make way more in tips as well
>maybe shell come back
maybe, but i kinda fucked up, her friend was more sober and nice, but at the end of the night i saw the drunk girl was being carried around by paramedics cus she was too faded, i walked up to them both and said "had to much to drink eh?" and her sober friend gave me this look like "fuck off dude" so i just kinda walked away
everyone got a free can of peaches


Wow I actually couldn't find any.
>But stumbled onto esdeath bondage?
Oh I'll tell you some thoughts
>and show you some tradeables~



i dont want 2

ralph pootawn claimed

Check these trips!

You tripped over a raised concrete block or what?

fuckin nice, i now wanna see nude edits with little chibi anime grills


Fair enough. I wouldn't paying $5 if you wanted one though.
Any luck on any thus far?

And absolutely not. Sup Forums has always been absolute shit, but ever since I branched to other boards I've been enjoying myself far more. But Sup Forums hasn't changed a single bit other than the community name that I go to.

I expected no le-
>Karens head is cut off
That small detail is going to drive me up the wall.

......well, I did tell you to ask Karen. Enjoy it I guess?

Tradeables? What are those?

And I'm back. Finally. I didn't think I'd be gone that long.

Well that's very suspicious old man fister

Hey Chara. Nice pic
I'm newfag. I've only been here for 2 years because I didn't shit this place up when I was underage. It was cancer and now it's still cancer. When I arrived it was edgy faggots trying to disprove each other. Now it's pretty much the same except there's a lot more trap threads. That's about all I've noticed

I already won Chara when I made him that pic

So he's the one that took my shekels

>tfw just went to the store to buy food
>bought 4 cans

Fuck I really hoped nobody would notice that
fine, this one is better anyway

not today!

Here you go, one chibi coming right up

anotha one

Bretty gud my dude, you might be able to give coWizards a run for his money.


no, just tripped over when walking downhill. didn't trip on anything really. just placed my foot in the wrong place.


>esdeath bondage?
Found precisely -one- more lewd picture and i was looking that whole time.
Strange how little there is.

ouch, you all good? You at work right now or what?


Noooooo!!!! ::(((.

You are so bully.>>>>>>:(((

Not at all. Cinemas aren't looking for someone right now. I'm a bit hesistant to write to retail again since those never answer me anyway...

But it seems like I still have to write there. Here I go...

I knew you'd like that pic

I cant really decide witch one of the 2 is the best.
Maybe Hanako.
Keep going.

3 hours later

Best type moon claimed
Yes definitely, though there is some degree of "I used to be with it"

>full lewd
Dang shizu

Better I suppose.


I forget, are you in the states? If so, I could suggest security...

And you're still awake!? This is unhealthy you know!

Hello everyone.

Filthy traitors, I will of destroy u.


This is for my one and only Chara.

I *heart* you my love.

Very strange, minor has few pictures as well. But at least she has some lewds.
Just pictures that would be of me.
>for pictures that would be you~

I didn't knew there's someone who hates Chara besides me

who the fuck are you?


>muh equality
It's always gonna be lop-sided. Hahahah, oh that's rich. I'm pretty sure you weren't trying to be a dick but eh if she took it like that screw her. You all should know your limits when doing that shit.

He's pretty cringy.
