I'm a scientologist, ask me anything you want

I'm a scientologist, ask me anything you want.

Why do you believe it

lol what the fuck is wrong with you

Where can I find excellent incest sex storys?

Where is the mothership

Just how many slaves does sea org have these days?

could you go fuck yourself? ... morron

Do you realise that your founder, L. Ron Hubbard, was documented as saying "the best way to make money is to start your own religion"?

This, bump

Why is it called scientology if it has nothing to do with science?

you think it doesn't

What certainty we have of the existance of god excepting the faith?

I don't think

Could you please kys? Also prove to me Operation Snow White doesn't automatically make your religion a farce.

Why do you pretend to be a scientologist on Sup Forums?

Why is your symbol based on a cross? Do you believe Jesus was an alien?

I would think the child rape that good ole L. Ron was doing might have more relevance to his irrelevance

why did you poison that one guy's cat way back in the day when Anonymous was calling you out on your shady bullshit?

Why havent you responded to anyone?

As a matter of fact, I do have a spare $350000 and I'd like to take the Bridge to Total Freedom as far as OTIIV. Where do I sign up?

Why haven't you killed yourself yet

As someone who actually grew up in $cientology, im mildly curious to see what OP has to say.