What is the worst thing you've ever fapped to?

What is the worst thing you've ever fapped to?

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Your mom

Mr Hands

isis execution video

this right now

chaturbate com/fullacum123/

Two shemales sucking each other off. I'm totally not gay but damn they looked like two teenage goth girls.

a video of my father fucking my mom.

This. Once hot on chaturbate and paid two preggo Filipina chicks to lick and fist each others asses for $20.

Bitches probably ate for a week with that $20

I guess that makes me a philanthropist.

horse porn.

Probably that video of a guy torturing a bunny, cutting it's pussy to widen it and then fucking the hole. It's surprising how limp the bunny got. Also I swore it was dead several minutes in but then it'd move its head.

Anyways, that one is up there.

my nihher

Post it

20$, nigger you could bought them from that.

Only took 2 minutes

girls crushing crabs to death with their feet





Waterboarding video on efukt


is this real?

trap & beast
lowest ive gone is about 13. teens are ok. thats just natural. (whats not natural is stalking, involuntary force, disrespect of property rights as abc repeat behaivour)

The ABC Model of Attitudes: Affect, Behavior & Cognition

honestly personally worse thing though?

maybe my mum before she was fat?
wet dream over my sister as a trap in grade 9
i became infatuated with this girl whos family (american military intelligence) has been stalking me for years in conjunction with my own pack of blood criminals. use to multiple masturbate to her daily like pic related to the point my body was destroyed from the mineral deposition. ended up losing a tooth because of this malnourishment and some other bad shit like an involuntary hospital tour. so that was personally the worst.

what is it?

picture of my mom breastfeeding me, lol.

Why dont you watch it and find out faggot

damn 13 what a fucking pedo

I'm afraid its cp.

I want to fap to this just so that I can say I have done it. No idea who I would tell about it tho. Maybe I save it on a usb stick and then on my death bed whisper, "i fapped to this", and hand over the stick.

been going 13 since i was 12 what then faggot

is this cp?

kek are you still going at those 13 year olds? well if you do you will probably be interesting in staying around school yards

fucking press play you dumb autistic fuck.


I knew I should have watched rest of the harry potter films.

a youtuber


yes it is and you should report it immediately as illegal content

vagino wigardium lesbiosa

man wtf... I'm glad it wasn't illegal content. I reported and since it wasn't removed I figured it was ok.

Still wtf. I barely ever go on Sup Forums and when I do ....


id say after about that it definitely drops off a lot. depends whos a good girl

ur the guilty mind for ur implying u pedo shit

nah what i do is break in their window at night give the bird to their family at the dinner table and then RAPE HER IN THE SHOWER

franchise went to shit after Hermione hit puberty

kek i ain't the 36 year old that goes to elementary schools and tries to pick up children in they're white van, thats you're job cunt slut

A guy cumming inside a male dog..

a 13-yr-old boy


i lost interest after the first 4 books. i was a massive fanboy. then there was that huge wait period to the 5th and it became like normie shit and i lost interest and gained it in other stuff. still read andbought the next couple books but it wasnt the same as the first 3. think mum got them for my birthdaypresent one year then i asked her for the 4th. back whenever the 4th release date was.



damn nigga u hardcore

but i wrote like 20 words..

123 4 hp books good

mate im missing a fucking tooth that 60,000 year old chinese mungo men still have in tact.

eh, deepweb and it was quite awhile ago. It was a site full of animal torture stuff tho that I somehow stumbled upon while looking for something else entirely. Animal's nightmare I think?

OH SHIT, i just noticed this guys a pedophile and he's trying to be a bad ass but he's just fucking lying because he's fucking cunt slut this is probably what he looks like in real life

You're weird.

a baby pic of my sister

your momma


That shits fucked up mang

12yearold detected

lurk more newfag

Every finger-box thread.

My nigga u is hardcore

oh shit we should get that one guy that said he fucks 13 year olds maybe that kids birthday is tomorrow that one guy will probably snatch that nigga up when he's 13


To my female OSRS character wearing black dhide chaps and a monk robe top. Her curves was so nice.

>and when I do ...

... you get b& for making spurious reports of illegal content

would you fuck a girl in a wheelchair? i would

Depends, how big is her dick?




holy shit kek

haha fuck

>Sup Forums

Lately I've watched guys licking out the semen of other men out of their (claimed) wife... Or their own...

I am disgusted by myself after I am finished, but somehow it totally makes me horny and I try to find more in this weird genre.

I am disgusted by myself. 1111

I bet he wanked himself dry to that for the next three months

from a thread earlier today

>see this thread
>oh jeez oh god how will they react to my muscle growth fetish
>skim replies

I feel really good about myself all of a sudden


this is something you should be disgusted about

greatest aboriginal blood in existence


There is no great aboriginal blood you fucking nigger


Picture of a trap's ass. He/She looked very feminine and had a nice ass. I'm ashamed.

I am way less disgusted by that than males eating cum out of a fucked pussy.

ok neanderthal you literal fucking monkey

pic of an aitopsy on some girl

especially when I amateurishly photoshopped Emma Watson's head onto it

then I photoshopped her brother into it and really got off on the idea of him watching his sister's autopsy

okay then you can fuck the girl with a dog dick

Go sniff some petrol and steal my tax dollars

missionary for the purpose of procreation

This circumcised dick

the guy who stole your tax dollars owes me more anyway.viking

still not the weirdest thing i've seen

well, that's a red rocket if i ever saw one.

i wonder what breed it is.

grow up

i dont fap to disgusting porn usually, but icky movies are a whole different thing:
evil dead 1 and remake
the aftermath (necrophilia in an obduction room with screwdriver violence and shit)
cannibal holocaust
and of course a serbian film

tbh i usually fapped to the less disgusting scenes and more to the sexual moments and naked ladies. but i'd be lying that i disnt have a boner through half of these movies

girl/sauce ?