Brock Turner

Brock Turner

> 20 mins of action for six months of hard time in a special non violent facility is too steep and should of just let him go ?

> Did the judge make the right call ?

> Is it the girls fault for being too drunk and letting herself be a whore deserved being thrown behind a dumpster ?

> Did the judge really give Brock Turner father a high five after court ?

> Did the judge play this off race ?, because if he we're anything else but white he would of received the full 14 years.

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he's probably not going to do it again. blackies will 9/10 re-offend and need to be punished much harder. dats why mah nigga

>he didnt even rape her that badly

kill yourself OP you rape apologist

I so it's ok to rape correct and throw behind a dumpster fuck it.

You have to be the ultimate form of beta if it takes a broad passing out for you to get laid

But he's all state swimmer brah and still didn't get pussy.. i'm not thinking beta i'm think more of the end of the alphabet zulu.

Thanks to the media rape nowadays is such a broad term. What did he actually do?

Remember folks.
>Girl is drunk.
>Girl makes stupid decision increasing personal risk.
>Something bad happens to girl.
>Not her fault, drinking affects decision making.

>Male is drunk.
>Makes a decision that causes harm to another.
>He knew what he was doing and carries 100% accountability.

I'm out, I'm so fucking out.

he rapped a girl at a party and threw her in the back of a dumpster. The judge said because she was drunk she can't really be sure what happened.. brocks father told the judge 14 years is to long for 20 mins of action.

I've been drunk around a lot of women i'm not like oh look free pussy.. it doesn't work like that people plus I would vomit all over them i'm not a good drunk fucker I admit. I mean even if i'm I still wouldn't.. my game it strong and I don't need to act like a rapist.

I mean what was the actual rape. What did he actually do? Cock in holes, fingered her, what?


Remember anons, don't vomit on your rapees, it leaves DNA evidence.

I get that but why is it not a mitigating factor for the perpetrator?

he fucked her while she was passed out drunk.. threw in back of dumpster after done... he cum dumpster the bitch.

what are you talking about user, humanity is just recognising that males are more capable of making decisions under the same circumstances as an adjacent woman.

Whilst the outcome is unfair, the ultimate principle behind it is satisfying to say the least


Assuming that's actually what happened it's pretty bad. Not sure I believe it though.

He fuck her dude.. I don't understand what you don't understand what rape is.. pic related fuck man.

there's gotta be a way to highjack equality bs with this.

I'm black dude, give me a break.

Bottom line he raped a chick and judge gave him 6 months in a non violent facility for people that j walked and ran from the cops or some shit.


hahaha so fucking retarded

than you should know what rape it.

The nigger gets 14 years but the white boy gets 6 months for white privilege and after the nigga is out the white judge says.. wait there's more don't go to sleep on me yet nigger.

If this dude plays it right he can become a poster boy for reform programmes and rehabilitation.

I'm assuming he actually is intelligent as everyone reports. He should push for all the courses etc and make sure he excels in them. Then a few years down the line can start a major campaign for softer sentencing for rapists so they can be redeemed and not just lost to violent prisons.

If I pull a gun and tell a woman to fuck me is that rape? Like i never directly threatened her, or forced myself.

That's fine, right?

Ya ya that sounds all nice and shit but would you be saying the same thing if he were black?

Implied threat is still a threat.

is that.. is that a real question or did you break into a public library high on meth and log onto for Sup Forums with that retard ass comment.

Sure, I just want to piss off the feminists. It would be better, and I can't believe I'm typing this, if he were black.

Of course that's rape. That's rape by coercion.


What if I don't point the gun at them, just like wave it around a bit?

I'm glad you're actually just an idiot.

fuck you, it is hard to get the details of this case.

"He claimed that she was conscious and eager while he kissed her, “dry-humped” her on the ground next to a trash can and penetrated her with a finger."

Finger in vagina. She has some internal abrasions. No trace of semen. Some dirt on her labia.

Remember she consented to going back to his for sex. She fell over on the way. They start making out. She passed out then he had a crack at finger banging her.

This was definitely not a case if rape

The joke's on you! I was merely pretending to be retarded!

That's it? Jesus! give him six days in lockup.

lol.. he says sure. I'm "sure" you wouldn't..white are sometimes no different from blacks.. think you're all special and don't deserve to do time for crime. You had a lot of positive shit to say about a rapist and his positive thinking which he won't do to serve his community in a rapist class to tell them its wrong to rape.. fuck man where do you live? what state?

He was convicted by a jury of his peers because she was too drunk to consent to enthusiastically go home with him and ashamed to be finger banged where other girls saw her.

dafuq is wrong with you? are you going to arrest every guy that makes out with a drunk chick?

Yeah, that's what I meant. You're actually just an idiot acting retarded.

TN, but that's not the point.


this guy..... well if you have a daughter, mother, sister, cousin just family that's a female and she says iv'e been raped you're dumb ass would say.. was there a gun? how he do it? was it dry humping? did he put dick in you? or was he just waving around the gun? fuck off troll bitch.

Exactly. Its just this case has been picked up big time by the media and distorted. Everyone has an opinion on it yet no one has even bothered to look into the court case, just assuming what's been fed to us by the media is the relevant info.

Tldr: meet drunk bitch at party. Take her to yours to hook up. She passes out. You so drunk you can't get it up. Still raep. Go figure.

It is the point.. that's the point you just tried to make.. you're making it out like it something ok now he can teach a class of rapist its not ok to rape. You must be a trump supporter. You say something retarded than try to make it seem not bad..

bottom line he left a party with a girl kissing and groping him and now he is going to jail because she is ashamed to be caught dry humping in public.

I'm pretty sure I've done worse than this to my gf, and the other way around too.


kissing and groping doesn't mean you can fuck.. you can fuck when the chick says.. lets fuck. Not fuck her than leave her behind a dumpster moron. You're fucking idiot dude.. i bet you're a beta just like brock.

No my point is, there are all these systems in place already and the dude could profit from gaming them.

Of course I don't believe they actually work but that's not the point. Institutions run these courses and such and the government support them so they can't be like oh no, these courses? They're all bullshit.


Depends on how much I believe their story.
> someone cried rape, so it must be true, no further questions

>Is it the girls fault for being too drunk and letting herself be a whore deserved being thrown behind a dumpster ?



it begins.

I am glad you want to live in a world where you can go to jail any time a girl kisses you. I don't.

A drunk girl enthusiastically going back with a boy for sex is now against the law? or is it only when she regrets it the next morning?



Well my point it the best class he should take is how to get rapped in prison 101 by some hemp C aids virus inmates in gen pop. That's my point.


I'm not saying what he deserves, I honestly don't care.

What I'm saying is this is a good time to highlight the bullshit in the system and to piss off the feminists.


o no no no no don't get me wrong homie bitches do lie about rape for sure BUT.. when cops come to pick you up behind a dumpster and you have been fucked you didn't know what happened she could of been drugged ... she admitted to drinking but not being drunk. He might of threw a beta pill in that drink you never know.

Bottom line here is that everyone wants him held accountable and to go to jail for 14 years over a stupid drunken decision. Yet nobody feels this women has to be accountable for any of her drunken decision. I mean yes rape is bad but if a woman is too drunk to say yes or no and people defend her over it what's the difference of a man being too drunk to decipher right from wrong? Kind of a double standard in this situation.

I think we live in a fucked up world.
The consequences of being falsely accused of rape are now heavier than having been actually found guilty of it.

This kid should fucking hang, it's the victims of slander I stand with.

Are you 12

>she admitted to drinking but not being drunk.

So they like, took a blood test to check blood alcohol right?

he did not fuck her.
he dry humped her and touched her pussy.

I have bad news for you, you are probably a rape baby

wow, who the fuck.. is thinking about.. feminists bro good lawd.

he fucked her and threw he behind a dumpster while he was passed out. Did you even read the story or did you just have your thumbs up your ass and came in here and posted.

>you never know
yeah, so let's put in jail every boy that makes out with a drunk girl in jail just in case.

How about you find out?

Yeah, sounds pretty rough, still no reason to attack and ridicule people asking questions.
Also, if he did indeed only finger her, it should affect the sentencing.
Still, he deserves some punishment.
> not drunk
So it was consensual? *badabum tsssh*

Girl: "He raped me"
Boy: "No I didn't"

Yea they did all types of test on her.. you level of consumption wasn't high and he didn't dry hump her he fucked her with his little beta dick than left her behind a dumpster.

can you provide any source of that?

I have seen nothing that says anything other than he was dry humping her by a dumpster and run away when some sjw people showed up

if she was hot i would understand a bit more, but she was a fat ugly bitch ..

> source?
I assume the factored in how much she drinks on a regular basis?

you forgot the part where if she regrets it the next day it is rape too

Good point, anyone got a picture of the bitch?

Nah that's scenario two. Gotta get the basics down before you go into the realm of vanishing consent.

Just protecting the dude because hes white.. if he were black there would be a load of people saying nigger in here but since white its very calm and no if she liked him and wanted to fuck him there wouldn't be this conversation right? I think you're just beta's like brock.. you understand his pain of trying to get pussy and will go the extra mile to think what he did was valid.

That state considers finger in vag to be rape. Some states don't. Either way the judge knows more than a bunch of autistic NEETs or landwhale SJWs

>He fuck her dude.. I don't understand what you don't understand what rape is..
I don't understand what you find so hard about using periods or past tense

read the story.

He ia an idiot to fuck an unconcious woman but I believe that excessive drinking and liberalism are a pest for our society.

Nah, I think rape laws in General are somewhat unfair and should be challenged to create new and better standards.
> inb4 better means men can rape whomever

Actually when it comes down to dealing with female lies like this Sup Forums is occasionally for the blacks.


I think the judge knows about white privilege because the judge was white and brock is white but ill tell you this if he were black fuck.............. he would get 14 years hard time but since the little white boy is a swimmer mmmmmmm so cute a swimmer and hes white.. welllllllllllllllllllllllllllllll we'll let it go this one time.

>if she liked him and wanted to fuck him.

She did like him, she enthusiastically kissed him and left the party with him.

Then some people saw them dry humping by a dumpster and she felt embarrassed

The skank whore who seduced Brock and who then pretended she remembered nothing, should be grateful that a fine young stud would even look at her.

Will you be my boyfriend? No? RAPE!

Than fuck off back to a dick sucking thread for male on male only.

bullshit. she was going back to his dorm with him and passed out and he fingered her on the ground. try reading the news, sport.

It probably has more to do with them being rich and sports and connections, before it comes down to race.
Any cracker ass whitey would have gotten a harsher verdict than promising swimmer Richy McKnowsTheJudge


Girl needs to own her decision. She was going to his place with him to hook up. Also he only felt her up, there was only digital penetration. If he gets charged with rape then any of us could.

actually had that happen. thank god everyone knew the bitch was a serial liar.