ITT: we pull out our oldest most raggidy ass condom we have left over from half a millennia ago and see if its still...

ITT: we pull out our oldest most raggidy ass condom we have left over from half a millennia ago and see if its still usable.
Whatd you think, Sup Forums?

Well I used mine, sorry I failed you Sup Forumsros

>expiration date 12.2016
wot mate

I go through a variety 12 pack a month. The flavored ones I toss so I'm not quite sure how many make it on my dick.

I'm sure they would still work if I tried.

I have a pet goat but I don't feel like slicing it up to use its intestines as a condom

Had an old condom and ended up getting some girl prego, never mix up your condoms Sup Forums

i was snooping around my cousins room and found a used condom the night after her bf stayed over...i kept that shit and have it tucked away deep in my closet.

Ok I know this isn't the place to ask, but, I have a roast that I just put in the oven, I have it set on 175 and don't plan on taking it out till about 6, is that too long?


Never used condoms. I always go natural. Condoms are the unsexiest thing ever. All girls that are sexually active and don't want a baby need to be on the pill. Most are but they all need to be.

>not saying what timezone you are in
>me taking bait

What is local time?

>trusting a woman when she says she on the pill

Wew lad. Good thing you've never touched a pussy. You'd already be a dad

Not bait. Just overlooked that detail
Local time is 9:16.

Haven't had to use condoms for 3 years with my girlfriend/fiancée. She's infertile.

I take my chances and make sure I have a couple hundred bucks to take her to the clinic.

>implying the abortion is even your choice.
Jesus christ.

>implying women aren't stupid and easy to manipulate.

What are those things?!

You really have never been around a woman have you? Females as a whole are smart as fuck. Not book smart. But money smart. You said you have money? She knows this. If you knocked her up, why would she give up a free pay check?

The reason your grandmother got pregnant

She doesn't know anything about my finances. Why would she? Are actually dumb enough to talk money with women? Non of these girls have a fucking clue how much I really make.

Get a fucking clue user.