>all parties agree that it is the only way to secure our future

Other urls found in this thread:

has a nice ring desu

...and join Russia in 2018 ;^)



>Euroopan unioni
>no hits

unite... with ... mongolia


the article has nothing to do with the EU, by the way.

Just throwing it out there.

Literally why? You have literally no economic infrastructure. This will only fuck you up even more.

Suomi is gretest country

>After careful investigation, it was discovered that the previous Attorney General made mistakes in preparation of the legal basis for joining the EU

>joining the EU was against the Finnish consitution

>mistakes were made

>we are very sorry

You literally can't make this shit up

Wont happen

>european """"""""""union""""""""""

Holy shit, they're so fucking ugly

>You have literally no economic infrastructure

They sell paper, artisan scissors and memes, they will be fine.

Finland can come and join NAFTA

Told you not to switch currency you dumb cucks. Grab everything valuable while I call Denmark, let's GTFO before Germany finds out.

Good goy

that's not what it says tho

They have nice personalities

Why are finns so autistic

>tfw finland wants to be strong and independent
>tfw china invests in finnish infrastructure

>Learn cantonese
>Be treated like shit by chinamen for the rest of your life

The most dangerous meme

>Britain leaves the EU.
>Other countries start to get pissed and consider leaving.
>Eu forces to take taxes of apple
Will Ireland finally stop sucking EU cock?
Will the Germans finally be stopped until the next time they want to fuck up Europe?

Britain has nothing to do with it. We've always hated the EU more than they do.

Those Blue cuckholds, last thing the EU needs is more power over its member states.

Don't pass judgement, it's what they want. It's just not for us and inevitably our interests must diverge.

Personally I'm more in favor of a nordic union.

the second we leave EU putin will come to us with a trollface and say:
hey guyse you're autonomies back in 1917 was illegal, we occupie now :DDDDDDDDDDDddddd

china invests in finnish infrastructure? source on this one? any more info about it?

You guys (meaning NEETs on 4chinz) talk a lot about nordic union, but your countries never do anything to support it. If there was a possibility of a nordic economic-militarist union where we look out for each other a vast majority of Finns would be up for it, even if we used your cuck language, but you niggers never do anything besides gather more sandnigs.

Arguably we already have a union since we have a council, special passport agreements and even harmonized many laws in an attempt to make economic dealings easier.

were in for money, no one here could care less for northwest calipahte

>china invests in finnish infrastructure?

Tjaah veli. Päätit sit mennä ja puhua täyttä paskaa.

>"""""""United""""""" Kingdom

Cantonese is the ugliest language on earth and it's spoken only by the ugliest chinese people, who would learn it for any other reason than intellectual curiosity ?

Jesus m8

Stuff like this makes my blood boil. The situation is completely the opposite



In that vein of thought the UK and Ireland are a union.

This is neat, but is Finland, as a country, even self-sufficient? I imagine it'll be able to work out trade deals pretty easily, but ... it's not like they have the backbone of, say, the United Kingdom.

what kind of dumb question is that ?

are you part of the
>leaving the EU means leaving in total autarcy
retard crew ?

That's a bit hostile for what I thought would be a fairly innocuous question. Finland, as a state, has been involved with political entities that are far larger than it and I'm intrigued on if it has the economic strength to keep itself moving "forward" after leaving the EU block.

A union of the UK, Norway, Sweden and Iceland.


How will they get their ES afterwards?


Yes we do. We were much better without EU. The Euro is fucking our shit up

That's not what it says you fucking Olgino-fag

Interesting. Thanks for the response. I started web-searching the country's GDP growth and I'm probably going to keep looking around for more information.

Hopefully things'll go smoothly with a Fixit.


They've built that big shiny new EU building the Europa aka the Space Egg in Brussels.

Did anyone actually read it

OP is trolling, that's not even nearly what the article is about. Run it through Google translate

I'm guessing they didn't let you vote on it?


I'm shocked that Finland could become even more irrlvent.

Finland is gonna become African teir got relevance.

I'm happy if we do. While you retards get bombed by Mehmet and Ahmed we stay irrelevant.

>implying you aren't cucked too

>ancient meme images
If you were Finnish you could tell at a glance that almost all of those are straight up false or misinterpreted.

Let's make a new and better European Union

>3/4th of the population is club med parasites
the budget will work even worse for Finland then

Your version looks expensive.

Anglo culture is repressive as fuck with a shitton of ridiculous laws catering to bitter old people and with a repressive (and schizophrenic in a sense) prudish mentality. We don't need more of that influence. Anglo media has poisoned nordic values enough.

I'd rather go into union with Germany.

>all the PIIGS
>some ex-commies

enjoy lol

We need to keep Germany, but they should be made to work for free to pay for our lifestyles as penance for destroying Europe FIVE (5) times.

East Asia welcomes you anytime

Fuckin amen brother

>Spain mocking other countries for not being united


This has already been tried in the 70s and it was shit so we bailed and joined the EU

Yeah but 70s Britain wasn't super strong.

>be finlan
>get out of eu
>get annexed b russia

>be 70s Britain, former world superpower
>lose war against Iceland

>3 times in a row

federalization of the nordic council when?

Wouldn't work

Iceland is England's biggest nemesis. Even since long before the #notcominghome event.

Scotland would though.

finalnd is in the EU ?
sinnce when?