Tfw snorting 20 lines of coke a day

>tfw snorting 20 lines of coke a day

anyone here managed to quit coke?

>20 lines


>managed to quit coke?
Yea lmao I started crack

its a long descent into hell enjoy the ride

I use to main line a half a gram to a gram a day. One day I just's not like you go through withdrawals or anything. Heroin was much worse

Are you the same guy that also can smoke 4 packs of cigs a day? Seriously just blow your head off. We won't have to see your pathetic shit every day. You'll be getting cancer and dying in a year or so anyways I guess.

Yeah. It's called making a choice to change and following through. If you need extra help go to a support group or therapy.

Just stopped.

>coke is addictive
>coke works when sober

I managed to quit coke, mainly because I switched from a cocaine addiction to an alcohol addiction. I gave up alcohol several months ago and ever since I've been having cravings for cocaine.

I was heavily addicted to marijuana for 3 years, but now I'm a month and a half clean. If I can quit marijuana, you can easily quit cocaine, it's much less addictive.

I started doing cocaine when I was sixteen, before I started drinking. It definitely has a strong effect when sober. Cocaine is addictive in the way cigarettes are addictive

Used to do 1.5 - 2 grams twice a week at least. Oddly enough when I quit smoking cigarettes cocaine followed behind and I haven't touched either for nearly two years now. Just delete your dealers number and switch phone providers so you can't look it up in your records. You'll be fine

Was starting to coke it it , then one day i was at the mall and i saw a guy with a bandaid on his nose and he began talking to me. His story was that he did a lot of cocaine and it ate away the cartilidge in his nose so now he has a flat face . Yw


As much as I doubt you do 20 lines a day but if you did how are you not dead yet

shit b8

2/10 made me reply

>anyone here managed to quit coke?

im having trouble getting addicted. shit is so expensive here, like 500 a gram.

what is a gram / 8 ball price around you?

>500 a gram

which currency you fucking dildo

I had five whole cokes today, grow a pair.

u must be a faggot australian

Splitting a gram today between me and my gf, got a crisp 100 from the bank, going bowling tonight. Gonna be a good day.

Cocaethynol or however you spell it is a good mix, don't quit , do more OP you faggot,

I'm streaming 400$ a day up my nose

body gets used to it very fast

I cant afford it anyway

right. its a fair way to traffic and a small market so they dont bother.. and shit is expensive.

faggot .. probably getting stepped on bullshit

i wish i was your dealer

The fuck are you on about

i can get a gram of decent coke for 60 USD .. fire shit is around 80-100

>did coke all weekend
>stop because now i have to work and be an adult all week

try that

you buy garbage coke for your faggot self and your fat girlfriend

I quit jib......

That shit is hard to quit. I had to leave the country. No shit I really left the country to stay off crystal.

>doesnt do coke at work

fucking child

What makes you think it's garbage coke? Sounds to me like you're projecting.

Hell i couldn't even get addicted to the shit around here if I wanted to. I wish I knew of some high quality in the area.

>quit the coke
But why?

this is irrelevant to coke but I didn't want to shitpost and start a new thread... but... can Klonopin be crushed up and put in a drink and work to the full extent? trying to turn my boyfriend into a zombie so I can rape him

well first off you're not a serious coke user because ur splitting a gram lol .. also, you just sound like a faggot and i can almost guarantee youre coke is cut to hell and your dealer is laughing with joy every time you ring him.

>works at rehab facility
>cant do coke

obviously it will work you fucking retard

you get a pass

I managed to kick meth. It's pretty easy once you get past the fact you'll never be happy again.

>not a serious coke user
Why do you have to be serious to use coke? It's just fun.

>Trying to act hard on the internet about drug use
What a fag you should kill yourself 'cause you project and don't know shit about the other cokehead's money situation or how often he even does it.

Not once you get past casual(at a party or when you're just bored) use it's not, It's a fucking pain going to the bathroom every 20-30 mins to bump up not to mention how much of a fucking hole it burns in your wallet

Sorry you're at that point, but I'm not. It's just a party edition at this point.


did you just learn this word today faggot? when did i ever bring up this niggers money situation tard? i said he's buying garbage cut coke and im most likely right .. stay salty cuck

All the coke I've had was very under-whelming. I know for a fact the coke was pretty shit though.

I do know I've had very good crack, and even then it wasn't really worth it. Did it feel fucking amazing? Yes. Did my whole head ring and face go numb? Yes. Was it fucking expensive and didn't last very long? Yes.

Ehhhh. I still throw in whenever one of the twos around of I have the extra dosh.

Get out now. trust me


No use advil


>yes, but i keep going back to it

>500 a gram
>lives in zimbabwe


replace it for meth

I got 2g of pure coke. Im down to the last 1/3g and I kinda hate it. My nose is fucked up...still healing and painful after 4 days of not using. It wakes me up well but the 'high' is barely noticeable aside from that. Others have same experience?

>pure coke
>nose hurts

m8, your coke is shit

What kind of pissed of fag are you


Tried it a few times in college, never really "did it" for me. Haven't done it in 15 years. Now if I could just figure out how to quit masturbating 3 times a day...

You sound like a fat drama queen who say she was friends with anna montana in highschool but got into drugs at 12 amd pregnant twice at 15 but rolled down the stairs but now a special snowflake 16yrs old

I know youre probably 25 or something, im just saying thats what you sound like

the best kind nigger, what of it?

tested at 92% - straight off the brick

Man theres no such thing as pure coke lol

>I can ASSUME your coke is cut
>I can do this because I am an internet badass who knows all this shit already

You project, faggot. You're too stupid to even read between lines and see the statements. Go back to sniffing your shitty drugs.

ReadI honestly dont know why you just picked a random faggot to bully on though

coke addiction is a joke compared to opiates
Try doing heroin or oxy and quitting that

Pretty accurate, smoked since 9 weed and drink at 12 , first x tab at 14 coke at 15 fucked ever since

I managed to quit all friendships with people doing coke. Thats about it and thats what I can advice everyone.

Was also hooked on benzos , that's a rough one

Yes. I dunno how much I was snorting a day but it was ALOT. I couldn't see light at the end of the tunnel but about 1 month after quitting cold turkey i wonder now why the fuck i did that shit

lol there we go with that buzzword again

youre the one that sounds mad boi .. must be a another faggot doing shitty blow with their fat gf

kys my man


fuck off sensitive bitch nigger

Did one line once. Was nice. Never really felt the need for a second.

You're SO mad.

managed to drink only 1 liter per day.. but i just cant quit..

I'm mad cause you're stupid. What else is there to it? Buzzword is your buzzword, friend, at least I can make a point without pretending to know people's situations and connects.

If you'e snorting 20 lines a day you're getting the wrong coke

you are SO Mad

No. Just kee`p up the good work!

>literally says he's mad
>just repeats it

75$ a g
180$ for 8ball

He is SO Mad

i quit after 5 years , cause i isnt a weak ass bitch

being THIS triggered

Get a week supply of oxycodone instead of coke and enjoy the incredible ride.

what a rare pepé

Mine's rarer :^)

I did it only a few times many years ago, yeah, i'm "old". Anyway, yeah, it was great, and probably at least 90% pure. A gf at the time got it.
It was pricey. I do have an "addictive personality", to many things, so the thought and interest in doing it again was there. But, the $ was not. So that was a major deterrent.
I'd like to eat fine gourmet food every day, and drive a luxury car too. No, lack of money was not the only deterrent, but the knowledge of addiction, and what is does to a person, financially, mentally, physically. "20 lines a day?" Hmmmm. Yeah, probably 20% pure, stepped with cheap speed, caffeine powder, and baking soda. Quitting? You got to want to.
Do whatever works for ya.

This is now a pepe thread

your a little faggot if you cant handle yourself on drugs, stay away from hard shit if you know you cant cut urself off after a good night of partying




coke is such a shit tier drug

Yup, swapped to light-roast espresso shots. A lot cheaper than cocaine and makes you just as productive.

Then sell coke to the patients and use the profits to feed your disgusting habit you fucking faggot.

Great idea tbh

Where in bruh. I used to get a ball for 220 at home in northern ont. Now i live in a small ass town with the shittiest dealers ive ever met and they charge 260-280 because its hard to get.

rip thread