Can anyone in north jersey sell me 1 30 mg oxy I just need enough to taper through the week

Can anyone in north jersey sell me 1 30 mg oxy I just need enough to taper through the week

ive got heroin if you want?

>I just need enough to taper through the week
Haven't heard that one before... lmao.

Yeah you won't taper shit


fucking junkies and their delusions.


Shut your face

I already have heroin, I don't usually buy off the street because it has impurities. Where are you?

lol i got a whole stash of roxies and dope right here .. good luck with those withdrawals pussy .. might as well make your way over to the nigger side of town and get some dope

And where are you from asshat. Lemme get one of those roxi's that don't exist. Pics or you're lying

When I lived in Baltimore I would always get calls at odd hours from junkies who needed "Just enough to taper off and quit" or "Just enough till I get to a rehab" or "till I get a job"

They always come back cuz its a fucking addiction

Delusional as fuck but thats how you make a lot of money off of crushed hopes and dreams

I GOT YOU. i gotta charge 35. you near the shore?

in amsterdam, holland


I probably have enough to taper I just need a roxi to snort 5 mg if I ever run out of dope this week and start feeling sick.

I have to work and working sick would be horrible

kek stay mad bitch boy

Not mear the shore. Kinda near newark, can I meet you half way

That looks expensive, are you making good money? Otherwise I'd just be buying dope.

are you legit trying to meet someone from Sup Forums IRL? for a drugdeal?

my god.. no wonder youre an addict, youre dumb as fuck

shit thats a far ride for 35 bucks


>no wonder youre an addict, youre dumb as fuck
m8 what does this even mean?

we got some want a pat on the back

Fuck outta my thread moron but thank you for the bump

no but a blowjob from your mom would be great

that you lack the cognitive ability to choose sobriety over drugs

the fact that i have to explain this is just as much proof though

shit with the amount of blues you doing im sure you cant even get it up. pop another and keep dreamin kid

I understand. Give me your contact though just in case I end up really needing it and I'll let you know later this week

Lol who are you talking to

so when a lawyer is addicted to painkillers is he also dumb? you're argument is retarded m8 .. nobody decides to become addicted lol so i have no idea wtf you are saying

no doubt...give me your email/number and well exchange info. hardly ever out your way but of you need em you need em

>mistaking blues for coke

bro my dick stays hard for hours on blues .. why you so mad broski?

>i dont buy off the street because it has impurities

lmao so are you getting your heroin from a lab?? lol youre a fucking tard

addicted - dependent - different

[email protected]

Email me a contact and I might contact you later in the week if I need it. Where are you, just so I know how far I'd have to drive

Not from a lab, off the tor network in the mail. Not 100% pure but better than what's on the street and almost certainly no teason to worry about fent when ordering online

i know you dont understand, thats why youre an addict

its like explaining the color blue to a blind person

If I could be alone with an opiate addict and beat and torture him/her to death with my bare hands and get away with it, I would. You're weak-willed and selfish. Truly scum of the earth.
OP, death cures withdrawals, just kill yourself.

Go ahead and try faghole. I'll kick your ass

junkie youre too weak to get a job, i would rape you and put your poor suffering mom out of her misery.

I have a job. Fuck off idiot

lol what a faggot

nice argument m8

how naive you are

I got blues for $25 all day. I'm in Bayonne. Hit me up [email protected]

And what's your experience been that convinces you otherwise. I'm confident enough in the fact that this guy won't cut his dope, it was tested on the avengers forum and was something around 90%. Good stuff and he has a reputation to uphold I doubt he's cutting anything

I used to be addicted to that shit. Get to an NA meeting. It's time to grow up.

NA is for dumbfucks. Get to a methadone clinic. Legal high for a few bucks a day.

Fuck off, just because your not happy doing this doesn't mean I don't like it. I don't have a bad habit at all I'm probably going through less than 30 mg a day of dope. Also I'm 20, working a crappy food service job 40 hours a week. If a little dope with my coffee in the morning helps than so be it

bro ive been doing dope for years .. the best dope ive done was always bought off the street .. the darkweb shit is overrated and for cucks that are too scared to go get their drugs like a regular addict .. pay 5x the price for a shit product .. dont believe the hype. Lmk how it goes when dude exit scams and ur looking for the next "fire" vendor

How does it work, does insurance cover most of it. Is it the same kind of deal as suboxone

in response to you

I'm an addict and this is 100% true. Get some Subs that shit is Junkie Christ Lord and Saviour.

dont listen to this faggot methadone is harder to stop then blues and you only get high from it the first few times ..

Yea idc I'd rather buy dope that has reviews. Fent scares me too much for me to buy off the street and rightfully so. How does 110 for .5 of some great dope sound to you?

Email sent

sounds fucking retarded when i get a gram for 80 bucks MAX that .. i can get dope for 45 a gram but its hit or miss .. you are throwing money away dude

You're a degenerate scumbag loser and I hope you OD

How much of that $85 gram gets you nice and comfy

You're an ignorant asshole and you deserve what's coming to you with that attitude

kys degenerate druggie

my tolerance is different than yours so it really is a stupid question .. m8, im just telling you the truth, you dont take my word for it .. ive experienced both sides, so not like im talking shit

you know nobody likes straight edge faggots right? girls laugh at you and everyone else wants to fuck you up

Insurance doesn't cover it, but where I live its $11 per dose which is a hell of a lot cheaper than dope. Methadone is a lot stronger than suboxone and its got a long half-life so one dose will keep you buzzed for about 12 hours.

They start you off at a low dose (usually 25 mg per day) but you can increase every 3-4 days up to 200 mg per day. I'm on 150 and it does me right. After you've been going for about 6 months and don't fail any drug tests they let you take home a weeks worth at a time. I like to take a double dose every other day. 300 mg of methadone will ring your bell for sure. And since the half life is so long, you won't go into withdrawals until about 3 days without dosing.

I highly recommend it as a legal and more socially acceptable alternative for the junkie who doesn't want to quit getting high but is tired of all the bs that comes with using illegal dope.

again .. dont listen to this faggot

methadone is literally the shittiest thing you can do

So estimate from baseline tolerance. Ehh I'm still worried about fent on the street and last time I ordered from him I got .7 for something like $90. It has lasted me more than two weeks. That price doesn't bother me every two weeks

Where are you

You're right dumbass, it's much shittier than buying heroin on the street.


>bitch boy

2 bags would be fine if you had a low tolerance .. ive had shit that would straight make you od off 1 bag if you didnt have a tolerance .. and fentanyl is just something to scare kids from using dope, its in there, but if you know what youre doing its not something that should bother you .. i actually prefer fent in my dope

lol took this long

Dude just go to 420chan and shut the hell up

way to justify being a slave to methadone faggot .. as if it will make him stop doing dope. So now he is buying dope on the street which he can stop on his own if he wants, and also taking methadone with all the other shitters like you in the morning on top of it. Brilliant advice

I got about 500 of em next to me

lel sure showed buddy

Okay I've officially wrote off any consideration of your opinion.

Sorry but
>i actually prefer fent in my dope

Is a supremely dumb statement

I have no intention of getting on methadone at the moment

bro you dont know what you are talking about lol

you only regurgitate the bullshit you read from fucking teens on reddit darknet forums .. i dont need you consider my opinion, i give two shits what you do .. was just lettin you know the real

Donmt get mad man, you said something stupid and I called you out. There wasn't any malice behind I'm just telling you that is a stupid thing to say. I'm comfortable with the price I'm paying but I'll take note that you can get stuff for much cheaper in paterson or newark

Also you're a teen on an internet forum

its stupid that i enjoy the fentanyl high? right

aah shut up faggot

I quit opiates and a very fast taper. Shit sucked but wasn't as bad as I expected. The restless legs are the worst. Diarrhea for a week, I survived. After a few nights of restlessness and insomia, you'll be ok. I never shot up though, I'm sure its different for you guys.

>restless legs are the worst
you are not lying

Fucking druggie. Get a life you sad pathetic faggot.

I never shot up either. I could probably go cold turkey and be fine, i went 20 hours before this morning. I'm just not trying to be in a shitty mood at work.

This job sucks enough already if I had to work without dope I'd want to kill myself. Funny thing is I barely even do anything for half the day except hang out with these goons

Well you definitely got off quicker than the latter does. If you are hooked on the blues longer than a year you're gonna have insomnia for a possible of ten years. But don't be mad. Life is good and just enjoy some new hobbies. Time to get back into fishing' working out' or whatever it was before. Good luck you guys.


>muh guns
>muh trump
>muh freedoms

>oh shit jesus and i need some Oxycontin just to put up with what a useless shite I am oh gawwwwwwwwwwwwwwwwdddddd

git gud burgerlard

dude you are gonna fucking regret not stopping but someone said these same exact words to me before and i told them to fuck off lol .. you just gotta go through it the hard way

> If you are hooked on the blues longer than a year you're gonna have insomnia for a possible of ten years

is this true? that's the first i heard this.

Yea now would probably be the time to stop if I were going to, I've probably snorted maybe 5 mg this morning or a little more. I could just taper or maintain for a few days and try to stop completely

No, Officer, I can't.

If you deserve to be free of addiction the suffering involved in quitting is a nice challenge, but like all addicts you are a pussy who deserved what they volunteeer for.

It's 100% true I can talk to you from personally dealing with it to others who would be happy to tell ya the same. Never went to rehab, been clean for a looong time, I've known probably 20 people close to me pass away messing around to much just off them, you'll end up seeing it a lot. I don't want to condescend or sound pompous or try and like tell you what to do or anything, but I'm just telling you cause' it's better to hear now than later m8. I haven't been around the culture in a long time and will never go back. You gonna feel that taper you're working off of for months with cravings for a solid year so yea, if you wanna talk just give me a way to message ya or I can talk to you guys anyway. Enjoy the little things more.

Pfffttt I need 3 to taper one shift behind the bar.

Wasn't OP you responded to

So sell me one

Finally down to 4mg. Life is beautiful again, I see the horizon....

I live in pill town orlando, bro. Sorry.


Mail one to me cuz your a nice guy.

How are you taking breaks three times a night to rail oxy in the bathroom. You're probably busy af. I'd lower that tolly if I were you but bartending in orlando on opioids doesn't sound all that bad at all

>you wonter taper shit


Your dumbass should have stayed away from Oxy's and anything that powerful. Norco's should have been the highest you went. Now you have a life long addiction if not craving for oxys and the stronger shit. It's just going to get tougher the older you get and the more aches n pains you have. Most people can tolerate hydrocodone withdrawal, a lot of people consider suicide withdrawing rom heroin/oxy's. Pills are cool kids, just know wtf you're getting yourself/body into.

We take mini breaks, most of my co workers do oxys or coke on the job. We are super busy but we are a pretty strong team. So we have a good flow no matter what comes to us. Get some bitcoin, they are super cheap on TOR

Best prices on tor are $25/30mg


kek way to switch one addiction for the other faggot .. getting of subs is harder than getting off dope