Why is the linux display manger thing so fucked up?

Why is the linux display manger thing so fucked up?

I have a laptop. 2 fullHD monitors left of it connected over DP.

Works instantly on windows.

On linux - it doesn't. After fucking around with the messed up display manager of XFCE somehow i have my 2 screens on the left working right, but once i move my mouse to the laptop monitor, the 2 full HD displays get "pushed" to the left, and my laptop display also shows on the middle screen.

What the fuck?

I've tried the following with xrandr without luck:

>xrandr --output DP-1 --left-of LVDS1 --output DP-2 --left-of DP-1
Still fucks up

>xrandr --fb 5440x1080 \
> --output LVDS1 --mode 1600x900 --pos 3840x0 \
> --output DP-1 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 1920x0 \
> --output DP-2 --mode 1920x1080 --pos 0x0

Still fucks up.

Why is this whole fucking system so fucking retarded?

Other urls found in this thread:


This is what my "display manager" shows. WHY THE FUCK DOES IT NOT WORK LIKE THIS

Because Linux is shit, faggot

It just means you are dumb and should just use windows. You obviously don't know shit about Linux.


>Why is the linux
stopped reading. Please little boy... no one cares about linux. Go to Sup Forums and circle jerk there.

Using DP ports: gay as fuck.

Then show me how it works you dumbfuck

DP ports are nice man you should try some DP some time

I have ALWAYS had buggy shit with linux and graphics, when I tried it.
Use Windows and if you have to use linux, do it on a VM. Save yourself a headache.


Use arandr

Well software development on a linux machine is just so much easier and faster... And the weird fucking thing is that it USED to work but after a reboot shites fucked.

gonna try that, thanks

Allright, this is what _this_ program shows..

This is my xrandr output btw;

> DP-1 connected 1920x1080+3120+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm x 268mm panning 3520x1080+1920+0 tracking 5440x1080+0+0 border 0/0/0/0
> DP-2 connected primary 1920x1080+1200+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 477mm x 268mm panning 3520x1080+0+0 tracking 5440x1080+0+0 border 0/0/0/0
> DP-3 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP-4 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> DP-5 disconnected (normal left inverted right x axis y axis)
> LVDS1 connected 1600x900+3840+0 (normal left inverted right x axis y axis) 344mm x 193mm

Fucking garbage


Is one set as primary? Don't know if this even matters or what it means.

I'm not the dumbfuck that can't make a simple monitor setup work.

I told you how, rtfm!

You're obviously a mac using faggot
fuck off unless you have information because i'm not the one programming bugged ass software

This is how i set it up now

So what's the problem?

Nope, fuck a Mac. Gentoo forevah!

And this is what happens when i press apply


see shit shite ^^^^

Maybe you should file a bug report. And waste even more time then you did already.

Now went back to the XFCE shit and SUDDENLY THIS DISPLAY SHIT WORKS

Hooray for buggy shit

but well i shoulnd't complain because its free

still there are retards merging code into the source that should not fucking be there


This is not a problem, its when using 3 monitors when it fucks up.

Yeah I dont use Gentoo because I sitll like to get laid every now and then

I use gentoo and have sex daily, fagtron


stuffing your benis in a stuffed pony doesn't count as sex

only autists use linux anyway. I guess its jjust another way to be different from society

Good thing my fiance is a blonde beauty then

like niggers

without unix you wouldn't have had your precious little iPhone or Galaxy phone you knobhead

you're just another windows wanker aren't ya? paying for a 64 bit update on a 32 bit extension and a graphical shell for a 16 bit patch to an 8 bit operating system originally coded for a 4 bit microprossessor, written by a 2 bit company that can't stand 1 bit of competition.

Also see pic

Your jealously is cringe worthy

> tips fedora

>using linux

kek faggot

its called envy not jealousy

in case you are not i respect you

NVidia hate Linux users. Simple as that.

They make shitty drivers and don't document their code/hardware so nobody else can make drivers that don't suck.

A few people like working for free so they have started reverse-engineering NVidia's hardware, but this is time consuming, and it's basically volunteer work.

If you want good display support, don't buy NVidia, or just use Windows.

>its called envy not jealousy
stale bait

> (You) #
>its called envy not jealousy
> (You) #
>in case you are not # i respect you

You're right, i'm a fucktard for buying a killer laptop that originally had Windows, and has an NVidia card. If i had a proper graphics driver all of this would not have been an issue.

why don't you just go back to windows? if you need linux for something specific, such as MLP fan art or fedora crafting then just run it in a VM. Where it belongs.

It is fun watching you rage because you don't really know dick about computers. Thanks for the entertainment fag.

it sucks because you suck at linux. go back to windows, please!

Linux community already have enough noob invited from ubuntu/debin shit