Cock rate thread

cock rate thread

check out my lady-pleaser

wtf man


thats fucking disgusting man get that shit out of here and go seek help dude fuck


hello captain hook we meet again


just how?

that shits broken my guy

Do you pee doing a hand- stand?

top KEK



Whilst that is a fucking retarded cock I bet it'd hit bitches G spot like nothing else. Shame OP is a faggot and that'll never happen.


Kek. Draw the piss too


my sides

That shit's probably gonna ask for tree fiddy

God damn lochness monster got me again


shaped like a golf club



what the fuck is that font

kill yourself immediately

why does everyone hate? it's just a normal cock.

>Check out my lady pleaser
>my lady pleaser
>lady pleaser

>Normal cock

Top kek


your cock is like a god damned foot

Looks like a crow bar, are you pry opening that pussy?

More people need to see this


Had a guy fuck me with a cock like that. Absolutely the best fuck I've ever had. Hit my g-spot and I orgasmed about 5-6 times starting about 20 seconds into the fuck.

Holy shit...

>into the fuck

> not the same fag



New fag get out.



OP, buy your gf this for when you're apart



Hi Aidan


Do you do your daily push-ups with that?


did you trip and fall on it while hard man? fucking christ



How the fuck do you jerk off with that anyway?



pic of dick with time stamp



your erection has an erection

god tier balls

Laugh all you want at OP, but the upwards pressure really does magic. It may look funny, but once inside I truly believe its a lady pleaser.

ladyboy pleaser maybe

Why do I feel like this is the op trying to defend his cock.

Tips fedora

Heads up op

Looks like it's gonna need about tree fiddy!

I can totally hang my coat there


so how's it hanging OP

this guy fucking chose that font. just let that sink in