What does she seen Sup Forums?

What does she seen Sup Forums?

dont even think about it faggit

>inb4 pedo

lol pussy

brutal facefuck

all pedos are here. enjoy




She saw this, OP.

Im reporting this its agianst the rules of Sup Forums

Mods!!! I know whete this going. You should band and get your balls cut of


O shit nigger. This gun b gud.


I don't see any child pornography here, so..



I bet you were the biggest snitch at school m8.


You would get burned alive for witchcraft if you did that in certain countries.

No.. No please don't. NOT AGAIN!!!


She also saw this, OP.


Yes I am justice, I am what everything needs to be right. I am the punisher but without the violence


Nah man. You're just a faggot.

top kek


im a mycologist and i dont recognize that one


Not a faggot... Never had a vayjayjay or think about guys.. So I don't know however I tip my Fedora for JUSTICE!!!!. ALL OF YOU IN THIS THREAD NEED TO be taken to counseling

She probably would.

You are the protector of the innocent. The dark knight.

Has anyone said they support this? No. Fuck you. Faggot. Get back to your dungeon fedora lord Michael.

Oh fuck yeah, daddy.


OP here I'm just realized how bad was my English during creation of this thread
Brain hurts

Post it faggot. I dare you.

1. This site is for Americans. If you don't natively speak English, then you aren't a real American

2. This site is for pedos. If you're Anti, go back to facebook. The only reason this site ever became popular was the CP dumps. That's where you are right now.

Don't bother trying to debate either of these facts.

"American" it is English, as in all people who speak English not American

>Don't bother trying to debate either of these facts.
Found the retard. Sit down and keep you nigger hands off the keyboard, Jamal.

too badly...

too badly...