How do you compare?

How do you compare?


Congo lol

I beat germany by 1 inch exactly nicee

Above German, but under Congo

In Congo 7,1in is AVERAGE. I can only imagine what they consider big

>self reported measurements

sage this faggotry

just shy of congo. irish shillelagh cock masterrace reporting in

7.5 inches white guy here. Feels good to know that I'm better than a black man in litterally every category.

Just shy of 8 so pretty good i guess

6" exact. Its weird, if I sit down it looks smaller, if I stand up it gains an extra inch.

Anyone else know what I'm talking about?

they shouldn't make charts like this without correct measurements

9 1/3 inchs Dutch

germany is 6-7 fyi

Not so fast faggot.... Are you better at being a nigger?

Sup Forums, the place where 8 out of 10 posts are about dicks

except there is a part missing

well im above average 5,7 to be exact

Why do you even post this?
Everyone is just going to say
>lol, i'm congo sized XD

Fellow 6 incher here and yes i do

6.5 inches

>Everyone in this thread is above average
>lol ok.

This picture has been edited and rearanged so many times over the years that I don't even know what the actual one looks like anymore.

>not using centimeters faggot

What's missing? You mean that im cut? Lol like i can do anything about what happened when i was a baby. Its still a big dick

6.8" here. Sucks, can't always get as rough as I want because cervix

What is the "Asean" average?

3 inches erect

Asian average

Your hand doesnt have a cervix though

yeah its called being fat, you fuck

Just wondering, is there actually a way to increase your dick size?

ur ruler must be off fam, you can't be much over 7. keep thinkin youre knockin on 8 tho

I'm below global average but that's okay because it's a feminine penis.

OK guys why all big cocks people are on Sup Forums? where are the average guys? and is this an only big dick site?

7 hard, top of the dick chain

10 inches right here

wait, WUT ??!

we German have a BIGGER PENIS than you Ameritards ??!!

man, I love Sup Forums.

wait, WUT ?!??!

your woman has a 7+ inch deep vagoo?!??
is dat a vagoon, or a train wagon ?


5 inch penis here. Feels bad being average man

12 inch mandingo right here.

germany btw is actually 8-4 that chart is wong

B8 > R8

big dick small brain
they dont even know what average is

Yeah its weird.

GF at the time saw my dick thru a pic, said it was average. When we got together she pulled down my pants: 'DAMN user, you grew like 2"!'

Dicks are weird man

18 cm should be enough

The average must be wrong if all people on 4 chan are bigger soo i guess its all a big bulshit to give hope to small dick guys and yes the average is must bigger than that as you can see girl here......all the guys i been with had bigger cocks than 7 inch....

3 inch cock detected

I can't believe how many of you actually think these silly little pictures are correct. There have been plenty of studies where measurements are not self reported. The legitimate studies all have the same results.

ASEAN = Asia, Europe, America North

nope and that's not even pressing the ruler in. Over 7.5 and with a really good boner I hit 8

biggest youve had?


Because everyone here measures their cock from their fucking asshole.

Faggot Size Queen detected

why do men in german porn have small dicks then?

Those poor asians
Only about 5.5 here (haven't measured might be a little more)

Association of Southeast Asian Nations.

can't stop topkek'ing

Thought you weren't supposed to ruler press. No wonder why everyone on chan is bigger than average. I'm 6.75 and I gently make sure it's not pressing into the pad. It would only go to 7.5 if I do so though. Not a big deal

Baby i feel sorry for small dick guys but the bigger i had must have been 8 inch and i think its average...... the big dicks are really big these tests are lies becouse i never had or seen a cock smaller than 7 inch


And even if you aren't just a fat neckbeard, its not like I would trust your judgement either. Females are the worlds worst when it comes to size. You wouldn't know a 7 inch dick if it slapped you in the face.

i'm a 6,5 inch, is this good?

because we want porn addicts not just to watch the video, but also to realistically dream about being in the place of the Pornstar.

cant complain, 6.5-7

Jokes on you, I don't use condoms

I said I don't ruler press fag

so true

7,4 but man, it gets the job done

Depends entirely on the girl, i'm exactly the same size and I hit it on my ex girlfriend and on my current one i can go all the way and not hit bottom.

pic related

above average in every part of the world

Around 6 inches, and it feels fucking short.

Yeah I know. I'm pointing out that maybe that's why all these guys are "bigger than average"

>fellow 6 incher

You two should get together and touch dicks considering that was the gayest thing I've ever read. Congratulations you cuck fuck.

this thread is to crappy to use international stanards... but 15 centimeters

Why would they have stats for North Korea though?

6'3, 7.5" inch cock

stay mad faggots

>tfw white and bigger than a shit skin Congo

Thank you Nordic genetics
6'4 master race

>be me
>always had ED
>doctor prohibited viagra and stuff, because blood pressure & other issues
>anyway got a gf, was her first bf
>she had always been scared of penetration (almost raped when young), but happy with foreplay only
>started living together in my house
>years later, developed lots of non-penetration techniques & games
>had her have countless orgasms in countless modes
>also initiated her to a number of sex toys
>we were happy
>and then something planted a bad idea in her mind
>she started mumbling about being Properly Fucked
>she started camwhoring (not even a tip, being a solid 3/10)
>a guy gets in touch with her
>they arrange a fuckdate, in my house, while I was out
>she eventually gets Properly Fucked by a phimotic psychoNEET barely lasting 10 minutes
>next days she acted weird and almost uninterested in me
>at least two times I asked if there was some other man,she angrily answered no
>checked her cellphone (she always had the same passwords) and found she was actually cheating
>they had arranged another fuckdate on next morning
>on the morning she tells me she'll be at her parents house til noon
>I had my most eerie smile of my life, "yea, yea"
>maybe she realized that I knew everything, but chose to go anyway to get Dat Proper Fuck
>as soon as she's out, I call a blacksmith to change every door key
>then while badly wanting to cry, quickly pack all of her personal stuff
>before noon all of her boxed shit (including dirty laundry) is out
>and every door secured, and every window and blind shut
>then I called her parents (she wasn't there) to tell we broke
>shut off phones
>then left a note on the door:

"be happy with your new man. forget me, my house and my money. your stuff was fedex-ed to your parents"

>finally inside my bunker, crying on the sofa of an half-empty house
>at 1pm she made a fuss outside
>didn't give a shit
>and always refused to see again

TL;DR: she preferred a Proper Fuck to a happy life of pleasure, money, romance, loyalty.

guys with short dicks lack the confidence to initiate sex.

mad white boi with lil dick

>Implying people with smaller Penises are just as likely to go in a thread about penis.
>Implying people aren't looking to brag.
>Implying Sup Forums is an accurate sample size.

good on you m8

They are the same country. It would be like asking "why does New Jersey have the same as New York?"

19 cm or whatever is that in inches.

ohh sorry I called you a fag then. Carry on

it does make porn sort of more realistic


SOrry guys but the average is not 6 and not even 7 i think 7,5 is.....all downer is small and you can see it with your eyes looking down...and btw all guys here have bigger dicks than 7 soo i guess it all a lie....just take a pic from the side and you can see it yourself

7-8 depending on excitement level
Pencil thin though, could use some girth.

Except for going from flaccid to erect, the only 'real' way is an operation in witch they cut you and pull more dick out, you actually have more length inside of you.

Bigger than the average nigger, not those top tear stunt cock niggers.

>global average

>most countries, including those that are most populated are significantly under it

Kek. Gr8 b8. 10/10 for getting all these faggots to respond and argue with Eachother.

meh, I know for a fact I'm larger than average (mostly girth) as I have been repeatedly told so by every woman I've been with in the past 20 years... I'm 6 inches, which frankly I used to believe was average/standard (again girth is the main thing women I've been with like) so there must be a signifuicant amount of guys out there who are significantly smaller than that... I think they may be somewhat charitable with the statistics but mostly the thing is probably guys that are bigger (or pretending to be) are more likely to self report or post on a thread like this than the little guys... Some women have confessed to me that ridiculously large (as in porn) is about as much of a turn off as small dicks, so there's a sweet spot size and it doesn't quite work like tits which is the bigger the better... Within reason... Personally, most of the girls I've gone out with have been small breasted and I've developed over the years a special appreciation for that type of body, I imagine the same may be true of some women so there is hope for the below average guys... Having said that, I don't even have to try all that hard at sex to be considered good at sex, dick my size is enough in and of itself I just have to lay back and they will fucking enjoy it...

Nope, just white boi without AIDS


8 inches

>tfw asian and bigger than all of you whites and blacks combine

must be embarrassing being smaller than an asian guy


It's actually not that wonderful, yeah I've had chicks tell me they'd "heard about it" but none of them can ever take dick, and if you want a good blowjob good fucking luck