Hey Sup Forums, so I just bought this shit called "spice", I've heard some crazy stuff about it...

Hey Sup Forums, so I just bought this shit called "spice", I've heard some crazy stuff about it. Could this be a fine trip
Does anyone have any experience with spice that they would share?

spice is just K2. google it you fuck.

Sidenote for the retarded, its Fake Weed.

Its so much more relaxing then weed but you need to smoke a ton of it. Dont stop even if you think you should - it only gets better.


Nah man... more like a high. Was an alternative to marijuana for a long while. I'm sure people still use it.

That stuff is shit for you, just smoke weed


yeah man, sometimes even after like 4 joints i don't feel it properly but by the 5th and 6th one it gets really good

This user knows how to party. Just keep smoking the shit and you should be tripping balls after about 2 grams. If not don't be worried. Just keep smoking more

I was addicted to shit like this for two years... smoke it, but never buy this again
It's fucking strong

weed is shit for you too if you are smoking it


Doesn't look like SPICE at all but belive me. Its the strongest weed you will ever smoke but expect nothing but the bad side effects of weed.

It's shit and doesn't get you high. Also dirt cheap.

That shit is for losers, OP.

Well I had a particularly crazy experience the first time I tried it. I was already a heavy smoker in college and didn't think it would be too bad so when my friend brought it over I was already naturally like super high so I did a bong full of spice and afterwards shit got crazy. I felt like I couldn't move and went into what felt like a straight up trip where reality seemed to fade and after I started to come down I got sick and threw up all over myself but was still too high to move. It was a mess it was fucked up and I've never done spice again since that day.

Its totally fine.

you only need to smoke a little to feel it. it can be a pretty intense high. it can give you panic attacks and seizures. i had a friend that coughed up blood from binging it one night

There was this shit I used to buy called xxx strawberry. Looked like pine needles and dog hair. Shit hit immediate and kind of made me sink back into myself( if that makes any sense). It felt like shitty weed mixed with coke and some grimy psychedelic. My friends couldn't handle it at all. It was pretty intense but wore off after an hour.

Imo spice can make lightweights scared but if you've done drugs for a while you'll be fine. Who knows what you're getting though, the chemicals change constantly.

Yea that is spice. Like the shit you cook with lmao. That's not synthetic marijuana nigger

Super potent jwh sprayed garbage that could kill you. Don't mess around. Just smoke some Kush

jwh is more fun than thc

I smoked this for a couple of days. Felt very similiar to weed. But later I had problems with walking down the stairs for 2 weeks. My experience teached me, that I don't want to do this anymore.

Fucking faggot It's not that bad, you must have been smoking shit weed for a long time.

Fucking lol. Just get weed you idiot

Yeah man, I remember putting it in my dinner once. It was trippy as fuck, my mouth was burning. That peri peri shit is hardcore!

Yep I would never touch this shit ever again. It can knock you the fuck out completely. My brother ended up seizing from it and had to be taken to the hospital. The dealer we get our weed from said one of the people she knew smoked it and ended up drowning in his own pool. It causes over the top paranoia and all sorts of bad shit. Everyone I have known that has touched it has sworn to never touch it again. Fuck knows what they are putting in it.

Only people who smoke this shit are kids and degenerate meth heads. Get some fucking weed you retards.

I think it depends on the additives that get put in the shit and were it comes from. I have had some average shit that gave me a bit of a buzz but nothing else. But then I have had some of it that has brought on all sorts of hell. I fucking despise the shit. It aint worth the risk of getting a poor batch or some weird shit in it. You literally do not know what is in this shit.

Shut the fuck up you piece of shit. I'll fucking kill you.

I am walking proof that spice will not hurt you. If it could hurt or kill anybody ir wouldve happened to me. Ive had nearly every type of spic thays gone around my parts. From imported indian shit to the nice strong homemade shit which looks like what you got. Hopefully its a good batch amd will get you nice and high. Strong spice is literally exponentially better than weed in my opinion. Its stronger so you smoke less and it costs a fraction of the price of weed in most cases. Just smoke it from a bowl. One hit at a time. If its good youll most likely feel it seconds after you blow it out. Any questions just ask me

Listen to the dubs faggot.

Don't listen to this faggot.

OP I would not do that shit. I saw my wife's stepfather smoke spice and turn retarded for the rest of the day.
I would smoke Salvia just for a reference. That will only last 5 mins peak time, and about 10 to 20 mins of come-down time. and I'm assuming the effect is roughly the same. some people, it simply affects more than others.

Not op, however i know exactly what goes into the spice i get. Idk why people act like its a mystery. I learned how to make it online so.. Not much of a mystery. Same could be said about hotdogs. You have no idea whats in that shit

listen faggot. This shit is terrible, tastes like shit and fucks you up in the head hard. As a mater of fact its ground up grass sprayed with chemicals. Extremely addictive as well. Why cant u stick to the ganja?

one of the worst trips ive had was from some shit called joker, synthetic "legal" weed type bullshit
joker is basically the same as spice, dont do it, i became super paranoid and my head started spinning like crazy

Nah, you are simply full of shit mate. Go ahead and tell me what is in the regular batch. In detail.

autistic fucking nigger

fight me irl fgt

Suck your mum

lies and retarded

He is now madly Googling. "how to make spice" Come back with a recipe involving fucking oregano.

i 2nd this. shit feels fine at first but fucks with your head. not hard to quit. get a job. your mind will focus on somthing else

It's usually some random plant matter soaked in a solution of acetone and any number of research chemicals that are synthetic canabinoids. If you don't know which chem it is you are pretty dumb for using it over real cannabis.

If you really want to get into RCs, search reddit and find the actual chemicals, learn about them, and do your own dosing with accurate tools. These chems can kill you or at the very least can be very addictive. You may trip so hard you end up in the hospital and make more bad press for psychonauts that actually know what they are doing.

You buy your synthetic (jwh 018, etc). My dealer gets his from an old indian guy that used to sell spice from his convenience store who now just sells the synthetics to people he knows. Get some herbs. Some people prefer different types. I honestly dont think it matters what kind you get. Spray them bitches down with your synthetics. I guess the only "bad" part is that once youre done spraying it down you have to wash it with acetone. Which really isnt a big deal because it obviously all evaporates out of the herb if you do it right. You can literally see it getting dry. But there you go. Never made it myself but ive watched my dealer.

soaked = sprayed. I don't think it really gets soaked...


Just grow like me pic related

Don't ever fuck with fake weed, OP. It's made with synthetic chemicals, and the makers keep changing the formula to stay ahead of FDA regulators, so it's impossible to predict what effect it will have on you or how harmful it will be. The first, and only time I smoked that shit it basically caused my brain to hard reboot and I ended up in the hospital. Even the long term users I know who say they like smoking it look and sound like they have serious brain damage. Stay far away from that shit. Fuck spice and fuck every dumb shit nigger in this thread who says smoking it is a good idea.

basically this

everybody who says its like weed or a replacement for it is stupid.

this shit fucks you up..some people get off heroin by smoking this crap and they look even worse after some weeks of smoking it than before..

i agree with everything you said but i smoked it for 2 years while i was going to school for mechanical engineering an did fine, it just worked for me.

my nigger

>wash it with acetone

Are you fucking serious

Was addicted to that shit for 2 years, the tiniest bit will fuck you up for about 20 mins, gets you high instantly, but tastes like crap (can vary)
Always mix with tobacco, pure stuff can kill. Don't smoke the "crystals"
Wouldn't recommend you do it, changes your personality, can make you violent. Harder to get off than heroin, weed is more expensive but won't ruin your life. Stay safe

>used to buy 2 3g packets of this stuff a month from dodgy website, favourite was Magic dragon or black mamba (extreme summer nearly killed me)

It is chemically infused salad. It could kill you or cause drain bammage. The chemicals used are constantly changing to make it difficult to prosecute.

Not. Worth. It.

Ive had similar effects as to what user is saying. I couldn't smoke pot because of probation so i smoked some of that stuff for a while. Then I got a bag of "joker" brand stuff made me feel like I was about to rewire my brain and become a perma schizo or manic anxiety serial killer. Stay away from it

common practice

Thats how its done..

Pretty much this. The tolerance is fucking shitty too. I was smoking 10-20 grams of it just to stay high for 12 hours. Dealers like to put less and less in to make you buy more too. It's a shit drug and addictive as fuck. Resell it to someone more retarded than you, if you can find that kinda dweebtard.

i smoked synthetic weed about 100 times AMA

I've never understood where this "omfg its the strongest shit ever"

Shit is weak, I'd rather a joint of weed.

Poor mans drugs for faggots

Lmao. You obviously got some shwaggy shit. What a shame. Trust me. Good spice makes weed look like oregano

you obviously never smoked too much of strong synthetic weed(can be 1 joint)

>not reading the thread
goddamn newfigs

It's the best way to get it to bond with the plant matter.

It doesn't even burn well. You can smoke it in a water bong and boil the water down after and get massive left over shit-resin, more than any strain of weed. Imagine what is going into your lungs if you smoke it without water filter... fuck that noise.

People know this and still willingly smoke it, they fucking deserve brain damage stupid cunts.

This shits poison dude.brain cancer, seizures, nerve damage and kidney failure are extremely common.you'd be better of with heroin.sure the high is awesome but you'd be better off spending a summer in chernobyl.

synthetic weed can fuck you up op, like seriously. high blood pressure, crazy fast heartbeat etc.

all the acetone evaporates after washing

its not synthetic weed although some people call it like that!

people die from it, i know a guy who pissed,shat,and puked on himself cuz of it

don't be a faggot OP. don't smoke that shit.
smoke only the good shit

Is that beef jerky

Is that resin ?

Nah, the chemicals are actually synthetic canabinoids, chemicals that are created in a lab to act just like natural canabinoids. It is synthetic weed. But if you get it from some random source, there could be amphetamines or any other RCs mixed in with the shit. It's Russian Roulette Potpourri.

Fuck that shit I'll just stick to my cheese and not not end up like a vegetable


its hash

Mixing acetone with a molecule that is constantly changing to bypass laws. I don't think it evaporating completely is valid, it's what reaction is it leaving behind after the combination. No one really knows or cares because they are in it for money not safety.

"I know nothing about science and stay completely ignorant to anything but feelings"

You sound like a colossal retard.

yeah i bought Pandora's Box it was straight from a market stall, the high was boring, didnt last long and made me feel sketchy until i smoked my next weed joint

I tried similar. It fucked me up a bit. More like Salvia than ganj.

Spice is just fake weed. that shit looks disgusting. to yourself a favor and dont risk your health by smoking that fake ass shit, instead just ask for some real weed next time.r

Stick with the real shit.

Short story: They're giving you synthetic versions of cannabinoids that are normally in really small amounts in natural cannabis resulting in a well blended high. The fake weed gives you that synthetic version of that minor molecule in such abnormal amounts that it often hurts you.

>Imported shit
Imported from some dudes bathtub in the styx. The only thing you are walking proof of is that you are full of shit.

muh dik

gibs me dat.

Light one up and smoke it you pussy.

Put these on when you do.

You guys realize that you probably aren't even smoking "fake" weed (i.e. jwh compounds) at this point, right? It's more than likely going to be some blend of cathinone/2cwhatever combo. Have fun literally Guinea pigging yourself.

This. People who complain that weed is weaker than synth have never even.

What am i full of shit about? My smoking history with spice? Lmfao wtf. Fyi most of the spice that came here when it first started going around was from india. Fucking retards. Keep acting like im a liar for no reason at all. What i didnt die wjen i smoked spice? Wow i must be full of shit. And also i love the shit bubba makes in his bathtub the most. Mmm homemade is dat shit

You come across as someone with serious brain damage.

I for one believe you've smoked your fair share of spice.

If youre a scientist explain to me the science behind what makes spice so bad. Since youve researched it so much. Nobody fucking researches the chemicals that go into it so the only substantial evidence of its safety is experience with it. Fucking using it. There is no science to be had here so fuck off. People are so sensitive to this subject lmao buncha pansies. Theres way worse drugs out there than spice trust me

>gets mad
>advocates for use of spice
>doesnt know what chemicals are in it
>''Theres way worse drugs out there than spice trust me''

Brain-damaged spice-smoker detected.

Oh so short answer is you cant. Ok tyvm point proven. I didnt tell anybody they should go out and smoke it anyway. Just sharing my own experience with it

And i know what chemicals are in my spice i already explained this earlier

I've smoked alot spice but I don't anymore after I developed a serious case of manic deppression. Not saying spice caused it but it did not help it either.

First off, you're not even replying to the correct person. Secondly, your 'experience' is your fucking feelings. Not data. Their is empirical data suggesting that cathinones and synthetic THC derivatives are very bad for your health.

So please yell more, sounds like you're in spice withdraw, better go call your dealer homie.

I find it amusing how your fucked up brain is unable to understand what's going on here haha.

Have a nice life, broski.

You have no fucking clue what's in it you fucking nigger. Holy shit. Are you that gullible?

You know that iso alcohol is also really unsafe to ingest and you'd die if you inhaled/drank a decent amount?

Guess what I clean my weed pieces with...

Acetone evaporates just like ISO. You're just being a dumbass

Tried it once. It was awful.

Imagine if someone went into the way your b rain perceives the world (sight sound etc) and reset it completely. It was like I had to relearn how to human.

Also I forgot how to swallow food mid swallow and choked a bit then threw up.

Oh i already called him dont worry