Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:





Best weapon claimed.

gonna split for now

Ahh, thats a good one.
If you want to, we can play together some time.

tank waifu claimed


Penny Claim!

mandatory cc claim

eh, 4/10
i feel bad for u man, i got 8/10 pizza's almost everyday
roommate makes me omelettes when i want one.
only thing i dislike about my life is myself.

u played street fighter 5 yet? (still ain got my hands on it)

Akiko claimed

Okay guys, it's that time once again
Who wants to join me in glorious virtual combat?
>pic related

Piss off

The guy asks himself how she uses the bathroom, thats interrupted
It's confirmed she wears panties of some sort, not that she has a pussy
I don't remember them ever mentioning it

Piss off

How's it going? It's been a while since I've seen you


I'm alright, I'm thinking about getting some food soon. You?

Get lewd edition.

I'm taking a break from collecting supple, cute butts.

Just show me the sexy.


Oh no, I saw it.
>No comments

You can't prove it what so ever, those pics aren't cute in the slightest!

>claiming yume
>not even karen
I not really it needs to be a real loli not just any 5th grader


>Who wants to join me in glorious virtual combat?
I would join after dinner.

If I was in the group.


>not the best outfit
Please. But sure, can't argue with tastes, there's tons of ships I dislike without a proper reason.
>it stil hurts that you rate her bellow shit

>Piss off

that's ayaya to you sir





Yume... pls... that is not... legal... I mean what sick fuck would want to caress the body of a small petit child, slowly exploring every inch of their small immature body?





It is legal.

Hey. Tomoko is solid taste.

Playing with doggos

Cute butt though. So you must be a cutey!

Kek I'm fucking with you so somewhat like athletic girls?



So you don't like it slow and gentle?
>Well we can stir it up if you like.



I like these aswell.

What breed are your doggos?

I know but only you are the one I want to be distressed 24/7
I would do that for sure
just short girl in general
and I don't like big boobs

so it mostly comes down to lolis
I mean Yume is just 159 with A Cup and I totally love it





I'll ask brtifag Maki or Kotori to invite you but it's out of my hands

Just get in here you filthy sandnigger

Still doesn't prove shit


3.5 Hours per day casual here

Yeah, that could be fun.

Im doing well, hbu?


I feel happy when Mai is here.
He knows you fags are breaking rule 13.
He's a true bro.

Geez, I'm searching for this god damn copypasta which starts with "what sick fuck would like to..." and it goes on and on about how you make sweet sweet love to a loli.... can't find it dammit



This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what Sup Forums is all about







Dead meme/10


Chihuahua and dachshund. Energetic one theye are. Especially after a bath

Short girls are cute and mean

Hello kyle

Why would she wear those if there's nothing there?

Bruh what do you thinks gunna happen when we hit image cap?
>We gunna make another one.
You can get tired pushing a mountain, that doesn't mean it moved.

This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what Sup Forums is all about



Damn, dogs sound so good. I only have a bird, and he's usually against contact

This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what Sup Forums is all about


no u


To feel like a human woman

>little sis




Hello kyle
cute waifu


What kinda logic is that?!

I'm hesitant to say what kind I like...
>Mainly due to still being a witch in training with only 9 more years to go

This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what Sup Forums is all about


This. Most anons in thread are edgy ass teens who think they know what Sup Forums is all about



no u


Going to go politely kill myself, bye.



Same, I'm right behind you at 10 years.
>Right behind...


Have fun
I may or may not miss you we'll see

Hey this is pretty good not cringe at all.




The smug's locgic
On the cool though, no one irl knows but us in thread?

No u

Someone else get next thread, off to dinner.


