A safe nation

What is the currently safest nation on the planet, Sup Forums?

>western and northern europe overrun by "refugees"
>north america infested with dindus and libtards
>baltics soon to be part of russia again
>slav and other third world shitholes continue being shit

it's starting to feel more and more like I was born into a world with no future, no safe haven anywhere

pic unrelated

Japan actually has an absurdly low murder rate
(I mean, it's got problems of its own but at least you're not gonna get shanked or shot)

One of those islands everyone forgets they exist. Until the sea level rises, at least,

New Zealand. It's so safe, it doesn't even show up on certain maps of the world.


yeah nipnong was one of my thoughts as well
excluding earthquakes and tsunamis, seems like an actually good choice

aus and nz both make my skin crawl due to their wildlife
rather get shanked by a dindu than a spider

>dangerous wildlife

japanese homicide rate is artificially low, the police are corrupt and mark homicides as suicide
no those are the most dangerous places to live
new zealand is not white

finland is pretty damn safe atm. not for foreigners though, but for an estonian man its really safe

NZ has basically no dangerous wildlife

>north america infested with dindus and libtards
How the fuck did we get trump if it is infested by them?

nah our birds evolved to be flightless because they have no natural predators
we're safe as fuck

who the fuck are you kidding, pekka? i've been there countless times and there are 3 mudslimes behind every corner
unless you mean further up north or something

Just move Tasmania, it's so safety we keep forgetting it exists until there is a cricket test in Hobart

why finlan police always fuck estonia???

hmm, tempting

less than 1% of our population are muslims, so they're very uncommon sight outside of bigger cities


>finnish countryside
sounds kind of comfy actually

i dont even try to comprehend what you are saying.. there are not many nignogs here. And they arent ghetto gangniggas, because we dont have such things in here, unlike you.

take it this way, i have never seen a woman wearing a burqa in estonia, but countless of times in finland

besides, finland is also part of the EU so the refugees will come soon enough
also, what happened to the whole sexual assault thing in Helsinki last NYE?

>like I was born into a world with no future
Yeah, you are a balt

because you have an electoral college you idiot

argentina 2bh lads

>third world
what's the big idea?

Whitest nation.