Sup Forums, I've fucked up

Sup Forums, I've fucked up...

>be on facebook doing some normie stuff
>a good 6/10 who I don't remember adding messages me
>I respond back, 'cause what could go wrong?
>everything goes wrong
>We end up talking for hours and hours
>Things get a bit saucy after hours
>Ends up showing me her nudes
>a few weeks later, we get talk a lot and become good friends
>good friends
>at least that's what I thought
>I come back home from uni to find that my account was blocked temporarily due to a simple security check (nothing too serious)
>I log back on
>6/10 spams me with messages
>she's very upset
>talks about how she lost her shit when she couldn't message me
>tells me that she was asking her friend about why she couldn't message me: her "boyfriend"
>I panic
>don't say anything and just along with it 'cause she seemed very depressed
>"Don't worry, I'll tell her we're only just good friends later, haha!" I thought to myself
>a few weeks pass
>6/10 literally becomes heads-over-heels for me
>I learn about her huge depression
>tells me about how spending time with me has made her life happier and helped her resist the urges of committing suicide
>f uck
>mfw she tells her family about how great I am
>mfw I can't tell her we're just good friends anymore
>mfw I can't just block her because she's added my IRL friends
>mfw even if I do block her, I'm worried she's gonna kill herself or some stupid shit

What do I do, Sup Forums? Please, help!

I know I'm an absolute beta shit faggot for not telling her sooner, but please! I have no idea what to do...

>inb4 replies saying kys

bumping for interest

>censors fuck
>uses Facebook
>"random" security check (obviously had CP)
OP is a faggot and should just tell the other faggot he doesnt like them.

Try to develop feelings for her.
If you can't make her break up with you. I know it sounds like a cheap movie solution, but might actually work

how is she as a person, if you can talk for hours you must have something in common. dont you want her as your girl friend or you just dont want to put your dick in crazy? and obviously shows us the nudes so we can see what we are dealing with here.

copy that. need nudes to see what's up

just fuck her then block her

give her a break, fuck her for a few months whats the big deal? man up faggot

but thats a few months he won't ever get back from a girl whose a 6/10.

Just keep her around for sexy times.

op you must provide her pictures (No nudes if you wish but that would help)

What's the matter, are you going out with someone else or what?
Also, send pics of you want well informed advice.

Just post some porn stuff on your facebook profile, block her, but before say that you were hacked, so the hacker blocked her


this sounds like my ex
made out a few times, and within a week her mom had kicked her out for some shit, and she was living with me.
Super clingy, and wound up cheating on me later.

Is she fat?

That's just the problem, I've tried! But I just don't feel anything with her; it's also happened in my previous relationships before where I've not felt much for my previous gf's

- To be honest, she's very clingy and I feel like she changes herself purposely around me. I'd prefer a girl with more personality, really!

- Roll trips for nudes

- She's added a lot of my friends from Uni, man. The last thing I want is judgmental glares at me during class.

Just start talking to her again and if she asks u out/starts to make moves just say that you want to stay friends. If you grow to like her date her. Problem solved

Now help my doggo

Yeah a bit, dude! How'd you guess?

You sound like a decent bloke. I'd probably tell her I was gay. Even if she tells your mates, you can be like "yeah, nah, she was crazy."

Welp, time for the rolling to begin

Why not roll with it OP?

Not like you are gonna do any better than her anyways.

Become less charming and a bit annoying to her. Be loud and slowly make your way up to being annoying. Than it will technically be your fault but it will get you out of that jam and your peers will be fine with you

Now help my froggo

Bumping for interest, also what does she look like and what are your ages?

You genuinly think he's getting a ton anyways? They became "good friends" pretty quick so he must enjoy her somewhat. Hang with it for a while op and just have a good time. She probably won't wanna date you forever anyways if she went "Head over heals" so quick. Her love will fade and she'll prolly get better mentally in time by being with you. Just fuck for a while lay back let her get better and enjoy the ride while it lasts. Once she's not in the stupid suicicide shit if you still don't like her dump her.

Dw guys I know Satan, he can give me some trips

Here you guys go and nudes pls

kys, also I'm a jew

Check em

post nudes OP

Post the nudes faggot

Gimme the trips boss

a 6/10 with mental health issues is almost always fat.
post non nude first so we can judge from there.

Where's those nudes OP?

>post non nude first so we can judge from there.
do this OP

Nudes or everyone will just abandon. She's a 6/10 no skin of our sacks

Post noods.


rll 4 nds


shit me 2

Me and you both sister


another roll

Post a pic OP

At least her face or something user to see what are you dealing with here, if she is not fat maybe theres somwthig you can work on, but if she is fat tell her
Im not in to fat people but we still can be friends maybe you will sound kind of a dick but it will work, and also screencap that convo you never know what she can make up


Fuck this. Abandon

i need trips

>tfw peope think OP is still even here

fuuuuuck of by one for the second fucking time

OP is probably kill anyways. Not worth it

6/10 kindde fat chick here i come ;)

i shall keep rolling intel i set my eyes on here


Fuck you OP you fucking sicken me




I want to die


Wow I got trips



This sounds like pretty basic manipulator bullshit, OP.

You need to cut her out of your life as quickly as possible. Be honest with your IRL friends about her coming on a little too strong and how things are not what they seem. Do not let her mentions of depression and suicide influence you in ANY way. This person is a predator and does not give a shit about your feelings in the least outside of how she can manipulate them to her benefit.

Drop this bitch quick.



Dump her

Lol chekt and kekd

you is winrar


trips = nudes

Too bad OP abandoned long ago

Op is faggot

It looks like you're interested in being a decent human bean.
Probably the only right thing you can do is contact her parents and let them know that their daughter imagined a relationship with you and you are afraid of telling her you are just good friends bc she well an hero.

If even her parents wont care about this just leave her. She will probably stop her existence, but if this is the case she wouldn't have a happy life anyway.

he jsut said the nude part so the thread wont die in 2 min

With any luck OP killed himself

This, nothing wrong with explaining to your friends why a crazy called you gay, she's crazy. Or try friend-zoning her, be nice, just do nothing sexually and if she tries, explain to her that you are still really tornup over your past relationship.

Nigga, your Satan has got nothin on my satin.

What? Tell me about this security check thing


The only real advice in this thread.


>mfw even if I do block her, I'm worried she's gonna kill herself or some stupid shit
>I'm worried she's gonna kill herself or some stupid shit
>worried she kill herself

My english is poor, sorry about it.

I've had kinda the same situation, but I'm taking it with another strategy

> Depressed girl wants me, she asks me to be her bf
> She's had a cancer and she was ugly because bald
> Survived n shit
> I look at old photos of her, wow she was beautiful, rn she has short hair, she's not that ugly
> "Ok I will be your boyfriend" while not having one ounce of feelings for her
> Make her happy af
> Grow her self-esteem + I get some pussy for that everyday
> Shit takes month, I need to compliment her, remind her that she's not a failure
> I did everything I could
> Make her dump me when she's good enough to live on her own and find her happiness with another dude

Let me break that in a second part, this is the true ending
> She leaves
> I did everything I could to make her feel a woman again, a person.
> I was actually falling in love with her
> She left me, and I am now the depressed while she's the succesful lovely woman everyone would want to date

I don't know why I wrote that, just saying that the best way to dump her is to make her better. She's a 6/10, that's not so bad.

There you go


She's already got her priorities straight, user

A little chubby but I mean, you could totally roll with it. Avoid stupid mistakes, she was reckless and told everyone that you were her bf, that impies that she will do stupid decisions, just prevent that by making points and talking a lot about it with her, to sum it up she's not trustworthy right now.

if this is her she is not a 6/10 OP
Date her
what can go wrong

Just never respond and if one day she says she's gonna kill herself, you quickly go back on and say 'oh shit sorry my facebook glitched'

Or you could tell her you got arrested and are going to jail for 15 years and then never use facebook again

Jesus those tits. Fuck her dude.

I'd hit it

froggo has been saved

>Sup Forums filename

yeah woo good one you are le master troll man

i would destroy this lmfao what is wrong with you


you're a gotdamn hero user. Unlike OP who is kill

This thread is fake abandon thread


Turn off the active light for her specifically, ignore all messages, make posts private just to her, warn your friends she is crazy, leave it as is. If she ever ever manages to reach you, say that your account got hacked and the password got changed, you win mister.

>get beaten up by dad on regular basis
>he wants to beat me up
>just got new glasses
>he raises his fist
>mom screas that my glasses are like €250
>Dad takes my glasses of
>dad beats me up

I'm less worth than €250.

holy kek i hope this is true

It sounds possible, an asian thing to do really. Like how white parents have no resistance in terms of throwing out their childrens tv for punishment, while asian parents would beat their children and not mess with personal objects and appliances