Daily reminder that if you wanna rape anyone with little to no consequence...

Daily reminder that if you wanna rape anyone with little to no consequence, you just need be an up and coming star athlete

Or be Muslim in UK.

or rich/famous


After the Duke lacrosse fiasco and the "college rape epidemic" myth I really have trouble believing the vast majority of these accusations.
The rape accuser who cried wolf.

That's mostly how you get away with murder but eh it counts too

And the Ke$ha case. Oh the pandering

No, it actually happens A LOT. It's just almost always a black doing the raping, so it gets covered up. When it's a white, the girl usually gets paid off.

>No, it actually happens A LOT
You have a source for that?

My dick

News articles, personal experience (friend of a friend), common sense, etc. If you've ever spent any time with A-level athletes, you'd know what awful, awful human beings most of them are. Entitled, aggressive, enabled...just awful people.

Uh oh a star athlete on the lose

A-level athiest?

>Daily reminder that
you're an agenda-driven self-victimizing know-nothing.


kek highly doubtful

Ironically, most of them would claim to be religious, mainly because they're so superstitious.

Or the best people to get a pay off from is star athletes you have sex with and "change your mind" shitty people

Double dubs don't lie fagboys

That probably happens too, but it couldn't happen to a bigger group of assholes, so I'm OK with it.

Here's something vaguely related, but which I never heard mentioned during the whole Duke lacrosse hubub: young women who don't take their clothes off for money are WAY less likely to be raped by large groups of men, and young men who don't pay women to take their clothes off are WAY less likely to be accused of gang rape. There was no rape, but it doesn't mean there weren't scumbags all around.


Mine died 10 years ago, thanks.