Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

Anyone here manage to quit smoking?

Fuck you

no one fucking cares just kill yourself already, im sick of seeing this thread every day

Fuck you man, i am just trying to get some help its not easy

Op is a huge faggot

Why do you wanna quit bruh. I smoke camel crush. They are good, why stop. You'll get cancer from stress before ciggies

Everyone who's ever drank water died

>trying to get some help
Not here you aren't.

I like that

You're pathetic and weak.

I drank water.
I'm not dead.
Checkmate, atheists.

Ciggies are good for your health but if you smoke them you gotta be stealth because if you don't you'll get shit from those liberals giving you lip. Ciggies make my tummy feel full so I don't have to eat, just drink redbull

Just wait. You will

You soon will

From getting fucked in your faggot as faggot.

Faggot ass faggot

If you like my poems then pls send me money on my patreon account

Did you just have a stroke?


get yourself some patches. I know a friend that could not stop smoking until he tried patches. 1 month later stopped he has.
looked hard still, though.

Get a fucking vape you twat

Also check em

Bruh people tell me I have a young face and all I do is wake up and hop on the runey to grind, crush a camel and drink corona. I'm 22 and I'm not dead yet.. soo. I don't think they are that bad

Um why

Every week cut down on one cigarette a day (if you smoke 10 go down to 9 next week) but if you smoke a fuck ton like 75 cut down on two every two weeks instead. Never personally did this but I have a friend who did and he's been good for 9 months, but I have used this technique for coffee and it helped me ween off :D

Because you went full blown retard.

Also another trick to my youth is eating a lot of quarteries pounders with cheese and mac sauce. Don't forget the mac sauce. They usually only put that shit on big macs

I hate auto correct so fucking much I don't think there's a single thing I hate more besides people


Quiting is hard, switching is easy. Get a vape.

>Be me, 49 year old smoker.
>Started smoking at 13, could buy my own back then
>Sick of being sick all the time, smokes cost more each year
>Decided to try vaping to save money.
>Not only cheaper, but much less harmful.
>Don't feel sick all the time now.
>I can taste my food again, I can breathe again.

That was two years ago.

Just stop already, i've seen you post before

get help m8, even if it costs you a lot of money

fuck off, you're a fucking troll
>even your filename is trolling


I oversmoked my way out of this shit.


Only smoke jing ling

Quit cold turkey 7 years ago, due to being broke. Never looked back
>tfw can actually breathe and have a sense of smell again

just litterally stop, if you realise how bad it is for you, youll suffer, but you can just stop smoking. If you dont realise how bad it is for you and you are unable to stop, kill yourself cause thats all youre doing. gl

Given that you're retarded enough to smoke seventy-five fucking cigarettes a day, it's hard to imagine what you do for a living in order to uphold such a lavish lifestyle.

IT work

i hate to sound like a fag here. But try vaping. I quit after years of smoking and i feel great