Im standing right behind your fucking asshole and im gonna left you in the filthy ditch you deserve you fucking cock...

Im standing right behind your fucking asshole and im gonna left you in the filthy ditch you deserve you fucking cock sucker

Did this yesterday, too lazy to do it again, libertarian right, way on the right


Am I a cuck?

A giant cuck, so is this guy



Nice how you can apply it to political parties

Forgot image


Smack dab in the middle.

I did this a while back on Sup Forums. About 50 anaons are listed here.

Bear in mind, this is a Sup Forums survey, not a Sup Forums one.

The poor single commie

Who /readyforrevolution/ here?

Fight beside me brothers.

You give me nausea.




Abradolf Lincler over here

You can't be sick, your boss needs to exploit your labour so he can buy his second yacht, no time for sickness when there is money to be made for the higher ups, user!

I am a bit hippie for my liking


what about me anons?

You're also a cuck but not the biggest one here, got that going for you

What's that noise, user? Ss that your phone?
Oh it looks like it's your boss, you need to go working this evemomg because he REALLY needs that vacation house!

I'm sorry, and we were having so much fun.

I'll take it

Just like anyone else who was born porn and isn't a cuck.


link from this test?

God you sound like a massive jew

fucking commies up in this thread, disgusting


That's the point ya dingus




I could say the same thing to you


libertarian here with anarcho-capitalist tendencies. Get on my fucking level

"heh, look, I think this system that doesn't work is great, I know you don't agree with me that's why I like it, nothing personell kiddo."

It's difficult for me to imagine somebody being anything but green quarter. I have lived in VT, one of the most far left states in the US, for my entire life, so I know my world view may be very limited, but it just seems like, shit, you've kind of got to be a bigoted, opportunistic asshole otherwise... I imagine if I were a republican, for no other reason than financial, I would be afraid to admit it publicly because of what it implies, socially.


tell me one thing that doesnt work in libertarianism

fellow commies



Freedom. It's inherintly flawed.
How about you read some other litterature than Friedman to make up your own mind.

why is freedom inherintly flawed? And i have one question: did any form of totalitarian goverment ever really work?

Lots of Left-Libertarians here.

I consider myself a conservative-leaning libertarian, my problem with this test is that it's results are far too radical.



The fuck does this make me? Kek


I want everyone to be free


Am I good?



Even though i am (-6|-6) i am ready

Sums me up quite well thank you user!


No, you're the reincarnation of Pinochet

The problem with this test is that it has a bias towards the libertarian half. For example you could be a Stalin-loving gommie who wants to send every Sup Forumstard to the gulag but if you think people should be able to smoke pot and get married to the same sex it'll put you in the green quadrant instead of the red.

ITT: Socialist cucks

Pinochet did nothing wrong

finally someone gets it

>unironically uses the word "cuck"


Probably the best spot

For you.



I'm from SC and I wholly agree. Your comment won't get much traction on Sup Forums though.


Actually I thought I would be more authoritarian than this.

No, everyone else should have my opinion too.


we're about the same

So we are.


holy shit we're the same

You should be more authoritarian then

so how fucked up am I?


I thought id be more authoritarian


anyone north of the x-axis is seriously mentally disabled. Left or right is fine as long as you are below the line.


This test leans so far to the left it's stupid. It essentially guilty you for picking the right wing answer

...Or you are just a closet leftist.

That too

if you were really right wing you wouldn't feel guilty about picking those answers.

I agree. Thats the only sane area on the entire grid.



True. The questions are worded to make it harder to pick answers on right wing issues.

Even though we are "capitalist pig dogs" we still have hearts and feel pity.

It doesn't say that, dipshit.

I agree, but I feel that several, albeit not as many, of the questions do the same thing on left-wing issues.

dude are you me?

That's basically under 30 normie on the spectrum.