Cringe threaaad lets goooo

cringe threaaad lets goooo

Other urls found in this thread:





the banana vers is cringier

mario and the search for the inner spaghetti party quest

mario, retired after a long career is kicked out by his love, princess peach, causing a crazy series of events to happen... he goes on a journey and encounters many powerful warriors, and must harness his innre spaghetti party quest whiel fighting his enemies and outwitting them... but can he defeat the forces of hell!

Chapters: 254 - Words: 504,873


cringe lord detected.
trigger lvl: 9001

Anything on this fags channel

The food bill in their house must be outrageous.


giving yourself a pep talk?

kys, really

wow another word is in your post holy shit wtf dude you know more words?

srsly just kys, faggot

thats a new record on words in your post user good shit.
can you beat this one?


anyone know what either of them look like today?

Sam and Gilly


no that's backpedaling user. should I still kms or not I'm so confused. I thought you had potential

And that was all he knew. That's sad user




>only has the vocabulary of a middle schooler

You should all kys. small dicked faggots

fucking what


new words fuck user I almost lost hope.
any you didn't learn from your older brother?



also I'm not a middle schooler. I have smoked weed for over a year and have a girlfriend.
Bet you bitches never even tried either of those

chickenshit, say that to my face

Why are you so defensive? dont like when I say you have a small dick? small dicked faggot

or actual middle schooler
either way spending time with real people has certanly improved your vocabulary.

cringed hard

are you missing a chromosome? or are that autisic
stop shitposing and take your own advice

don'y mind user this is his first time at the grown up table.


someone screen cap this post it's the cringiest thing itt.

Of course I'm trolling. You all lost so hard. You should kys


>no haha I was only pretending to be retarded

The real cringe is that a grown man made that fake facebook profile with a little boys picture, typed all those comments and then made that screen shot.


your just angry because you got trolled haha
my girlfriend and I are sitting here laughing at your comment

welp he finally learned what trolling is.
It's time to have the talk user...


>my girlfriend and I

I was trolling you of course I know what trolling is
You probably had to google it

You jelly? Samefag

>using my own insult
this is a summer with out end


Oh you made it? It's yours? hahaha so fucking stupid, kys

Cringe my fellow Sup Forumsros

man this depresses me it looks like my moms

Wrong again kiddo
did you type this with your gf?

its ok, trips are with you

oooh you can use photoshop
So haaaard to paint grey. It's so painfully obvious that it's photoshopped. You can even see the artifacts on the image haha or are you using paint?

is that really all you can say?
what school do you go too user?
an inner city school?


none of your business where I went to school
Fucking kys already. Please do everyone else a favor

I enlarged it
they say children have a tough time reading small type.
I was being considerate

thanks man

wow that really is all you got huh?

Kek'd out loud

Not even gonna deny it? haha fucking weak
And now you're using my own insult. gay

"haha no it was intentional I'm not a retard"
Sure, It's sooo obvious that you're just a lonely samefag probably in ur moms basement

how about you go suck a dick before I fucking hack you?

You sure you have a girlfriend user? Or are you both 12?

are you lost?

reddit is that way--->

he types with his girlfriends


Yes are u jelly? feeling lonely? Why don't you go back to ur mommy haha gay

only fags hang out on reddit. You should go there xD

fuck you I have a girlfriend

>before I fucking hack you?

why do you question your own abilities?
is it because you are young and inexperienced?

the banter in this thread has made me cringe harder than any images posted so far

thanks anons

>haha gay
Dude, your broken sentences, if they could be called that, are comedy gold mines. Keep that shit up.

You're welcome! At least someone's thankful.

>fuck you I have a girlfriend

this kid is too cringe for this thread

are u afraid Im gonna hack u? haha I'm taking youre credit card info as im writing this

>your broken sentences
it's you're you fucking inbreed. Learn to use gramar

I'm not a kid!!!!! How old are you?

prove it


$50 that her name is Mr. Left Hand.

I thought it was ur you autist?

>it's you're
You do know that you're is a contraction of the words you and are. So you think it should be "you ARE broken sentences"?

>are u afraid Im gonna hack u?
not really no

thanks user best cringe in a while

hahaha ur all so trolled
I'm not even serious. I can write whatever the fuck I want now and you are such stupid anyway

>I'm not a kid!!!!!

You know... I just arrived at this thread and I'm seriously confused whether this guy actually is trolling or not
Can you be this stupid?

>you are such stupid anyway
Holy shit, my fucking sides.

>haha I was only pretending to be retarded
>no guys serious this time I'm really trolling
well you're bad at it

Pics or it didn't happen

if you read the full thing you'll see he just learned what trolling is.

I don't have to prove anything u fucking gays faggot
hahahaa I'm laughing at you because your so stupid
My girlfriend is laughing too haha and she says you willn ever get any girl to like you becuase you'r so stupid

Of course you're not retarted; it would be an insult to retards to compare them to you.

what, are you, like, 8 years old? smh