Who do you main in League of Legends?

Who do you main in League of Legends?

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Heimerdinger (for secondary role in solo queue)

Draven only


Fiora/Taliyah mid/jung on smurf.




Just turned Masteries 7 on Sion

Who do you think


Donger, a good way to play the game without playing the game.

What do you build on Teemo?


Morgana, blitz, lulu, veigar, velkoz. Depends on the role and what is needed.

Tyler senpai....


Winning Builds

You're silver you shait whatever you're building sucks

forgot pic

How have you not been reported for your name? kek

lmao that build is horrible son

cutie lux

Thor and Hun Batz


Here if you want to reach higher than silver.

I get reported every once in a while
still wondering why no ban or name change lol

>tfw you will never marry Riven
why live?

fuck riven, lux is best grill

Annie is clearly top tier

>Ctrl + F "malphite
>0 results



Shes only useful when she 18

My iluminated nigga.

What u 1ยบ iten?

bard for life

I main the most powerful hero of all time.

A hidden champion that can only be accessed by sacrificing your semen to your CPU.

The hero is called MomOnlyBitchesAboutSucks or in short MOBASUCKS.

Suck on my 25% innate armour pen and true damage you pure tank scrublord.

Not really.

Thresh tbh...but darius as well

Jinx and Rengar
I just got level 6 with Jinx

chase me fags

garen and rumble

Alistar > Malphite



Thresh, Blitz, and Darius.

Mein negroid.

>chases u

Garen.. am i noob?

i play them because they all have hooks...even darius technically


If you insist...

Why teemo ofc, pic related


>rip my ram
>2d minecraft
>mfw minecraft is titled "sigh..."
Fucking kek

Talon cause I like making adc mains cry tears of blood.

ouch, highlander booty blasts me

you are welcome

You monster..

im level 26 does anyone wanna play sometime?



Ekko, Wu and Lucian


WOW that is old af

It was a pedo joke

late night plat diamond you get paired with the same people somtimes or the people you played against sometimes. If someone bms on the enemy team and im with them i just troll for the lulz

im not kidding i have no one to play with and i would like to play with someone


install dota i will show you the ways

git gud first, then people will want to play with you


My top 5 in order. All over 80k mastery points. Silver 3 jungle main

i have dota installed but ive only played like one game a year ago



Still playing that cancer for faggots in 2016.
Ill enjoy my Dota2 and free games I earned having a blast time, getting free hats and awesome complex mechanics and hero diversity, replays, mods, custom maps, hero interactions, Chalaneges, TI quests, free hats and a better engine

Dota has the same shit theyve had for a long time. A boring meta and boring heroes. They dont change it up fast enough to keep anyone interested. Thats why league has like 10x the playerbase

Pre/Season 1: there wasn't even reddit, you had to find threads in Sup Forums about the game. I still remember the first time a lol streamer became "famous", it was Hotshotgg in his mom's basement shouting "WHY NUNU WHY" being promoted in Sup Forums

My galinacius friend.
I buyed him because he looks cool and nice to play, but don't know shit how to play with him.


If you're silver 3 you don't have a main yet you're either still learning or you're just really bad...


280k mastery pointz

Still in gold

I dont play him that much tho


Annie has tight cunny. best champ no contest.
Goth Annie is the best.


Hahah idiot. Heroes constantly get rebalanced, New ACTIVE ITEMS, something LOL kids dont wanna bother to try cus its a burden on knowledge;
LoL has a 10x playerbase cus it caters to lowest gaming denominator: Virgin Animu Kids that fap to fucking Mis Fortune and Fizz;
LoLs Meta : Make imba shit champs, nerf them to oblivion, nO hard counters, get banned if u play beyond meta, abusive mods and designer team LITERALY calling their fans too stupid to play LOL;
Fucking trash tier shit.
Numbers =/= Quality
Twilight is bestseller too, its the shittiest thing to be called a book

Another Singed player. Respect nigga.

Yeah whatever,but in LoL you can boost shitters and get paid for it.

It feels nice making a living from pathetic fags that pay to get higher ranking in a fucking videogame while still sucking at it


These fuckers

Having so many active items is so stupid
>I have to have a mouse with another keyboard on it so i can use all of my items
Heroes get constantly rebalanced
>hurr durr they had all these heroes in the first dota, how have they not been balanced already

Yeah, typical LoL player, doesnt wanna read;
Amazing how you confirm the quality of the player base : ADHD kids that like shiny colors and to be stuck in the most stale meta since the creation of their shitty game;
>still runs on adobe launcher LMAO

Yo man you enjoy Dota I enjoy LoL,no need to be mad man,it could be that dota is better and has more depth as a game but still,who cares?play what you enjoy

Also im not a virgin nor an anime fan,I just enjoy it

Not the person you are responding to tho

Keep on being the stupidest bile of a casual. Every active in dota serves a purpose, something you lolfags cant understadn. Each new champ you get is a remix of the oldshit. Unique design scared LoL's faggot devs; Hooks are bad, deep mechanics are worse;
Please keep being retarded, ill take all you faggots out by facts

>being this butthurt
Poor boy, little kid was triggered.

demonstration man

Alistar, jinx, or Annie

No Viktor love?


I played LoL too, but then i realized you gotta grind so you can grind better. And when u get that champ you want a new season kicks in and the retards that balance the game move the slider up. No consistency in char power, the seasons dictate who is op and who isnt; Low actives, stupid design of champs all over the place (0 artstyle consistency) shitty old engine;
Pathetic excuse for a moba... I just stopped playing it. I earned so much by enjoying dota I still dont understand the people that want their asses to be fucked by people that call them retarded and trow money at them.
It saddens me that gamers today want no challenge. Just instant gratifications.

How fly as demonstration man?

your game is garbage and boring. teamfights take 5 minutes. if you want to make the argument that the skill cap is higher, go for it, i agree. but thats not the argument you made. you just rambled about useless pseudo-facts that dont actually matter when determining the quality of a game. bottom line: league is more fast paced and exciting. league is an action movie with tits, dota is a documentary about the civil war, with zero tits. go kill yourself you elitist cancer. no one cares if you prefer a different game, its the dota fags like you who bring up this shit constantly. pic fucking related

Triggered, I gave you facts yet you trow these SJW buzzwords. Fucking high tier srs gamer you are. Better post on Riot forums as you lick their gay asses :)

Just got Leona LvL 7