/balk/ - Balkan Thread

Ikibey finally did it, senpaitachi

old thread

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His mother and father are village people

But he rose to remove Russia from existence

Ikibey will be missed

He was lejend.

he was they living proof (aside from President Trump) that memes define our realities

2016 belong to memers

are you working too, guys?

>inb4 the bulgarian neetbucks lad who mocks the working class

shkrelis discord is so fuckin based

i'm ready

Yeah,but not today.

How else to confront the brutal reality of this violent world than with macedonian folklore music?

>inb4 the bulgarian neetbucks lad who mocks the working class
he's is pic related, no kidding

badass coat of arms

how do we haide haideify the balkans

>tipichen gosho ot gorno nanadolsnishte

aй лaмao

Sunt eu

I figured, he looks extremely successful and rich for his age btw

hajde bre, we need to remove kebab and their loan words

Haide haide, da da




Recently I've seen up close this Olympic gold medal winning qt. The memes are real, her ass is unreal. Too bad she was in hurry and I didn't manage to talk to her

Bulgarian gorillas do have an excuse to invade Drama and capture her

kebab is not to be removed

>that pic

im gonna die of laughter

She didnt really tattoo the olympic rings on her arm, did she?

She did, I saw it

ce sam voinic
dar sesh ti
nuc cierny my
vrei sta vlei star
numa numa ie
numa numa numa ie
cim pultai din drago stea din tei

I thought she lived in Thess now. Anyway the bulgars cannot possibly hope to defeat Drama and our 2 (two) military camps.

nah, we are interested into male asses only

She came in Athens for the classic marathon, I don't know where she lives now but Thessaloniki makes sense

Is that why I'm noticing homo comments by BG flags on other int threads? I'm not kidding, I've seen enough to wonder if most of you are closeted gays

nah, we just have a lot of homo-jokes
at least i do a lot of homo-related humor


thats not homo
thats just pure manlyness

We take whats available m8

maybe this, or maybe there's some closeted fag here that pretends to be a macho man

so, if someone fucks some ugly hairy man ass, he's the manliest man alive?

>so, if someone fucks some ugly hairy man ass, he's the manliest man alive?
This is literally how it was when the Romans were doing their thing btw.

You seem to like this quote a lot

The definitive proof of Romania's balkaness is this, the need to speak Turkish and use ever turkler loan word available. Hayde yavrum

hai haiiii Rumunia haiii aide aide

So, the Bulgarian Fuckass Gorilla is the Chieftain of Manliness

I feel insecure now, I only like females desu (I hope that's not considered gay in 4ch nowadays)

it does sound really catchy

well he is kinda manliest man alive
is this gay to you too?

>maybe this, or maybe there's some closeted fag here that pretends to be a macho man
well, i do a lot of homo jokes and someone might say i look gay. I'm also married and never had homo feels, so that's that.
On my book, being able to make homo jokes, even the jokes where you are the homo in them is a sign of being secure in your sexuality.
The lads that get butthurt when someone makes a homo joke against them are usually insecure in their sexuality or just closet gays.

haide re tebeli, empa sto kaiki

come on, homo jokes are funny. But I don't mean it like that, I mean if there's some true gay in here that doesn't come out in fear of mockery

Ancient Greeks had similar sports to that and Sup Forums armchair historians are calling them homo tbqh

so u see nothing is gay or homo

the ones who make most homo jokes are insecure hidden homos in the end. Source: Life


the fuck?


who is she I must know


Anna Korakaki

pic related

even Azis?

azis is fucking gay what are u talking about

I have some money stuck in a fake paypal account and they ask me for a credit card to buy shit. How do I solve this


you cant
unverified paypal accounts are pretty much useless

Guy is married and has kids.
He is gay for the show, nothing more.


how can we even compete

Top cec

A бe мoмчeтa, нa бpaтoвчeд ми мy тpябвaт пapи cпeшнo. Bъpнa ce oт Гepмaния вчepa и ceгa щял дa хoди нa eкcкypзия някъдe - нe paзбpaх тoчнo къдe - нa хyмyc звyчeшe гpaдa мaлкo. Ta, тaкa дe - пpoдaвa кaмиoн. Лeкo e чyкнaт, aмa нямa cepиoзни пoвpeди. Cпиpaчкитe ca зa cмянa. Hякoй знae ли къдe мoжe дa гo пpoдaдe?

yea he is gay for the memes only

trebuie sa ma ajuti

that's fake.

Haide haide

oppa ela

д A

wtf i love turkey now

Bulgarian dick


Rest of us


Haide haide sugi sugiiii domnule sugiii

Should I post a white Romanian person?


you need to help me

what do u need, βροτηερ

help syrianon get to Greece

ι νεεδ signatures to do that



i am wanna rape

Rap hr

She's name is inna

She's porn aktres

googl inna sirina

shes also Bulgarien

oh man all thiccc memes aside that is fuckign noice and THICC

i want to learn balkanian

Her voice is similar to the Bulgarian Gorilla though and so is her Greek accent

Still, google "To bachelor tis Innas sto Bali". It's good

brb gotta retch


>he wouldn't bang this lovely Bulgarian truck lady

trebuie sa te intorci moldovene

sirene means cheese here

I know. Sirina obviously means siren in greek so they're probably unrelated.

sirene i shopska salata

unde vrei sa ma intorc

>literally a slavic word
xaxaxxaxa hajde bre slavi

da da
haide haide turcia

haide haide acum

aCum on ur momz faec xdd

haide haide acum in turcia :DDD




so is targoviste




>be romanian
>have small peepee
>have no hair on your body


so do niggers and southeast asians shave or they dont have any hair there?

I have light hair color, have no chest hair and can't grow a beard.
What am I?

its not about shaving, its about having that hair
most asians aren't really hairy except the ainu in japan who are werewolves

Yeah, those islands belong to Turkey

Try harder :^)