Hi Sup Forums, spam this bitch with hate comments and gross pics. She called my friend fat...

Hi Sup Forums, spam this bitch with hate comments and gross pics. She called my friend fat. Show her the power of Sup Forums
Instagram: xbanaa

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nigger are you serious? This isn't tumblr where you can brigade someone for fat shaming your ugly ass, fat whale of a friend.

Tell your friend to eat a fucking sald.

"hey guys can you be my personal army because this girl told the truth about my fat piece of shit friend?"


Sup Forums is not your personal army newfag

op is a fking fag

Post a pic of your friend so we can see if they're fat or not

maybe your friend should lose some weight

That's because your friend is a lard ass.

Is your friend fat? If so, why should she be punished for telling the truth?


Sup Forums isn't your personal army

hello newfriend

try it on tumblr or reddit

Can we turn this into a gore thread?

zero incentive provided. fucking kill yourself OP for reckless faggotry

Tell your friend to eat a sald.


Not your personal army nigger.

She looks nice, good friend material.

Your friend is probably a fucking landwhale kek

your friend is a fat piece of shit

your friend is a fat piece of shit

Fuck all of you, this ugly bitch is fatter then my friend

At least she looks cute you cunt, now go to reddit you disgust me

lol, took you mroe than forty minutes to reply.

Not unti you post nudes of urself if your a girl

lol ur friend is fat

I'm not here to help land whales or faggots.


Duck you new fag


thats right!!



Fucking virgin stupid fat... You must fight with the fact that she never going to fuck with you... NEVER

>show her the power
God, this post is straight cancerous.





not your personal army faggot

here's a song about your fat friend
