Ask a guy who just took 8 lines anything

Ask a guy who just took 8 lines anything

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How ya doing bud? Got any to share with your friends?

if it was 8 of my lines, you would be dead fgt.

Plenty to share. Come on over

you want some porn? cause i have porn.

8 lines of what? coming from an ex coke addict, sounds so far like something retardedly shitty.

How many did the chick your with do? Please tell me you didn't waste 8 lines on yourself without a chick with you... user? user? Bueller? Bueller?

straight up diesel or shit?

Oh and let me know how you feeling in about 45 minutes

Why not 9

maybe 8 over a hour or 2. no way it was at the same time.

Definitely over about 1.5 hours. I'm not that savage

What's it feel like to become God?

She's just sippin Bacardi. But at least she's here


The only time coke was fun was when I had like 8 grams of the shit.

It's always fkn gr8. Got the scotch and xannys ready for the comedown

nice, i'm about a g in today.

You're not wrong sir. You're not wrong.

>Ask a guy who just took 8 lines anything

So that's like two lines of coke and six lines of baby laxative. Good for you.

Cheers to you sir! 8 lines for me is only about .3 g's

true very true

must have been 90% drywall or pancake mix cause you'd be fucking dead dip shit

>took 8 lines
This deal smells fishy

I'd take baby laxative over diesel any day

where ya at bro, lets buck some rails!!!!

Not all at once, fgt. I'm not a Neanderthal

over about 6 hours, had to pick up for edc and figured i should test it out.

Good old Indiana in the 260!!!

tell me a story

8 grams is an exaggeration but you just gotta keep doing the stuff.

you really don't know shit about coke do you? fucking try hard faggot.

What is diesel?

I just started working again and now have expendable income and you faggots are making me wanna spend it all on blow

Lines of what

someone is upset

Putting it in your nose is a waste.


How hard are you?

shooting is for junkies

8 lines of K now you are talking

You should just get a gram, it's cool. Cheaper if you get a ball though, you will like having a ball.


I can do 8 lines, but 8 grams?.... Goodbye everyone.

Are you in Seattle? I could use a coke hookup.

Literally when it's cut with heroine and other powdered amphetamines which gives it a very slight gasoline-like tasting drip

Do it do it do it

Your mothers ass sweat

Any suggestions on a better way to partake in the devil's sugar?

you always want more

Ahhh ok. Had that type before, smelled like sharpies.

>you will like having a ball
I like having a ball.

I'm far too poor to afford a ball, but I agree

I wish I was, brother :(
I've had very good success with the dark web tho... Just sayin.

YES!!!! That's the perfect description actually

You should buy some, cut it and make a little cash. You should inject it so you don't use as much and then you can afford a ball in no time.

You can trust my advice, I am user, friend.

We're up to 12 lines now. Typing is becoming very easy

4808 Rape video of the girl was leaked :)
(16 year old which was raped by her friend)

Link :

Pass is included inside the zip.

Hail me for finding it.


I trust you very much, user. Not quite as much as I trust drinking tap water in Flint, MI. But I trust you enough.

When's the last time you clip your toenails?

Time to grab that drunk girl and shive some coke in her ass or pussy.

Yeah, just inject it. Much better that way. I mean, it's only logical to get more of it to the brain quicker.

I only want what is best for you, friend.




5 days ago

What are you running from?

THIS IS MY DREAM except she's not down. I suppose that makes me beta :(

Currently I'm running from the kitchen to the bathroom to take a shit

hahahaha. where u from bro?

Str8 from the 260. Right in downtown, my man

She doesn't have to be down.

Just politely tell her: "Look, either we fuckin or I'm fuckin."

Clever! Good luck, and godspeed, user!

I love shooting Coke fam it's amazing. Heroin too, meth sucks

>Got the scotch and xannys ready for the comedown

ready to die?

Pussy. OP has what he needs and he will be fine.

if you want a real coco party, just visit brazil bro

That's what i'm telling these guys that are on the fense. Just get a ball, lrn2inject and be happy. I just want them to be happy.

I really can't argue with that.

I appreciate it!!!

I really wish I could tell if you're serious or not

Jesus no wonder you do drugs

8 lines means nothing, depends on the size of the line and the purity of the coke. A couple times we did some half gram lines or decent coke, got pretty mashed after that. Sort of miss coke but not really

And neither will she if she knows what's good.

It's my first vacation destination once I graduate from college. Believe you me


Personally, when I'm looking to be happy, my friend Molly from high school is always there for me

NO, no no. You should just inject coke, meth or heroin.

You have no clue. Fort Gay is basically Gary on 'roids

You're a sly mf

Can't argue with you. I would say they're decent lines, but the purity has got to only be in the high 70s or low 80s. At best.
I hope to one day cut the addiction

nice. brazilian here. if you're nice looking, you can easily pick up girls. and with less than 20 dollars you can get good cocaine. there's lots of shitty coke that costs 3 dollars for 0.8 or a full gram, if you're broke too. paradise

Just want everyone to be happy.


Fucking get some bro!

Cool, so as long as you don't get killed by an offduty cop, or stabbed by a little kid, or get some weird disease, Brazil is paradise.

Holy fuck. Paradise sounds like an understatement for what you just described

I'm always serious on the internet. Just giving good advice to people.

You're a good man, user

where did you take them?

thnx b/ro