


Alright round 2

you have my attention





from her vine acc i think


You know what I'd like to do to this breathtakingly cute thing?
Get to know her. It won't be hard because I'm pretty easy going and approachable, so we'll strike up conversation about whatever. Eventally talking and texting will turn into hanging out. I'll completely gain her trust, I'll just be this protective older brother to her. And then one day when she comes over, I'll drug her and take her downstairs, where I've prepared a room full of fun things. First I'll abuse her to the limit sexually, make her take it in the ass over and over, for weeks. I'd keep her fed of course, because I want it to last as long as possible. Morning and night, for hours at a time I will satisfy myself with her. This will go on for weeks, if not longer. Once I've completely used her up and have grown tired of fucking her, then begins the torture. I will subject her to every possible torment I can devise, working my hardest to keep her in as much physical pain as possible while taking care not to do anything that would shorten the time I have left with her. I will cut her, burn her, break every bone in her arms and legs over the course of weeks, scalp her, rip out her teeth one per day, peel off fingernails, cut off her extremities one small piece at a time, mutilate her beasts and genitals, stick needles into her eyes until they're useless then remove the eyes, etc. And of course I would give her recoup time as needed, always spacing things out, never rushing anything. Until there's nothing left to be done, once I've tortured her and she has even given up begging for death, then I'll flay her alive and impale her on a stake and let her finally die, slowly, and excruciatingly.









Only appealing because disgusting betafags with a high opinion of themselves find her accessible.



That's lovely user

autism at its finest










who ever has her instagram needs to stop being a nigger and give it up


she abandoned her instagram back in 2011, theres only two or so posts



I wanna see her gap of rohan.



connection error keeps on popping up , still got a few more

where's all the bikini pics, there's supposed to be like 10

Her instagram name is emmabaum

I liked the pic with the violin.

Mutilate her beasts


>new queen of Sup Forums

Who is emma Rohan


Found her license

holy shiet

fuck to bad. cuz these religious one are usually sluts like my mormon snapchat gf


where the fuck are you getting this from