What the fucking fuck is this fucked fucking fuck...

What the fucking fuck is this fucked fucking fuck? FUCK! The fucking fuck fuckers think that they can fucking fuck with this fucking fuck? WELL FUCK THAT!


Excuse me faggit

Well, that certainly illustrates the diversity of the word.

Sounds like babby learned a new word

Why the fuck did the picture change?

What the fuck is it?

Fucking Hiro thinks this is fucking funny?


Fuck you fucking mean, fucker?

Watch the Boondock Saints, kid.

Yo bub, I have a quote from BDS:2 ASD on my fucking left shoulder so fuck you.

Is that where this picture is from or something?

I read world not word fuck you.

Calisse dostie de criss c koi soh


There is no excuse for faggotry.

i dont get it what is this?

Check em... :/

the new homepage

This is the front picture.
No more space shittle and long caat///

Don't question Emperor Hiro's judgement, faggot.


They got rid of stretchy cat? :(

Isn't that the daytime pic of where a storm killed a bunch of people at the concert at night?

>stretchy cat

That's in Tennessee, god killed the autists in Indiana

Never change, Sup Forums

The cockatoo is dead.