Aquarium thread?

Aquarium thread?




You've got some algae there bro...

you need a floating plant on the top so the baby gupies can hide and not get eaten,

This aint shit, give me a sec and ill post mine.


Shit, file size is too big



I had to crop a fuck ton out to make it fit.

here's mine

Nice Rock wall.
Have a pic of it from a distance?

sadly no. i dismantled that thing. it was too crowded.

What else you got in the tank?

Battle station photo but you can see my fish tank in the background.


my cans

>fake plants
>lawn ornaments
>ugly gravel
>tank undersized


Post specs

why do i keep building up green algae and slime on the tank? it always starts at the right side and works its way all over the tank

Water and or sunlight

not much sunlight its nearish a window but not direct sunlight. just water and a lightbult

Best fish here

Sorry I meant water flow is slower there and the sun may pass by that area

What do you have as a media?

I don't have a male I'd like to breed the female with yet

All those babies are inbreed anyway

I'm starting to see some algae on the gravel and on the ornaments, should I diminish the light and turn up the flow? Maybe I'm putting too much food/not cleaning the gravel often enough

water flow seems pretty high idk i got the tank as is and only have only 1 fish in the tank an electric blue ram. as or media idk what exactly media is lol

How often do you feed them and what media do you have?

Waaah! Really beautiful!

Once a day, the media are ceramic rings. The thing is that if I was putting too much food the fish would have suffered but they are quite good, I mean I even had two babies so..

My god! I never seen before a desk cleans like this one!

my tank

I just got a Turtle how do I care for it?

trip dub checked

External filter
Media is all the bio of your tank gets filtered e.g: fish shit and food
The media breaks it down and renders it harmless to your fish

I'm running Macropore and Matrix through mine pic related and I have no problems with ammonia or water quality



Special food, a good lamp that will als warm it and a tank with a space over the water. Prepare to the fact that it is going to get huge, I've got 2 of them and they are roughly 20-25 cm in diameter (they also are 10-12 yo).

Google image search

thats overstocked

doesnt make it any less mine. it's been posted other places

27 tells the truth

What type of food I have shrimp pellets. What type of lamp also

And it wrecks the look of a nice planted tank

i have a pond in my backyard that i made myself that has real fishes, does that count


rip takashi amano


god tier


These threads always make me feel insecure about my aquarium

it's called aquascaping, on google there's ton of theese pics


use real plants.

feel same :D

I generally use pellets during summer and dry shrimps during winter, but right now only pellets, since I keep the tank outside so during winter they just hybernate. For the better lamp you should ask to a shop near you, I'm not quite expert, but I guess that an incandescent or halogen lamp put at a proper distance should be fine


amazing, a tad too much types of green splattered all over i think
those long thin grass straws should be at a dedicated place - imo they make the green "trees" not stick out that good

really love it, cozy/10 would swim in there

8ft / 1450L Display tank
250L sump
2 x 300w Eheim heaters
8L Seachem Matrix

Tiger Oscar
Albino Oscar
Sun Catfish
2 x Chocolate Talking Catfish
Fire Eel
Tire Track Eel
Black Spotted Eel
Unicolor Eel
Green Terror
Silver Arowana






The ones in the front are real. But I only have one kind


This is now a bicycle thread

fuck off faggot



Oh my god! This is some nice shit



My tank, thoughts? also any feedback would be cool


Where's the mousepad, you fucking casual?


All these big tanks with pussy ass fish in them. Get a couple oscars and hope they dont eat each other. Or go with shit tons of africans in one tank. Watching them fight is funny


fish are so boring
step up niggas

I'm running seachem matrix and biomax at the moment with carbon.

Stopped dosing bacteria in a bottle

Aquariums are quite expensive to start up/maintain, any tips on keeping the costs down?

what anti-grav unit are you using??

9/10 would fuck

Looks great, what are the specs? Are you breeding the guppies?

Only thing is the tall grass just planted everywhere

I have one; he doesn't like real plants though. Luckily my other tank has no issues with live plants.

And the other one that has real plants in it.

is this a real turtle species?

It's a common snapping turtle. I have one just like it.

Yeah edgy kids feed them mice and water change yearly

Pleb taste

You feed your fish pellets? damn you're edgy man

you deserve to have your fish taken away and get shot yourself.
