Took my friends's gf's underwear. Am I a shitty person? My current girlfriend is lovely...

Took my friends's gf's underwear. Am I a shitty person? My current girlfriend is lovely, beautiful and gives me all I need. Idk why I took them, the scent reminds me of my true love. Pls help

It's okay user, I k ow how you feel. After being with someone for a while you begin to long for something new and exciting. Sniffing or even just stealing your friends girls panties. Just don't let anyone find out haha, what they don't know won't hurt them right?

my gfs undersear I took when she got home from night out :)

need moar pics of crotch area and pic of the gf

Wear them.

The gf

Yeah I just feel so conflicted with what I want and I guess I am just realizing this. I mean no harm, I just like the spontaneity. I didn't cheat or anything...

Don't feel bad user. I am always messing with my incredibly attractive best friends panties when I'm at her place.


thanks. you want her or just what you smell? one goes with the other tho..

i know those feels

Jesus it looks like a puddle of cum.
Why does this turn me on?

Because they belong to the most attractive woman I know. Thats how they do it for me haha

Imtgink it might be a puddle of cum... find it so hot when her panties look like that after a night out

When I broke up wit my gf we were still living together, I would go through this period of just insanely being horny all the time. So I would go through the dirty laundry and find her most wet panties to jerk it to. Fuuuck it was awesome. Just thinking about it....

I want her best friend (my old best friend back in the day) I've always wanted her. I am associating my friend's gf's scent with (what I'm assuming) my old best friend's scent might be...I know this whold thing makes no sense...

those panties are so fucking disgusting even I won't save them, and that's literally why I come to this site.

Sounds like good times. I've gone into her room while she showers, which isn't a frequent opportunity, because we don't end up at her place much. One time I just had to see her so I snagged some shots.

I know what you mean. When I was like 13, my uncles really young gf at the time stayed over at our house for about a week. She wore red laced thongs and would wash them in the shower with her, I don't know if she did this on person, knowing that I would see them because after all my little brother and I were the only two who shared the same bathroom with her. I showered and played with them, smelled them and even once putting them on just so I could jump them on the bathroom floor. I didn't know how to jerk with my hand all I knew that when I laid on my stomach and humped it made me cum. So that's what I did and I hadn't thought of this until now and that's where this fetish comes from. Where's did it to my gf it was my second time.

kill yourself

I don't have nearly enough opportunities to do this. It's another fetish of mine.

these pics are in another thread you filthy liar

Alright, lied about the details but are you really complaining?

your lack of integrity calls into question every other post you've made and I don't believe a word you say then or now

pheromones.When my gf is sleeping or otherwise not in the mood, I stuff my face in her ass when I masturbate. Once I open her ass cheeks and take the first whiff its like heroin and gets me diamonds.