Can any medfags help me out? I have an issue where certain memories are replaced with different "events"...

Can any medfags help me out? I have an issue where certain memories are replaced with different "events". Sounds weird as shit I know, but an example would be sometimes at night I would see a notification for snapchat from a friend, but then I would check, and there would be nothing there. There would other more serious times where I'll get a text from my mom to come home, and I would then drive from temple to Dallas which is a 2 hour drive to see what my mom wants. She would be surprised that I'm even there, or I would drive to a friend's house at 5 am, and everyone is sleeping. It's not like dreaming it's more real very vivid. The "events" only happen with little things like I saw a text, or I ate an apple. All the "events" are typically things that did happen just replayed in my head. Maybe there is something wrong with my brain, or something. Look the most I know about the body is an anatomy class I took in high school. I would seriously appreciate if someone could tell me what the fuck is going on with me.

sounds like alziemers

Do less or more drugs, you can be the judge of that

I haven't done drugs since high-school how are more or less drugs gonna help.

I'm 22 how the hell can it be drugs

>His smile
less drugs

Man, seems like a schizophrenia or something like this. Talk with someone qualified.

You people are like the most qualified people I know! I've some of you straight dox a person in like 30 mins, or figure out which std a guy has from a bump on his dick.

Sounds like schizophrenia to me. Things seem so very "real" to you but in "reality" they don't exist. Seek help.

DON'T DO THIS, they'll shove a bunch of meds in you.

I'm sorry, user. There's no easy way to put this. You're CinnamonToastKen.

You're case sounds like mild visual halucinations
I wouldn't call it shizophrenia since as far as my research went on that object shizophrenia only includes auditory halucinations
If you are living alone it could be a social depriving; your brain constantly tries to get you to people by making visual halucination... although I don't see eating an apple fitting into this
Dunno man, try a profesional help

Bro exactly like I had a friend with schizo, and he hasn't been the same since they put in fucking green oaks institution. Fuck those backward fucks.


I do have a single drom, so maybe and the apple was an example I threw in. Shit last thing I want is some doctor to tell me to take anti-depressants or some shit.



once you go on meds there and stop they fuck you over

You really should see a professional about it, you are not a threat to anyone so you aren't gonna get committed and you never have to get a scrip filled if you don't want to take meds.

But user you could have something besides a mental illness and even if it is mental talking to someone that understands the problem can help a lot.

Imagine telling a doctor "hey doc I'm seeing memories in my head that didn't happen can you fix it?" I'll sound like a fucking lunatic.

I agree with this, you need to do something.