This just in:

This just in:

Nightclub shooting is now a TERRORIST ATTACK

Other urls found in this thread:

Also dubs don't lie

I just KNEW it had to be terrorists, we should definitely start a fight with China and Russia over this

Wow, would of never of guessed!

Damn, really makes you think. I'm now a #HillaryArtillary

Nah, just some white supremacist piece of shit who wants to suckle Bubba's dong.

Of course it is a terrorist attack. Who the fuck would bother killing gays in this day and age?

It's gotta be religious nuts and my guess it's probably not christians.

>would of never of guessed

Are you fucking retarded? I'm serious. Are you playing with a few extra chromosomes?

Trump's presidency just confirmed

That gif actually makes me feel really uncomfortable

The shooter has ties to ISIS

It was an attack on a homosexual night club. After a day of news reports no one will care and you won't hear anything about it except on the sjw media sites but you gotta have shit for brains if you get your news from them anyway.

>Feminists faces when they see a large penis

>Implying a (white man) shooting up a night club isn't an act of terrorism

That was a hoax you dumb cunt, Sam Hyde is a comedian.

This was well planned, targeted gays, and tried taking hostages
Obviously a dune coon goat fucker terrorist



yellowstone can't erupt fast enough

Ben "Pull the trigger on every nigger" garrison had nothing to do with this

literally just a term to grab more power and scare people

Then ill say it right: ISLAMIC TERRORIST ATTACK

pussy whipped faggots

> approximately 20 dead
> some are half dead, not yet fully confirmed
> now go zombies run among us

But in all honesty, is this really a big dealnjust heard of it now

This is why people affiliate the term "terrorist" only with muslims.

It's an act of terrorism regardless of the race or religion.

Name one terrorist attack done by christians.

>Inb4 9/11

kys faggot

Also inb4 OKC bombing, Nichols and McVeigh were atheists

Need a drink for all that salt?

Do u think filthy shit skinned dune coons killing and raping our people and country is a big deal?

Stop using the word salty wrong you fucking idiot.

How much do u want to bet its Islamic extremists again?




Thats patriotism, America did the same thing to Britain in the revolutionary war


Um...20 people given the circumstances I'd take that over 21 people.
The factors these things are gonna increase and well I'm a cynical motherfucker. I don't really care....
Sooner or later we'll do something


Do you think Hillary will finally be able to use the words "radial Islamic terrorism"?

ahh you might want to read up on your history kiddo.. actually don't, please tell me about the times America killed UK civilians.. this should be good.

Deadpool is literally the most cancerous character in history.
The creators should have fucking slashed their wrists after they mad him

The ones on the far left and right are smiling. I'd fuck.

So much salt in this thread, its so lulzy

Doubt it no liberal bed wetting hippie can say it

He says the same thing about you and your parents.

It will come from one form of conservative ideology or another for sure.

People don't say that because it's redundant.

The FBI put out a statement saying its a radical islamic terrorist attack

No people dont say it because they're pussy whipped faggots

Remember kids:

the guy was psyopd it was an inside job

Go back to





No they didn't.

Been here longer than u faggot

Yes they did

dubs never lie edgy kid

Mass shootings of five or more are statistically the realm of white conservative groups and mentally ill in the United States of America.

If you refine that down to two or more people, then shooting are the realm of street gangs.

Islamic terrorists are among the most peaceful social groups in America. Do you realise how sad that is?

Do u realize how retarded and liberal u sound?

>Tries to refute dubs
Fuck you really are summer


This is why people avoid these threads like the plague.

Kill yourself.

Well, what I said is true, and the truth has a well known and documented liberal bias.



go back to your schizo ward


[citation needed]

[hint: "google it" is not a citation]

Why do u think im on Sup Forums?

The race of a person dosnt determine if they are a terrorist or not

the lords resistance army
the Lăncieri
anders breivik

there are probably more. those were just at the top of my head

it was clearly an inside job the guy was clearly psyopd ur a retard and part of the problem to believe say or propagate anything otherwise loser

mass shootings are usually white people, but they are statistically carried out by liberals, or people raised by liberal parents.

Nichols never claimed to be atheist at all.

McVeigh was raised Catholic and maintained he believed in God even after his arrest though claimed he lost his Catholic beliefs. It wasn't until the day before his execution that he claimed to be agnostic.

guilty retarded shill slave in servitude

Then why are u replying?


Back to back to back consecutive dubs

>Bullshitting this hard

Nichols never claimed to be religious either

Ya, but still. .. fuck Muslims.

I think it's safer to assume a far-right-wing anti-government terrorist and gun nut is more likely religious than not.

But Hitler wad an atheist

This. We Americans practically invented modern terrorism. Fuck, we helped fund 9/11. Now we're about to have the greatest terrorist president ever to hold office. It's gonna be a fun, bloody, hilarious four years.

But thats not what Trump said.

holy of christ you are retarded

Definition of retardation. 1 : an act or instance of retarding. 2 : the extent to which something is retarded. 3 : a musical suspension; specifically : one that resolves upward. 4 a : an abnormal slowness of thought or action; especially : mental retardation b : slowness in development or progress.

hitler was a schizophrenic

Google it, you should pursue facts in your life, it will gird you against becoming an easily deceived, easily riled buffoon.

The reason they're going to start calling all shootings "terrorist attacks" is because the war on terror is a cynical effort at socially engineering people to accept oppression. Muslims in America have seriously failed to deliver on killing so we're going to start calling everything terrorism in an effort to keep stretching to police powers.

Yeah. How can we make America great again if you fucks stand in the way of racial profiling?


Hitler should've killed dune coons

nah it was a muslim, white or not, hes doing it because of "muh religion."


hitler was a non english nigger who fucking cares what he should or otherwise should have done

guy was a barabarian, a savage, outside of empire,and burned for it. no ones fault but there own


You know, you're right. Lets start racially profiling all white people in schools so we can stop school shootings.

But that would be dumb when they do less on average

why? in the 1930's and 40's america had not spent countless million dollars trying to topple democratically elected muslim leaders to gain cheap oil. there was no anti-muslim zeitgeist and hitler had larger socio-economic goals than attacking mualims for no reason. hell, he was happy to trade with the turks for oil so he could pursue his wars against communism and judeaism as well as creating lebensraum for his people.

the anti-muslim trend is a recent phenomenon stemming from americas failure to control middle eastern resources leading to the instability of the region and the anti-american backlash that followed. had america not clumsily meddled in iran, iraq, libya and afghanistan in the 80's, 90's and 00's then we would not have the terrorism and subsequent anti-muslim mindset prevailant (and tactically encouraged) today.

dont bring 1940's values into a 2016 debate you muppet

why not just stop the people psyoping these retards into this shit and go about the asimilar goals in a smarter more constructed method, why, because they are so fucking guilty they should be dead themselves, priorities, order

>imperial germany
