Incest thread

incest thread

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Sis on right


have you been a bad boy?

would love to have her dominate me


I can see why, she'd get a full chub from me any day

oh yes. i'd be her total slave.

yeah but cousin incest isn't nearly as bad. it's the same as when mainstream porn uses step-family for incest and trying to yield the same taboo results. it's just not the same

like my cousin?

yeah i suppose

meh. looks like a jew, i guess from iran. or an arab.
i guess i'm not phased by cousin incest because i know a married cousin couple with kids so it diminishes it for me.

yeah, i have no good looking cousins and no sisters besides one that i saw once 2 years ago and she was a second cousin

second cousin is even safer than first cousin. it's not even family at that point.

yeah, besides i had no chance anyways she was like a 8.5-9/10


had sex with my cousin on a daily basis growing up, that was the life. but family meet ups get weird now we're both adults, wish i could go back and relive those days


So here in Australia, it's legal to marry your 1st or 2nd cousin but not your 3rd

When I was 14 I was at a cousins 13th, and there I met a cousin I hadn't seen since I was like 4. She was 12, but when it got dark we went around the side of the house, hooked up and then she gave me head until I came in her mouth. Who the hell taught a 12 year old to do that haha

Take your lies somewhere else. Preferably Reddit.

Had a thing with my cousin growing up.

We are only a few months apart in age and grew up like bro and sis. We were left alone to play at a young age so innocent exploration happened. Her family lived in the woods with a huge yard so it was super easy to get away with things. Plus, with all that land to play on it sucked to have to run back to the house to pee so most of the time we just pissed in relative cover of the woods but we always watched each other. At sleepovers we'd stay in the same bed. We'd play house or doctor and sometimes shower together. At a young age, you don't think much of it but when we hit 10 or so I was already masturbating regularly and wondered if she did too. At one sleepover we were playing house as usual and I was on my back and got a ridiculous boner when she touched me. There was no way to ignore it. She knew from Sex Ed it meant I was excited and we talked about it. I cant remember who suggested it but I ended up showing her my fully erect dick and asked if she wanted to masturbate. It was hot. Happened a few times that night.

The next time we had a sleepover things escalated. She gave me a handjob and I fingered her. We both had a lot to learn and it took a while.

At twelve, almost 13, we were doing stuff as usual and wanted more but she was too scared to have sex without a condom. I had been with one other girl at this point so I knew, kinda, how to eat pussy. I went down on her and then she returned the favor. First time she wouldn't let me cum in her mouth. Next morning I woke up with massive morning wood and asked her to suck me off again. This time I got too into it and nutted in her mouth. She reluctantly swallowed. That was really as far as we went. Once when we were 15 she let me inside her without a condom but didn't want to do anything else beyond oral, even with a condom.

We grew apart in towards the end of high school and we haven't done anything since our mid teens.

I have OC story if anyone wants to hear

Aw diddums, sad because you can't get any yourself?

you should become her cuck.


go ahead.

i want my sis to do this

I wanna fuck my adopted sister. We're a year apart but she is so sexy now. I wanna eat her pussy and ass and cum in her tight Asian cunt. Pic related.



>pushing her away by being too forceful

You fucked up senpai. You've gotta get her to want to.

any candids? feet?

you do her errands for her?

ok I'll greentext it but there's some background you need first.

My family all lived in a really small house. It was basically just our parents room a kitchen a bathroom and what should have been a living room but me and my siblings slept there.

The house was at the end of a street so there weren't any real neighbor. (this is important for the story)

The only furniture in our room was one couch. It wasn't even a real couch I think it's called a loveseat(?) ironic. It was this blue fake leather that got super sticky when you sweat on it so we always had a comforter between the couch and whoever was on it.

Anyway my parents would always work odd hours because they both did freelance. ( My mom is a model and my dad is a musician)
But because of this one of them was almost always home.

Sorry I am typing it out

yea been offering more and more. I want her in control.



is she more dominant to you now?

She'll just ask for stuff now and expect me to comply. Hoping it goes to the next level.

Nah. It wasn't anything like that.We drifted apart when she started to hang out with a shitty group of people around our junior year.

I had to trim a lot of the fat out of the post due to character limit but she would initiate as much as I would at sleepovers and I always respected her boundaries. It was her idea to let me inside her that one time and I respected her wishes that I only go inside but not actually fuck. She ended up getting real skanky by the time we graduated so it's for the best that we drifted apart. We still keep in touch and see each other at reunions but we aren't active anymore.

Incest fakes and captions, doing these... see watermark in pic

My sis



so the bathroom (only one in the house) was connected directly to the "living" room (the room me and my sister shared) and for some reason it didn't really have a door. I don't exactly know the story but it was just like a small piece of wood connected to the hinges. (I think it was probably kick down by my dad's musician friends but I don't know)

anyway as you can imagine having the bathroom totally visible from my "bed" (the blue couch) was pretty god damn convenient for a growing boy, especially since my mom is a god damn model! iykwim ;) but I never tried anything with her she would literally have caged my cocked until I moved out. Which actually I thought my sister would have done the same tbh



like my sis?



Your uncle?


does she have a bf?

Orlando shooting
Reporter: an automatic weapon.
Did Omar Mateen use double tap to make AR-15 shoot that fast?



so like I said my dad was a musician and would play music loud af and like all through the night. So even if our neighbor heard some loud noise they wouldn't have thought anything of it (which they didn't because like I already said we lived at the end of our street)

And like I mentioned at least one of our parents was like always home except once I got old enough ( like 12 or 13 I think because I was already in middle school) then my dad would take gigs working on cruise ships they were 6 month contracts and he would go all over the world (carribean, europe, australia) I was always so jealous but if he knew what I was doing he would proabably have been jealous of me kek

anyway like I said my mom was a model and would take gigs sometimes out of town she'd be gone like over the weekend usually but sometimes a whole week or so.


I'm typing as fast as I can Sup Forumsros!


looks like sandnigger? i've heard they are so may have some luck user, try it out and go slow


fuck i wish. would be her total slave


I'm gay but that picture arouses me A LOT.

Not the incest story, fuck that. The leather skirt and her shaven nudeness.



i had a relationship with i guess stepsister dunno what you guys would call her can greentext story if wanted

sniffing panties is not as cool as it sounds



ask her innocent questions about her relationship then gradually ask her more sexual stuff

That's enough backstory I think I'll start greentext now

>be me
>sleeping on blue couch
my dad was on that cruise gig and my mom was working or the weekend btw
>my sister is showering in the bathroom
>she drops something and it wakes me up
being 13 you can guess what I was dreaming about and what I had when I woke up. dirtythoughts.jpg
>I yell "hey bitch keep it down I'm trying to sleep" loud as I possibly can ( I was trying to scare her and I knew it wouldn't matter how loud I was because we didn't really have any neighbors and they were used to us being loud anyway)
>it worked
>she jumps and spins around and I can see her blossoming bossom brush against the shower curtain.

anyone still reading this? my hands are getting tired. I didn't realize how long this story would be.

>Green text Mother Fucker
skip the horrendous details

be careful

that is how you end up with 5 kids





i'm intrigued


boring as fuck!




I used to fuck my cousin

comments ? Questions?


oh that's not bad. like what?
would be hot

tell me you have her nudes please

Still boring. Forgot to mention that you were black.

pls keep going

so I'm laying on the blue leather couch( but not right on it becasue we have that blanket so our sweaty skin wouldn't stick to it) and wake up with a hard cock and see just a glimpse of my sisters tit through the curtain
>she say in the cuties little broken voice (remember I just scared the shit out of her) ss-sssorry a-a-aa-user ii-i'lll ttrr-try to be quei-quei-quiet
god damn adorable ( i still remember that so clearly)
>now I haven't really talked about it by my sister is hot (I mean our mom is a model after all) and since our dad was a musician he taught us to sing at really really young ages so she had a beautiful lyrical voice that I still find adorable
>she gets done with her shower and I'm still just staring into the bathroom with my morning wood
the room was super steamy by this point since the house was really small and the bathroom (the only one in the house) was connected to the living room (where I was sleeping on the blue leather couch because we used that as our bedroom)


sorry first time telling this story on Sup Forums

thanks I'm not even to the good part

go live your own life then


like sexual advice. what do girls like in sex. vanilla stuff. and then tease her about what she does with her bf.

Anyone have the one of the sis blindfolded and fucked from behind at some upstairs bedroom at a party?

>caught daughter and son
Pic shows 2 girls and a guy. Fuck off faggoo

Ive been wanting to place a spy cam for ages but cant find a small enough one.

get on it, man.

She's hot. Any idea what her body is like? Slutty or innocent?
