Lisa skullfuck thread cont

lisa skullfuck thread cont
38°56'08.1"N 94°55'24.3"W
fucking call already

Other urls found in this thread:

reporting in


Someone already called in didn't they?

whats the latest update with the dude who claims to be there

someone fucking send a tip please


Oh, fun! Geocaching!!

Let's just let this go gentleman. No morals here niggers

Missing since 2011. try harder

why did the last one 404

more than three sent tips to the feds, and i think one sent a tip to the family
he's there, but didn't do anything yet. was whining about if he's supposed to search a 200m radius

bump limit

Reply limit reached
>being this new

somebody made another 2nd thread

For a $100,000 reward I would dig that whole fucking place up

What happened fags?

I live 2 hours away from there if i didnt think i would get implicated i would totally make the drive down there


Other post has a higher number, hence it is actually a 3rd thread.


get in your car already, and split the reward fag


Better yet, murder and bury that other fag and keep all the money yourself

Guts i am proud of ya,we did a good deed

Heard there was a party here?

has anyone actually called yet? i want something to happen for once

These threads are pretty good until these fucking summer fags come in.

You bring the v&?

At least 2 people called.

partial screenshot of last thread in case anyone who calls/ed eventually needs it (?)

pretty confident that she isn't over there, would laugh if they find another body over there

So many people.
Seriously, I called and this really tired sounding guy didn't even let me talk, he was all like "Out of state number, let me guess, you saw the Sup Forums thread, right? We already know."

I was like, "uh... yeah..." and then CLICK!

But hey, go for it.


She's transexisting into a beautiful slush.

i'm sure the reward is for her safe return. no way they're paying 100K for a bag of bones.

this is so fake & gay

>he blocks ads on Sup Forums


Where did you faggots get those coordinates?

They ruin everything


some faggot received them on omegle


MFW this whole b8 thread was made just to get a search crew into position for an IED facial...

>Where did you faggots get those coordinates?
Personal army request.
That is where the guy who is banging the girl OP stalks, lives.

there better is a hidden camera recording that shit

yeah in the middle of the woods

I called kansas city crimestoppers and several people already reported it, investigators are on their way out to check it out as we speak

>implying OP somehow has access to high quality military mines

Ooohhhhhh sheeeit

LOL, you almost got me, m8!

let this go? fuck you faggot. go jerk off to your loli threads. this is serious, little gets kidnapped and murdered.



the world is a cruel place, that shit will keep happening. so lets just enjoy all people their efforts to stop it.

i dont think he used the right coordinates though

If dubs, the killer is OP


big hole for a little kid don't you think?

Thats one big hole for a baby girl!

Well fuck, Sup Forums's gonna find a 10month old baby's corpse.

Granted it's Sup Forums, so we will get some porn out of it.

quite. that things is the size of 4 threes

Mass grave.

maybe its not 1 baby girl


There's no small letters on the warrant so if the finder doesn't get his 100k he better sue those jewish motherfuckers

or a mine field for the investigators!

im sure it doesn't count as "find" if the murderer tells you where it is

stop watching so much bruce willis

Its not that big, the trees are small, i compared it to a nearby car and would say its 1,5 x 4,5 feet


Don't tell them about the murderer then

I like how you do business

>these fags thought I was talking about the ground

You fags have no humor

Whether the "murderer" gave someone the tip or not, it still is a golden tip. If the family cares about that kid it should be worth the money for them.

This. The family could have the bones cremated or something. At least they found it. I'm sure they would be happy if someone at least found the corpse.

hope something happens soon

so the murderer gave the golden tip. wich means that the murderer gets the 100k hahahaha i woud love that

this is the actual location

Sure, that's how it would work. The local police chief would present him with the check, and then give him a blow job.

how do you know?

Missing for 4 years, 8 months and 7 days
> we need to uncover

guys the reward is for her SAFE RETURN, there's no reward for a fucking bag of bones.

Herpaderp, because he plugged in the fucking coordinates?

uh, i entered the exact coordinates into google maps. i even made sure to leave them on the side so you can see.

o fuck!

yeah i'm aware, but the other guy probably did too right?

You plug coordinates in? Like an outlet on the wall?

I'm sure they would give us something. The family at least knows that shes gone and the body can be buried in their yard or something. Cremated whatever.

>2016 website.
>missing age 10months
>photo of lisa in a sink sitting up...18 month old skull definition, at least

kids dont look like that at 10 months.
ive got a 2yo daughter and the face of lisa in that sink washing is too mature to be 10 months old

Yea this was the original spot we saw in the first thread from around an hour ago now

Guess i'll just trust your coordinates then


he must have made a mistake. you can check the coordinates in the post on top against the ones i put into google maps, that's why i left the coordinates on the left side.

>guys the reward is for her SAFE RETURN, there's no reward for a fucking bag of bones

Yeah but a voodoo priestess will buy her bones for top dollar. Also overseas anatomy classes (Universities).

I'm from KC,Mo. I just got back from a float trip though. Just hearing of this and the orlando homo homicide.

Strangers who kidnap infants or young children, though rare, often do so because they want a child of their own, not because they intend to hurt or kill the child, said David Finkelhor, director of the Crimes Against Children Research Center at the University of New Hampshire.


> we know thats bullshit now
