Tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day

>tfw smoking 75 cigarettes a day.

Anyone here managed to quit smoking cigarettes?

Other urls found in this thread:


for a while but was never at 3 packs a day.

How the fuck do you manage to smoke 3, almost 4, packs a day? Also, what do you smoke OP?

That's incredible, you must have a cigarette ALL THE TIME. You might actually want to consider rehab before you fuck up your lungs and throat.

John player standard king size

It's too late for you. Don't bother quitting. It will only delay the inevitable and you are so incredibly addicted that you will be absolutely miserable and probably never be happy again until you die of cancer.


I wouldn't discourage him to quit, on the contrary but I agree he may be already fucked. Mom has cancer now, 56, smoked maybe a pack a day and quit 20 years ago... smoking is a bitch
Seek real advise OP, Sup Forums is not the place

this was posted before
fuck u OP


This pretty much. You can try to quit but you're just gonna delay cancer and a shitty early death for a bit. Might as well just keep smoking and enjoy the rest of your life.

I smoked for over 15 years.
I quit and it's been over two years now.
Was the single greatest thing I ever did in my life.
Everything got better.
I can taste and smell things now. I can breathe normal. I can walk a fucking flight of stairs without getting winded etc....

Fucking quit and DO NOT look back.
Just ask it worth it?

Stop being a fucking pussy and quit user I've seen this thread before. Or don't and die of cancer or some other disease.


OP is a beast . . .

I managed to quit by cutting down gradually, going straight up cold turkey will drive you nuts. Plan out a period to quit over and avoid socializing with smokers and drinking. Avoiding possible smoking situations and alcohol is key until you are over it fully.

Stop making this thread

Same here, it's too much of a shock when you quit cold turkey

> Smoked about 12 years.
> Quit smoking by becoming a dirty vapeist.
> Tapered down the nicotine strength till I hit 0mg.
> Sold my vape stuff to a friend.
