Europeans will need security this Christmas

>Europeans will need security this Christmas

>be yuropoor
>go shopping with 10 euro government stipend
>get TRUCK'd

can't wait until the USA gets trucked

So you won't have any? hmmm interesting

Lol no, our cops actually shoot down suspicious looking brown people


American trucks can't go two blocks without needing repair.

why are you so mean USA? :^(

Yes its so funny
Die more
Die Die Die Die Die!! Hahahahaha
White gorilla should go to hell

You mean these December celebrations.

our truck drivers are docile, jolly fat people

not murderous jihad migrants

Time Square is under watch by police with ARs. We need security too.

Wouldn't happen here. Big safety poles were installed in public places after 9-11

What do you pay the Poles?

Nah, no need.

$20 an hour plus a vodka stipend in the winter.

>tfw I would love to earn that much
C-can you hire me?

are you a big guy?


4 u

Sure you just have to stand perfectly still and block incoming cars and trucks

What if I squat? Would that be acceptable?

You have to be able to stop cars m8