Overwatch thread, who do you fuckers enjoy playing the most?

Overwatch thread, who do you fuckers enjoy playing the most?

Because i'm a fucking weeaboo.


This is now an Overwatch porn webm thread.

depends on the map, offense/defense, and team composition.

'cause he rips the asshole of every tank

Soldier 76.

Played a few games at my buddies house and its quite fun. Was able to go 34-8

Wish I could afford to buy it for my PC lol

not roadhog

Also tracker was pretty fun. Or the rocket launching bitch.

Its 40 dollars...

What are you some child without a job?

The edge

Roadhog, 76, reaper, junkrat, genji.

Yes. lol. TBH I'm not sure I would buy it because not sure my PC would run it smoothly

Genji, mei, roadhog, junkrat.

And torb.

Although I'm actually really glad to see a game that is just a purchase price instead of free to play micro transaction bullshit. Even if that means I cant afford to play it llol

I enjoy playing
>with a team that knows what the fuck they're doing.
After all this time people are still retarded.

roadhog is the second easiest to kill before reinheardt

JTracer, Winston, Roadhog, Zenyatta, Junkrat

OP here, same here mane, literally had a team with 3 widows tonight, lost in less than 5 minutes on volskaya industries, the tilt...

Get a part time job.

Mailed a motion to get my warrant cleared 2 weeks ago, still nothing.

Posted applications today.

Replied to 2 legit emails.

Any other great advice?

Is playing on console any fun at all? I have it on PC and am loving it simply due to faster playmaking capabilities, widow is fucking broken on PC, and I've heard console widows have the hardest time doing well

Zarya (best girl), Pharah, sometimes dVa and roadhog when im defending.

best support is mercy for sure

My nigga, hitting a 4+ man ult with zarya comboed with Roadhog or Pharah is so fucking satisfying.

It was good. I would probably remap some buttons long term. keyboard and mouse will always be better to me though, which you can use on ps4 lol

Blizzard blessed me with Pandaren once upon a time, then the second coming of god was when they bestowed Mei to our unworthy mitts.

My boi Genji, deflection kills for days.

I would've thought it was Winston if we're talking about Reaper.

Pharah is bae

D.Va for life

Nothing better than killing a bastion or widow with their own bullshit.

D VA right on mang. there is hentai of her also.


Stuck Tracer with her own ult a couple times.

oh boy




Dick = More surface area = More to appreciate
= Better


Very nice, waiting for the day I can reflect a Hanzo ult.

Also nice

roll motherfucker





Dumb, that's gotta hurt

Is account sharing a thing? Would love to try it before I buy it on PC.

I almost got one earlier, was a bit too far though.

I choose Zen and Mercy so I can watch Zen furiously use his orbs as anal beads.

Looks like you got a round 2



Get out.

Gravity Keels





>dat pic
guys we have 2 hanzo we need a widow maker right?


Fuck, threesome with Zen, Mercy, and D.Va. honestly don't know how that'd go.

I loved the game until I realized it should be called Ultwatch. The game is just fucking ults here, ults there. Aimbot and wallhack ults. what the fuck man.

Kill me please. That is the absolute worst.

Oh, we're on payload. "No tank" "No support"

I honestly think the game needs ults though man, what do you think the gameplay would be like without them?

>my team has three snipers
>I switch to sniper

Toy Story : the shooter


im not saying get rid, im saying make them not be so fucking game changing

They shouldn't charge so fast, especially Mercy's

Played a game the other day and she had ult in the first 30 seconds

the ones that arent faggot live streamers on twitch.

There is already a meta forming though.

Knowing when to ult is everything. Some of them do make my eyes roll though, I agree with that. Some are also much better than others.


if you want to try some fun shit get on with a mate and pick two reinhardts as attack then fucking charge to shit with the rest of the team and then just dubble barrier get fucked defende youknow unless they get 2 bastion then its GG

is that pudge from dota 2 dude?

bump for interest

the lack of porn in this thread disgusts me


Who else would it be?

Maybe if i can find a smart Rein willing to make a dumb decision for our enjoyment, I'll give it a shot. Went 26-2 earlier when a team tried to go 5 rein an 1 support on Ilios earlier. Holy shit that was bad.





Rolling... come on 40

holy shit i got what i wanted for once


Rolling for this to decide what to play in this next round. 25 get

tf2 + dota 2 pudge + moba meta = ogrewatch

that why you play with a mate

Bump for more Overwatch porn

D.va, not bad






fuck yes, Phara

fuck yes, Pharah

fuck yes, Pharahh