What happens when we die Sup Forums?

What happens when we die Sup Forums?

Forgot date, my bad

There's only one easy way to find out for sure.

Religion takes too long.

most likely not the ideal situation we most hope will happen


Do you remember life before you were born? If so, exactly that.

We wake up in a world with a better handgun

Dude if u are going to commit suicide at least do it right..
Mass shooting a fcking bar an hero

My theory is that we go into a deep, dreamless sleep type state. And since there is no brain activity, we can't comprehend that we are experiencing nothing. So it's just pure emptiness... Ceasing to exist, basically. Also does anyone know what type of bullet this is?

Seriously, you would think someone would go all out for it.

I can't get into any bars and plus it's too much effort. I don't plan on killing anyone else, the extra bullets are just for backup

Nah, a mall. No one has done a mall yet and I bet you could get a great K/D ratio. /s

It looks like a 40.

If anyone has life insurance on you you might not want to commit suicide in an obvious way. They may not get a pay out and then would have you burdening them financially. Don't be a piece of shit

nothing happens when we die fag

you either is, or you is not

all of the mythology is just part of the human condition

we are not that important, get over it

exist for a while and be glad

Whatever keeps you from staying up all night in fear is a good theory to me. I like afterlife, because I like the thought of you controlling yourself rather than being yourself. (watered down, you are your brain, not your body.) I like the thought of being able to leave the physical body and doing whatever, kinda like a dream.

Consciousness Ceases.

Just How before We Were Born. Simple.

This is the best I have access to right now, the other option is a snub nose revolver and a semi auto pistol which is smaller than this one, idk the name

Op, kill yourself.

Post a picture of the back

rip in peace OP, ima get some sleep

I have bipolar disorder and wish I had access to a gun like you OP

Smith and Weston M&P 40 caliber pistol

Stream it OP

Don't kill yourself faggot. That's the pussy way out

Idk what's it like before you're alive?
>I'll wait for your answer
>cam hero plz

Yeah I've thought about this theory too. Would be nice, wouldn't it? I don't even think I have life insurance
Thanks for the tip

we goto the great image board in the sky. no mods. no captcha. and OC as far as the eye can see

You wake up in a new reality, bring a towel.

begin new life
but.... why don't live this?

leave gun
go out
take a deep breath

start living

No you're not, you're just an edgy faggot who likes a label.


Don't kys op

Here you go. What is it?
Good night.

.40 cal

I dont like it and I was diagnosed with it in a mental hospital when I lost touch with reality in a mental hospital. The whole experience was terrible. I have nightmares every night about it

I would but I'm nuking my laptops HDD atm so it's pretty useless. Posting from my phone right now


Don't Kys


Alright. Few more questions: if I shoot the side of my head with it will it kill me? I don't want to wake up in a hospital as a vegetable a couple hours from now. Also how do I load the damn thing, I'm pushing the bullet into the mag but there's resistance. Is that normal?

has OP delivered?

damn you're actually gonna kill yourself

I was talking about the smaller gun, not this one. I know it's a S&W 40

You know how you can imagine something, for example, picture a blue box in a pink room. You can do anything with that blue box, spin it around, change it's color, make it bigger or smaller. But how are you looking at it? It's almost as if you're looking at it through a camera, what if all of this was happening in a place far beyond this universe or any other possible one. And you could see what the camera sees through your thoughts.

We all go to this infinitely expanding room, with any quality you can imagine. You are the camera, you could attach an 'avatar' to this camera. You could do anything, you could spawn a world, or if you wanted to, THE world. View it in real time, or the past, not the future though.

You could explore a galaxy you created, or the galaxy that you had only seen in pictures before. Make it small and balance it on the fingertips of an avatar that you've attached to this camera. The entire universe in the palm of your hand, quite literally anything imaginable.

Of course that's only in your realm, I've yet to mention anything about the spirit hub or limb apparatus.

you said would record your death but after you shoot yourself how will you upload or will u use a stream sight on your phone?

Op put your dads gun back and chill out for 24 hours and reconsider

Sjlhoot the temple. It will go through both sides of brain.

You're in luck, OP! I looked into this recently (at least in my area)! So, first, it depends on if anyone claims the body. If so, it's up to them to pay for a plot and burial or cremate you and dispense with your remains. But then, after a while, graves get old and cemeteries go bankrupt. When the cemetery goes bankrupt they stop paying taxes and the city (or local government) put a lien on the land. Then they dig your happy ass up and cremate you unless you're a veteran. If you're not a veteran, they cremate you and throw your ashes into the sea, which is what they do with the homeless from the start because nobody claims them. If you're a veteran, they find a place to re-bury you until they lose your records and then you're like everybody else I guess. So eventually, everybody ends up in the sea, it's just a matter of time. Because cemeteries get full, literally wtf did you think happened to all those bodies? They just buried them on top of one another? No. They don't.

This may be different inland, and laws vary by state a great deal I think... I live on the coast. I wouldn't be surprised if there are body landfills or just disposal into standard garbage landfills inland. Neat, huh?

If the magazine is new, there will be some resistance especially towards the end. Even the first round might take significant force. Hold magazine with non dominant hand with bottom on table, use non dominant thumb to press down the platform dingly, use dominant hand to shove the fucker in.

It will go away with time, either through normal use or just by leaving a loaded magazine sitting for awhile.

Op, let us see it somehow m8. Plz!!? At least post pic of face beforehand. And location. We will check obits and news.

Don't need to justify anything, you don't owe 'em shit

life is full of pain = buddhism . by running away from life you are beig a coward who run away from pain . and also you are devoiding every person who might have benefitted by you being alive , cud be a girl u save from drowning or a child who being happy after a candy offering .. u r being selfish .. it can also be fellow Sup Forumsro lookin for your aprreiatable comments .. think about it are u coward and selfish ... ? life is painfull but it give u a chance to put a smile on others ..

That's what usually happens. You can't shoot twice in a headshot. Especially with a .40 You'll wake up a paralyzed vegetable that can't talk, trapped in his own body.

And you didn't even play battlefield 1.

Invest all your money in the stock market, wait a bit, if you win, yay, if not, an hero.

Where I live, there are graveyards with stones from the earlier 1800s

>What happens when we die Sup Forums?
First, our body is picked up by police officers and carted off to a mortuary.

Then, we are given an autopsy by forensics experts to make sure we weren't murdered. Our healthy organs are harvested for hospitals' use unless we opted to not let them do that (either for religious reasons or because we're an asshole).

Our body is then given chemical treatment so that it looks presentable at our funeral, unless we died of an injury that mutilated us beyond repair, in which case our body is in a closed-casket funeral.

Then, we are either buried or cremated. Either way, that's the last thing that happens to us when we die -- unless we're a very rich person who got buried in a tomb with really cool stuff, in which case we might get visited by grave-robbers (or archaeologists, depending on how long we've been left undisturbed).

Well he's not gonna care very fuckin' much about your opinion on what is and is not cowardly and what his responsibilities are if he's dead, is he?

Yes, and aim for the brain OP. Don't just shoot through your face. Honestly a shotgun works better but google the parts you should aim for

Bullshit, he'll prob die on the spot.

Maybe i going to do the same tomorrow, wait for me OP

I'm not streaming it, I was planning to originally but I decided to wipe my laptop and my phone can't stream because I'm using my neighbors wifi (kek) and I have to sit in a weird spot to reach it
This was an interesting read. Thanks, user
Ok I see, thank you
Sorry to hear that, if I knew you I'd help

How do I disengage the safety? If there is one

Sciece with all its development couldnt create human life . and those hwo have it waste it before using happiness of other .. thus not removing the cause become victim

Yes, and depending on if the "perpetual fund" which is allocated to preserve them is actually "perpetual", they will last a longer or shorter time period. If somebody loots the fund or poorly manages it, it will deplete. This eventually happens generally, it's a matter of time. But like I said, there are veterans. A cemetary near me has graves of people from before the cemetary was established, they were moved from another graveyard because muh military is special. And of course, like I said, it differs from state to state. Maybe your state accords more historic relevance to some graveyards than others. But do you really think everyone who's ever lived in your state has a grave there? Unlikely.

You wake up at your desk with your computer on and Sup Forums on the screen. You can't go to any other website or board.

I committed suicide 3 years ago and have been unable to do anything but shitpost ever since.

Goodbye Op

you will be an hero

I wanna go with you... Holding hands. Can you wait for me? We're just 12 hours apart.


That button below the trigger by the trigger guard is the safety OP. Push one way or another it'l go off

He might succeed, or he might not. Depends on where he aimed and whether or not he's a NEET who lives with his mom. If the latter isn't the case, then he might lay there for a while writhing in agony but still die due to blood loss even if he didn't destroy the basic parts of his brain. But if it is, mommy's latently selfish girl-brain will make her call for the ambulance so they put him on life support.

Another reason to get a job, folks. Wagecuckery isn't all bad.

Op, why wipe laptop? Cheese pizza or some other shame?

Yours has no safety, you can dry fire to confirm but the little holes on the back are where the safety lever normally would be

I'd rather you didn't kill yourself, for what it's worth

also thers is theory that universe is expanding . ad after a certain limit it will reverse contract.. so people will rise from grave .. and in your case OP bullets will come out of your head ... scary

just tell us when you do it

Why do you expect something to happen?
Think about what "happened" before you came into existence as you are now. Every single atom in your body existed before you were born and every single atom will exist after you perish. You, me and everyone else is just here for a brief moment. Enjoy it while it lasts

We will ascend into heaven and be with our lord savior moot forever.

That's the mag release you dumb fucking nigger

So OP, why? You got to give us a good story? School, girls, family issues?

why do you want to die op?

this guy is serial

Post face OP.

When I'm feeling depress I listen to music . Which soothes me . I recommend to listen to these song

J Cole - Farwell

J Cole - Apparenlty
I listen to those a lot and it makes me think about life and there's more to it

Yeah before u kill urself can u tell me where u got ur pen from??? I want a fuckin green ink pen like thag

did he died?

It doesn't matter. The only certainties in life are that you will be born, and you will die.
I believe we all play a part in this expanse that is life, everybody will live their story out.
Unfortunately, not everybody's story can be a happy one.

Op, is you still with us ?

and this story has come to an end.

OP here, I just did it and holy shit, this fucker was right!

Guess I'm stuck here now.

OP, tell us where do you live so that we can check the news tomorrow

>mfw op NDed into his leg trying to load his dads gun

Rip OP

somebody post a chinese pizza in memory of OP

All your plants die with you because no one waters them.

Your pets get sent to shelter.

Your computer becomes a $50 tax deductible donation to goodwill

Your Xbox goes to pawn shop

And a bunch of people are pissed off (albeit silently) that they have to pay all this money for a damn funeral.

Your ashes get split up and given to people who buy little urns from the funeral parlor. You don't get scattered. You end up forgotten in the back corner on the floor of someone's closet.

Eventually, they're found and thrown away. Most likely when the one who had them dies. Then the cycle starts all over.

why would anything "happen" when you die


Life is a game. When you die, you the spirit, back out of your body. There is a big "Game Over" feeling of detachment and how well or poorly you played the game. Look at your score, rest, recover, fuck around (ghosting) and you get an urge to play again. Track around knocked up women 'til you find a scene where you want to show up. Born into a new body, then you are playing another game.

My multiple GB's of Bailey Jay and animal porn. No cheese pizza
I wish there was a shotgun I had access to... It's just a bunch of pistols and some hunting rifles

Also I just realized I have the wrong size bullet for the gun, it won't fit. Fuck me lmao. Back to the locker we go!

op being elfish by commiting suicide and devoiding others of hhis qualities

op is a selfish faggot--wont let u have fun

Op where do you live so we can check the news

congrats OP for your dubs


Damn That's Strangely Specific.

Not OP But Still. Damn.

We stop living