Best of Sup Forums

Best of Sup Forums

Other urls found in this thread:





Insert Roberto.



I was in that thread



That blonde is a QT





apparently 14yo girls have bigger balls than the rest of us faggots.

Yes, but they're on the chest usually

as counter intuitive as it may sound, some faggot use something else than balls to think. The result is amazing : They weren't caught by the police for a stupid reason + they had a good laugh

chillax if you 14yo police cant do shit


> implying everyone on Sup Forums is underrage fagoot
> implying this is not written about her in her citizen files, good luck to find a job if you're trying to be something else than mcnuggets

Could it be? Wolfman Greg!? Thank you user been looking for this for a long time!


I'm from the netherlands and once you become 18 you get a clean slate. Children can do stupid things without seeing the consequences. So it really doesnt mather.

literal gold
gold too

jesus fuck i should move there when i'm about to have kids.

Nice. Belguim doesn't have that, I'm sure your law is restricted to minor crimes.

What do cops have to do with this?
Is not showing up on dates illegal?

Yeah if you kill somebody it would be different i guess but minor felonies do nat have an impact.

"when you think youve defeated the americans but see a helicopter blaring out this song"

Thanks, I think we all needed your opinion you fucking faggot.

I tried man

I hate this purely because it launched cuck into the stratosphere

Now everything is fucking cucks

I'm so fucking done with all that shit

That day we brought the bantz but didn't know what hell we had created.



well its not Sup Forums but still.

yeah, I was also wondering.
>probly bcause murrica


anybody has actual sauce?
link provided by this faggot leads nowhere

Lots of sissy porn

Remember when moot left?

That was a good day.




Anyone lurking?



post more cheese

711 was an part-time job

oog dooga noo mooga doog oog hoo



Goldest Bullshit i have ever read

I present you all with neal.







Anyone still lurking?

Ain't nobody got time to read that shit





I have no idea what the fuck is going on here.





About on like?
Finland will be 45 -year -old student teachers is 12-13 -year -old , has become tight after class one day to go , rain can see more of the breast nudism grow body hair look a little erect penis fuck off , " I tell you , OK ? " they want to grow red hair covering breast moist , but nipple " yes" in turn to rain go " I do not see the bathroom , and did not do , but the body that some say yes , " hearing that nudism is out , they tell me that the school was invited to the office " to stop or get more than a shoe "

Too soon

>but nipple "yes"


Didn't have a laugh this good in some time


Stopped reading there

>google Wolfman Greg
>First picture is

Are you fucking retarded?





true gold

o my fucking sides

kek, would do the same




Can this be a best of Sup Forums thread?

Actually it was people mocking Louis CK 3 years ago that did.

fucking loving this thread, so please accept my gift


fuck yeah trips, have another

and another


and this


i ain't done

I knows a bad thing to say but I'm a perfectionist and 49 is not a perfect round number like 50 it just a bugs me out man. Anyone else have these feels?

from bananas to pineapples