Why is everybody now hammering on tf2 when overwatch is released? You can't just say "overwatch is better"...

Why is everybody now hammering on tf2 when overwatch is released? You can't just say "overwatch is better". Both games are unique in their own way.

Sounds like you're crying

Overwatch is better

Overwatch is good, and on more platforms, so more people are playing and talking about it

both games are gay
all games are for children though
You cannot psychologically be an adult and still take pleasure in videogames

overwatch is unique by being better

TF2 is free and doesn't need a beast PC.

Overwatch has a better gameplay but, definitely not worth 60$, there were shitloads of coop shooters released since TF2 came out and nobody gave them any attention.
Overwatch is only popular because Blizzard paid for the advertising.

Dirty Bomb for example, is free and it's way better than both TF2 and Overwatch. Also Free.

Gr8 b8 m8 I r8 8/8

TF2 is nearly 10 years old, it had it's chance to become an esport and was literally years late to that.
People only want to play games if they have big fanbases and are eSport viable. Quantity, in this case, is over quality (i.e CS:GO)
Overwatch is a great game and I'm still an active TF2 player and don't have any shred of doubt saying that. Will I abandon TF2? No.
Is Overwatch better than TF2? No.

Some people dont give a shit about competitve and just play for fun ... Imagine that

Tru dat

so you like cheep COD

i will hate to see what wines you drink

OW is 40$

Dirtybomb is full of cheaters and dead

Yeah personally I find both games shit


totally unrelated, plus, there are free games out there with way better gameplay than the paid ones, why should I be a retard and pay for them?

same here.

Hat is good.

Heroes and Generals.

10/10 game thats free, just takes time and effort

tf2 is for gay little faggots, overwatch is a games game so to speak.
Dirty bomb is for hackers and faggots who want to play a game with an edgy title, and you dont seem like a hacker.
Shut up faggot, tf2 is literal garbo, go play barbie dressup if you want to try different hats on, play Overwatch when you want a real experience.

Sure, some people don't, but what causes big coverage on games like CS:GO, league, Dota, etc? The competitive play. CS never had as big a fanbase before it got huge media coverage with eSports. Most people play online shooters literally for the competitive aspect. That new gen of people playing see something like TF2 that was never designed for competitive and blow it off (even if it does have a small community as it is, but nothing sponsored by Valve itself like CSGO)

low quality b8 keep fishin lmao

sorry it was a shit game

jsut like all the counterstrikes clones back in the day all them shit and you are better off paying the one time fee of 5 $ for a good game

Tf2 is way better in my opion but Overwatch is good to.

TF2 is way better than Overpriced
> more maps
> more modes
> more hero variety, although onlywatch has more heores, tf2 has loadouts
> better cosmetics
> doesn't get boring after you've tried every hero


Exactly. TF2 has more variety as a game, and Overwatch only plays how you're intended to play. TF2's flexibility is the reason it stands out so much to me.

Overwatch had and has marketing out the ass, blizzard even stirred up some "controversies" for publicity, resulting in popular as fuck game with the same (ish) cartoony art of league of legends.

It's the new hotness, a year from now expect everyone one including girls to know about it and play it

average Sup Forums newfag
which means that your opinions don't mean shit

OW is catering to the league of legends audience, not to mention the fucking stupid amount of marketing it got pre release. I mean fuck like millions of people are already playing it and it JUST came out

It's gonna go E-sports tier, there's no doubt. Can't wait to see normies wearing OW merch on the streets in a year or so

This is how i see it

TF2 and LOL had a baby and this is the games made

if they make it so ps4 xbox 1 and pc users can all play on the same sever then that is grate but if it just the same game just locked off to it own platform then OW is dum

The only way that would happen would be if some sort of mouse and keyboard attachment was released for consoles, otherwise PC players would have a massive advantage competitive-wise

I feel like this is whats going to happen, I'm not really against it, bout time we get a new massively popular game that isn't fucking league of faggots

even then we will still have the advantage

but this is more for jsut playing the game

fuck of a MMO on the PS2 can do it then i dont see why we dont have more cross platforms games

like in FF online ARR

PC players will allways be the ones doing the raids and end game stuff more then ps4 players we ha have the FPS and the space we neeed for all are skills

but in a FPS game like OW TF2 COD it will be fine

Both games are good. In my honest opinion, Overwatch is better, but that's just me. I prefer the sheer variety in design regarding maps and characters. TF2 always felt kinda bland and boring to me.

But hey, to each their own. Enjoy TF2, no one's gonna bitch at you for it.

They are both the same thing. Big massive piles of shit.

Because tf2 is for poor south americans children who cant afford real games.
>open up tf2
>join one of fhe few matches
>stupid argentinian kid or something is singing out loud
>half the server has 100+ping and speak spanish only with their mics

tf2 is better.. i don't have 1000$ worth of stuff in overwatch

Both games are horrible.
That design is for 12 year old girls and 10 year old boys.
Why dont they just mix Mickey Mouse and Pikachu? I dont get that "style". Its like a LSD Nightmare for babys.

Last game with a perfect Artwork was Quake 1 and Dark Souls. It just went down simce then.

They masterfully made Overwatch casual/accessible enough that anyone can feel decent at it. Blizzard did an amazing job at that.

While TF2 has a low skill floor, it's nowhere near as low as Overwatch's. TF2 has a much higher ceiling though.

Both are great games.

Agreed. I think it's praise worthy how they managed to put something for everyone in the game. Literally everyone can find a character whom they like. My gf hates first person games and shooters, but she loves Overwatch. Plays as Widowmaker and Tracer.

>implying dark souls is for children
get a grip

Blizzard is a company full of out of touch billionaire 73 year old hasbeens who couldn't come up with an original game concept if their lives depended on it. They have literally taken the 3 most faggy, prepubescent games in the world and copied them down to every fucking toadstool and everyone is like "Omg Blizzard is back! Such innovation"

You are all fucking retarded and your retardation is the reason I haven't played a decent game in months.

Children as in kids and young adults. Which is true but it's nothing to be ashamed of

Tf2 is fun, squad based greatness. Overwatch is faggy weeb jpop enema water.

bein such a newfag that you take this low quality bait

tf2 was great when it WASN'T free and the people who played were actually interested in winning, versus farming for stupid fucking hats.

The worst thing Valve did to tf2 was add in personal goals that weren't necessarily tied to the team goal of winning. That is, play to farm for hats, not push the cart. This killed the game.

Back in 2008 people used to use teamwork and communicate in tf2. It was a fine game that got ruined.

overwatch is like a more fast paced tf2, you cant run out of ammo so you never have to spend time looking for ammo on the map which I like

both games are fun niggas

Blizz gets 0 dollars from me since anally raping Diablo and Starcraft.

Ya I don't think so. Blizzard has a great understanding of what sells. Just because they are a company and not some cum guzzling indy dev group (that makes great games but only has a cult following) doesn't mean they are out of touch.

hoping competitive mode in overwatch will make this problem not happen in overwatch

>dirty bomb is dead and full of hackers
They patch hacks often, and It's not dead, no idea where you came with that conclusion. I never have trouble finding a room

It's amazing how the items in TF2 and CSGO trigger the autist hoarder gene in so many players. I swear 1/2 of the people at least in either game are only interested in item accumulation.

I don't really understand why is everyone calling activision "blizzard" in this thread

>Teamfortress 2 is not bad

Overwatch is both developed and published by blizzard, what does activision have to do with anything

dont you dare post nigger pictures on this board

Go fuck yourself


what are you on about?

blizzard is a subsidiary of activision

Yeah hats help you win games man

>nobody else in this thread is actually old enough to have PAID for tf2

TF2 in 2008 and 2009 was great times fam. No hats and the soldier got 32 rockets

Keep hearing about this overwatch, even when I'm playing TF2. No idea what it is because steam never recommendd it to me, but it sounds Overhyped

It's good. It's like if TF2 got a sequel.


Is it like TF2 but without demonoobs and kritzkrieg?

There was blizzard back in the golden age.
Then blizz sold out to vivendi
Then vivendi merged with activision

there's still demonoobs lol

Is it linked to shitty middleman software like origin or uplay?
Clearly not linked to out lord and saviour Steam.


The reason I don't like overwatch is there's no sandbox at all. Like, in tf2 you can rocket/sticky jump and do all sorts of crazy shit, while in overwatch there's no custom maps, and feels very linear like I'm doing what the devs want me to do.

Sounds like people ptfo instead of looking at hats and chain taunting in spawn

There is no hightower market gardening in overhyped, so I stick to tf2.

They're trying to convince themselves they aren't playing a clone of TF2, and that their money wasn't wasted.

Blizzard understands their target audience. Waifus > Hats

i feel you man, this game was so great when paid
then fucking f2p cancer happened
severs full of motherfucking kids having no idea how to play

Basically, make a bunch of characters that cater to every fandom possible and you can gather the biggest audience possible. I don't even have to name all the characters that are so generic it hurts.

sombody YT link


Can't we just all agree that Arma 3 is better than both?

>hardcore paintball geeks, now with less fresh air and exercise

Yeah, so many people loved Ori and the Blind Forest because it's going to be the next headliner at EVO

TF2 was $20 or part of the $50 Orange box. Didnt go ftp for years

Are you guys totally retarded ?

Overwatch came out 1 month ago. TF2 came out almost 10 years ago. Of course there's more content in TF2 as of now ! More heroes are going to be released in Overwatch with more maps and therefore more gameplays.

>Better cosmetics
Now that's bait.

Overwatch getting new heroes is going to throw off balance.

Blizzards only good game was warcraft 1.
Wow brought the cancer