I found out that my girlfriend is cheating on me, what should I do to her?

I found out that my girlfriend is cheating on me, what should I do to her?

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Go ahead and treat her like the dirty where that she is. You and some fuck boy stuck your dick in each end and bounce her between hour cocks. Take turns taking pictures, share with us, and await further instruction.

Whore*... That is all

>Post nudes

no,I want to make her pay in a more painful way...

That's a dumb idea.
Sugar in her gas tank, gasoline all her clothes, piss all over her bed.

Leave her and move on. That's it.

Give me more ideas guys, I have to do it tonight

Don't sink to her level. Just move on.

Just let it go. Dump her.

No, she should suffer.

Doesn't matter, go focus on being happy without her.

5 years of waste....

Can somebody explain the problem with whoredom?

Fuck her in the ass, no lube

Trips have spoken. Plus I agree, people will just think you're a petty little bitch

Trips of truth but small lesson should be learnt

Why do you want to cause her pain?

Nah, you learned a lot. What sort of traits to avoid, etc. You can also learn how to be haly on your own, so that the next relationship you get into will be better.

Dude, just ghost her, that fucking hurts chicks worse then anything.

The best long term revenge AND personal satisfaction you can realistically achieve is to just calmly leave her. If you need to get really emotional then do it to a shrink. But to her, just be disappointed like a parent and walk away shaking your head at how pathetic she is.

ghost her and never look back.

This. You might think we are wrong in the next few weeks, but if you do this like a respectable adult man you will thank us in the long run.

Why did she cheat on you? You a prick? Are you mostly self centered? Do you know who she is cheating on you with? How long have they been at it?


I'm not a good person

Being a whore is fine, great even. Being a LYING whore is disgusting.

Slap the shit out of her
Open hand ONLY

Admitting it is the first step towards killing yourself, user.

There's nothing wrong with being a professed
whore, the problem is cheating.
Imagine if i were your best friend and i fuck your mom regardless your dad is still alive.

Don't tell me what to imagine, shitcunt.

No cheating bitch is worth prison time

>Hide knife
>fuck her
>kill her
>watch how slut is dying
>take pics
>post here

OP, just share her nudes with us already

Fuck a faggot.
Bonus Points if you keep fucking him while she watchs.
>Invite her

Give her dat nugget

Doesn't matter how you classify yourself. Your life will be better the sooner your cut her out completely. Make her matter as little as possible. Don't waste any more time or thought on her.

Howed you find out ?

>1. get the highest rated capsaicin extract you can find

>2. Put in like a plastic bottle lid next to bed

>3. Seduce her into sex

>4. Dip a fingertip into it and proceed to finger her gash and asshole (won't take but a few seconds)

>5. Stand up pounding on your chest and say "that's how you get burnt in a relationship bitch"

>6. Break up and enjoy being single a little while

>Buy hidden cameras.
>Make her come to ur house
>Nice dinner
>Reveal that u know about the cheat
>Post videos on Sup Forums
First time greentexting, am i doing it right?

When summer is over, go back to English class

eat her

If she has stuff in your place just throw it all out on the street then when she comes over just say ''Bye Felicia'' and never speak to her again.

Slice her clit off. Good luck Op

Join in for a threesome.

gangbang that slut. showher whos rly boss. also cheat on her too.

Get AIDS, fuck her without condom.

Get up before her in the morning and write ''Welcome to the club'' on the bedroom wall and leave.

Fuck the other guy better than her...make him leave her for you...call her a faggot and point and laugh at her

Here's what you do. Take her out somewhere nice. I'm not talkin some cheap ass "fancy" restaurant. Take her somewhere she loves or somewhere real fucking nice. Make sure she's wearing the appropriate attire. Bonus points if it's revealing and she's wearing high heels. Be sure that she has the best time of her life and act like you're enjoying yourself too. After dinner bring her to your car. Offer to take her coat or bag or whatever, just make sure she has her phone or anything she can use to contact anyone off her body. Throw that shit somewhere inaccessible so she can't get it. Once you've taken care of that, drive. It doesn't matter where, just drive far far away from where you currently are. Stop somewhere deserted, like a forest or some empty desert or some shit, it depends on where you are. She's gonna ask what's going on, maybe she'll be a little nervous but you've gotta keep a straight face on the entire time. Draw out the dramatic silence as long as you want, and do whatever you want after that. Fuck her, give her some dumbass speech, whatever. What's important is the next step. Tell her to get out. Make sure she doesn't get her bag or phone or whatever, kick her out of your car and drive away. After she gets back through whatever means, she'll realize how much she loves you and will dedicate herself to be loyal only to you and no one else. Works every time.

set fire on something she loves or her idc

Find solace in Feminist theory

kill,fuck,bury, start a game and post hints, we will find her body in the next 24h

cant believe how calm and reasonable Sup Forums is being
personally I think u should do this op

Just go strangle her. You'll end up in prison for a while, but that's just the way she goes.

Contract hiv from an hiv dating website. Bang her and plead ignorance when she takes it to court

Cheat on her boyfriend


Dump her, walk away, move on. It's the only way.

You should share her nude pics on Sup Forums.

No wonder she cheated if you're the type of petty guy that wants to "make her pay" she cheated because you're not making her happy, so the sooner you get out of that frame of mind the sooner you can change yourself to become the type of guy that girls would cheat with rather than cheat on

>pack up all her shit
>tell her you have a surprise and cover her eyes
>when she opens them tell her she's a cheating slut and to move the fuck out
>film it and post

She cheated because women are immature and leech off any man they can

You can give a women the world and they'll complain that you forgot the moon and stars

Dump her and move on. She's worth no more effort than that. Just go no contact and act like you don't give a fuck. It will kill her even if she doesn't let on.

I mean, just kill someone she really loves. And move on.


Pink sock good enough?

Break up.
>mfw user doesn't get the simplest things right

Have sex missionary style. Vomit all over her face.