If you are an individual that wishes for violence and the deaths of others...

If you are an individual that wishes for violence and the deaths of others, you are part of the PROBLEM not the solution.

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a final glimmer of hope shines in Sup Forums . what are you doing here? this place is beyond corrupted. this is the detroit of Sup Forums

Outdated and uncivilized ideology that has no place in a just human society.

If you really believe that then be honest with yourself. Are you weak or strong?

The ones who need compassion the most are the ones who never learned it.

I wish for deaths of others, no matter religion, nationality or race. I ain't the problem, I also ain't the solution. I want peace on the world, all dead is peace.

Good luck for trying to find the cure for the hopeless.

thank you. i can finally leave this place. my spirit is finally released and i can walk free. thank you.


Mmmm those dubs tho

so what you are saying is that everyone on Sup Forums is part of the problem?

how do you know my name?


I naturally assume that most if not everyone on Sup Forums is satirizing violence. Poe's law, you know?

I started the thread just to get that thought off my chest. This is the place to come to vent anonymously is it not?

Thank you OP your right.

But one thing OP have you seen pure evil I mean experienced it first hand?

nah this is the place where I get my loli from.

I dont believe anyone is pure evil. Babies are born blank slates, Good and bad are programmed in.

And i firmly believe that humans are basically good. We will get there one day, but we'll definitely be dragged kicking and screaming towards it (as is evidenced by recent year's events.)


It's okay, Jack. I still love you.

Well said. I am hoping your right that one day we can get there I have seen so much evil and it's nice someone that believes it can stop

>and it's nice someone
>and it's nice to see someone

Yea but Sup Forums is Detroid of Sup Forums only because in last ~5 years or so niggers actually came to Sup Forums. It's kinda sad but it really is. And that was the final nail in the coffin of what used to be (10 years ago) the best board ever existed.

What i tell everyone i meed that worries about it.

"Just do good"

Its all one individual can do, but its more than enough. Evil is contagious, but so is Good. Acts of kindness release chemicals in the brain that make you feel good and you improve your own life and the lives of those around you.


Violence is a solultion. It's the final solution- pardon the pun.

If you kill your enemies, they can't harm you and yours.

How does wanting the cycle of violence and death to stop make me a Jew?

It's just a meme, bro.
The idea that humans are somehow anything other than violent, and that violence is not sometimes good and righteous, is a pretty kikey idea though.

Because you want it for others, not yourself.

Just kill yourself, jew.

This is a rare merchant bread now.Light it up.

really? i see prominent Jewish leaders condoning violence all the time. Defending the naked aggression of Israel and the like.

I'd say you're wrong and that wanting violence and death to stop is a humanist idea.

We're in an age where countries can communicate with each other in an instant. We have the money and the technology to do so much good. But you're right that humans are a violent species. But we are also capable of reason, and reason can overcome the need to be violent if we just tried.

A "peaceful" religion can still take over the world through mass breeding and conversion

Blank sheets turn into grown up humans who cant avoid to learn if killing someone is "good or bad". Its not that the 10 commandments came around and everybody was like "holy shit, hes right" i shouldnt kill others" people knew what good and bad is even in early stages of society.

What you are describing is a simple psychopath/sociopath.
Somebody who is emotionless in extreme situations or does not understand rules of society. Somebody who cant read your feelings and doesnt see the difference between you being dead or alive.

Most people know what they are doing is wrong and they do it because its easy. At least easier to live with stealing shit to make a buck instead of investing years of energy into education. On the other hand they could be in desperate need for food and steal it with good intention (or atleast with intention of not having their children die from starvation or some clichee shit)

So what you are looking for is if everybody is interested in being "good" and the incentives for being "evil" are pic related

Who said anything about religion? I not a person of faith.

As much as I dislike kikes and resent that my government is so desperate to cuck for Israel, Israel itself is absolutely right to do what it does.

Violence is the way of the world. It's time to get out of the 1960s and realize this.

>Babies are born blank slates

People have always been anti-Semitic because it's easy. But honestly, just look at the history and facts, and you have no argument.

>act like the spitting image of Nazi war propaganda for two thousand years
>wahh I'm just a scapegoat

We are taking over.

Neither am I, but most people are.


What you're referring to is basic pro-survival/contra-survival instincts. Surviving is "good" helping others around you to survive as well increases your own survival exponentially. (hence why humans are a communal species) The benefits of working together and doing "good' are what helped us build up to more complex societies.

Obviously there was some violence along the way but we're still a relatively young species and there's still plenty of room to grow past that animal urge and it starts at people being good to each other.

Is it really that bad though if I only wish death unto muslims and jews?

Found the article I was thinkingof. Read this, OP.


I mean really, no one has suffered more than the Jews, and we're such a tiny fucking portion of the world. Hitler used Jews as a scapegoat for why his country was fucked up bla bla bla. Modern anti semitism is born from religion, or simply just looking for someone to blame for whatever problem exists. Like "ooh I live in a ridiculous capitalist country that fucks over the 99%. Must be the Jews fault! "

See, now, that's funny, because as an atheistic jew, there's nothing I would rather do than smack a penguin in the face

You're so tiny, yeah. Less than one percent of the global population.
And yet, (((somehow,))) you manage to take up a decent third of the ranks of the 1%! Jews appear again and again, to dictate the policies of Western nations! But it's pure coincidence, I'm sure. Nothing to do with that strong in-group preference you start oy-veying about when it's exhibited by whites.


Probably because jews are at the top of those capitalist industries that fuck 99% of others. Also they control the media to divert the truth from this. Also the holocaust didnt happen at that proportion.
If it did then 6 million jews are pretty fucking dumb for not walking through this "airtight gas chamber door"

suffering isnt a contest, its a worldwide problem we all share as a species.

Trust me.

The fact that it's illegal to study the holocaust should be evidence enough of all the lies

I don't care about the species. Fuck the species.
I care about my family, my nation, and my race, in that order. The species can get what's left.

LOL but so what? You butt hurt that a higher percentage of Jews are richer? Well shit, I wish I was a rich jew too. But most of us really aren't. Israel isn't even a first world Country and is full of a bunch of poor and stupid brown fuckers.

You know how the world works?

What the fuck are you even talking about?

Nah. I'm simply pointing out that Jews run the West, to its native inhabitants' detriment.
Maybe if we send all the rich "white" Jews back to Israel it'll get better.

Human nature is violent who are you kidding

You literally replied to my comment to make fun of yourself. You blamed the Jews for the wealth gap. Man you live in a country so fucking broken you can't even afford to die in hospital.

And yeah, you know what, fine. Maybe it wasnt six million. Maybe it was only 5. So much less of a tragedy then. Never mind that most of them were account for by the nazis. Also, you're an idiot if you only think they died in gas Chambers. That was just the final solution after a bunch of different ones because it was cheapest and most effective.

Fun fact: All the "death camps" were inspected by Soviets. None of the camps inspected by Americans, British, or French were found to be death camps- they were prisons, or forced labor camps. The Nuremberg Trials were also run by Soviets.

And you know how Communism echoes.

I am a Muslim and I do not wish anyone harm. I'm a normal person, I go to college, 90% of my friends are non-muslim. My Muslim friends are similar people. I drink occasionally. I like my 9/11 memes and allahu Akbar jokes. I treat women equally and actually like dating feisty girls, they're fun. Yet I'm shunned for what my misguided people have done. Who encourages violence against innocence? Against me and my peaceful group? Are you not the very same scum as the terrorist scum? Yet the true Muslim, the peaceful Muslim does not fight back. Deep in our hearts we know the evil that exists in this world, you can't argue with them, you can't fght them. So we just avoid attention and live peacefully.

But like, they really don't. Rich people do, and a lot of them may be Jews. But your enemy isn't some big nosed religious guy. It's just the rich guys man, jew or not. I'm not going to tell you that rockerfella and Rothschild aren't Jewish names. I'm just saying, so what? It doesn't make me any richer. And fyi Israel has a massive wealth gap and is super fucked on taxes

You mean thats how ISIS feel? BTW Shits going down (video is at the post(Video is in russian))
konan-vesti blogspot ru/2015/11/18.html

... it's not outdated, though. We still do that.
also, no, genetic predisposition is a thing.
I could prove it but i'm lazy.
You can keep being stupid if you don't want to look it up.

If the world would adopt Sharia, then there would be far more peace. Western culture is the primary cause of the world's problems.

I'd like to believe that. I did, at one point.
But if you look into the philosophies and ideologies that have shaped European society over the past hundred, hundred fifty years, it starts to get mighty Jewy. I don't think that all the Jews get together and decide how they're gonna fuck the goyim over this year, but I do think that a certain subset of Jews, particularly the ones in high places, have a grudge against Europe and would love nothing more than to see it destroyed.

If they go to Israel and stay in Israel, though, I don't care about them. Just keep them the fuck out of my society.

That's cool but you still have to go back.

Good and evil are human constructs.
If you are an individual, period, you are part of the PROBLEM, not the solution.
This is because for qualitative concepts to exist, there must exist a precedent, or the potential for precedent. Therefore, because you exist, Good exists and so does Evil. Your potential to do evil is the problem. KYS

All the death camps ps were where the Jews were, or were taken to - in Poland. The Labour camps means they were worked and starves to death when they weren't being shot - but bullets were expensive. The final solution took years to come together. Fun fact, the nazis didn't even invent concentration camps, they just perfected them.

I guess I'm part of the problem then.

meh/10 bait.


Here comes the traffic.
>not that much

I am not American/European/Aussie.

>muh summerf4gs

Oh, okay, then stay right where you are and do your thing.

>Deep in our hearts we know the evil that exists in this world, you can't argue with them, you can't fght them. So we just avoid attention and live peacefully.


Let's tell it like it is, you submit to the Islamists, because of your ethnic loyalty, and your fear of the repercussions for opposing them. Unlike in the west where we root out people like that, among our own kind at least, you're happy to enable them if it saves you getting beheaded.

found the summerfag

That defines Islam. Thanks OP.

Can I be honest? Yeah, think a higher percentage of Jews are smarter or more successful than in any other religion. But I believe that this is because we have a culture based on studying, and we've been doing so for thousands of years. Plus we were allowed to bank with interest and Christians weren't. That's not our problem, that's theirs.
And of course Jews would rather make deals that benefit other Jews. Maybe there is a grudge, maybe there isn't. But the stronger the country you live in becomes, the richer you can become. So why would jews take down a country if it means fucking themselves over?

I can triforce,how about you ? :^)

>But the stronger the country you live in becomes, the richer you can become.
That depends on economics. A country full of white people is the same as a country full of brown people to an upper-class Jew- at least in theory, they're finding out that shitskins don't assimilate as well as they had hoped.

So why would jews take down a country if it means fucking themselves over?
Well, France, Sweden, and so on will still exist if the plan keeps going. Or at least Europe will, in some capacity. Still richer than the rest of the world, still perfectly suitable for Jews. Just much, much browner, and free of all those pesky goyim that had the temerity to put your ancestors in prison for being subversives.

I just think that the real conspiracy or whatever isn't with the Jews, it's with the 1% of the 1%. Maybe some are Jews, but that doesn't matter - definitely not to them. It's all about money, money, and control for men who wish they were gods, not religious pride.

>But the stronger the country you live in becomes, the richer you can become.

Incorrect. The fastest ways to make money are unsustainable, and destructive in the long term. Look at the recent recession, caused in large part by banks making loans to people to who couldn't pay them back. Why was this? Simple, salespersons earned commission on approving loans, so they approved them to all the wrong people on order to make money for themselves, ultimately bankrupting the corporations for whom they ostensibly worked. This happens at every level in business, even more so towards the upper echelons.

The best way to get rich is to slash and burn and fuck over as many people as you can, destroy your host, and them go parasite on someone else.

>Yeah, think a higher percentage of Jews are smarter or more successful than in any other religion. But I believe that this is because we have a culture based on studying, and we've been doing so for thousands of years.

Ashkenazi Jews have an average IQ of 112, which should predict most of their success. I wouldn't be surprised if ethnocentrism/nepotism played a part in the success of God's Chosen Master Race either.

OP, STOP your liberal, millenial fucking whining. grow some fucking balls for Christs sake and open your fucking eyes to the REAL world.

I think it's money, sure, but also race.
The Jew desires gold more than he desires the destruction of the goyim- but not by much.


Of course it is fiction. But can't people who believe different stories just try to get the fuck along?

>Maybe some are Jews, but that doesn't matter

Correct that they're not all Jews, incorrect that it doesn't matter. Jews are over-represented among them, and their ethno-religion and historical/cultural perspective provides insight into their mindset. These are useful things to know about someone who has decided to destroy you.




Does op drive a volkswagen?


No. All organisms are in competition. We have different DNA, and we are all driven by instinct to be the ones to survive beyond this generation. This expresses itself in a number of ways, one of which is to destroy those with whom we are in competition with since the moment we were conceived. Inter-group violence is a group survival strategy older than mankind. If you believe that we call all be "shiny happy people holding hands" in spite of millions of years worth of evolved behavioural traits, then you're beyond naive.

das rite
It's just a method to pull off the venom tooth of people.