"Hey, mister. Can I come inside and use your phone?"

"Hey, mister. Can I come inside and use your phone?"

That's a weird way to ask if you can suck my dick, but sure.

actually here's my cell

I keep my only phone in the back of my van, here come have a look.

nie rozumiem po angielsku, kurwa

No, go away slut, you whore

show me your feet first.


that depends...can I come inside?

My man.

wanna try summa my flip floopp zibbity zop?!

I don't want to be probed... So... No!
>le reddit memester is back Sup Forums is gay

Fucking Slavs...
And that's coming from a disc Slav himself.

only if I can come inside too

Fucking end yourself

First a questionnaire. Which of these do you identify? There is only 1 right answer.

Nah bitch you look like that Kingseeker Frampt guy from dark souls get off my porch before i slice you

No, Dave franko looking motherfuckers are banned

Is it mayonnaise?

No. Fuck off.


Only if I can cum inside you


I am not afraid to stand my ground

I've seen this movie. No one's getting in.