What does Sup Forums think about this?

What does Sup Forums think about this?

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I think that rifle is drawn very inaccurately, where would the magazine go?

>the gun is not harmful the person using the gun is.
>homosexuality is not harmful its when homo's brand and try to gain power in calling hate crimes and labeling people as "homophobic."

That's exactly what I thought
It's on the Orlando snapchat story in memory of those gay people that died at the hands of another minority who's privledge the left has tried to secure

I think magazines go into the newsstand.


Aids. Nuff said


>blaming liberals for a mass shooting

take your head out of your ass and join reality

I didn't blame liberals I'm saying liberals in general have tried to secure certain special privledges for Muslims. The left has also tried to secure (to a larger extent) special privledges for gays. Muslims killed gay people and in sure the gay community isn't happy with the Islamic one, there is probably a sweeping bias against Muslims as of now

How is a drawing of a gun harmful?

You know the moor who did the shooting was also a faggot, don't you?

Actually wasn't aware

>liberals empower violent criminals
>violent criminal commits violent crime
>there were no mass shootings until the left started empowering the worst people

Logic, reason

If you account for the people who die of aids and the people who never get born because people decide to go gay i think we'll come to some other conclusion.

Gay people force their lifestyle on a population that is disgusted by it, destroy people's lives by unfairly calling them bigots and homophobes, and now they went men in the bathroom and locker room with my wife and daughter, greatly endangering their safety and privacy. Try again.

You would really take advice from who calls themselves terePixiePants?
Homosexuality and the perverts who associate themselves with it are one of the leading causes of dangerous STDs.

>draws an m16 that can't be loaded



>logic, reason
>you have neither, samefag

replace fagflag with the symbol for Islam and this would be good to go.

I literally kek'd, is this real?

The gun is far less harmful than that stick with cloth on it. A gun that you cannot put a magazine in is pointless

No it's not. I've been to pulse, this doesn't look like the stage. Also, nudity wasn't allowed.

No I'm not a fag either, straights went there too.

Probably, they are degenerates.

In the words of the late, great charlton heston:

AIDs infects more straight people than gay people globaly user, mostly thanks to Africa but still.

No unprotected sex and abstinence only sex ed are the leading cause.

People who've never left the city don't understand that people need rifles so you don't start hearing headlines like "billy jo bob danny frank was killed today whilst refueling his vespa when he was attacked by a pack of wild boars".
Saying you don't NEED an AR is like saying "You don't NEED a gas operated lawnmower, push mowers work just as well."
And while they work just as well, your hands hurt and you have to lay down for a few hours with an ice pack to recoup your self.

They need to be good little liberals and turn their attention to more gun control.

Muslims are oppressed non white non cis people just like the gays.

>push mowers work just as well."
And while they work just as well, your hands hurt and you have to lay down for a few hours with an ice pack to recoup your self.
Amerifat detected

mfw that rifle has no mag

Sorry you don't have your own 1.7 Acres to mow.
Stay jelly europoor.

how do they expect to ban it if it doesn't accept high powered assault clips?

>Blaming an object that has no thoughts, morals or ideas
>Not blaming a religion which preaches the death of homosexuals

They work just as well if you have the blades sharpened, but that would probably be considered a weapon where you live kek.

>didn't see that he was alluding to the fact that shooting a rifle all day makes your arm sore
>lol stay greasy Gyro

Don't be silly

Our middle eastern refugee friends are only like that because of george bush and the republicans

And good little regressives fight for their owners (the oligarchy) in opposition to their self interests...

Both cause a decline in the human population and are just as harmful as each other, it's just that the gun does it quicker

The rifle needs to be replaced with something muslim, and sent back to her

keeping my semi automatic kebab removal stick is in my best interest


fixed for accuracy

Guess what precious theyre already in the bathrooms with you too

Well its on the interwebs so it has to be

u wot m8?

no the girl just admitted she was trying to get attention

Do what this user said and send it to her.

Also look at the gun butt, that bit would jab you in the shoulder

If the flag was harmful then those fags would've been able to fight back.

Guns dont kill people...people kill themselves

Guy was a Muslim and a registered democrat.
He was a lib. Like most other mass murderers recently.
Go suck a dick.


>What does Sup Forums think about this?
>Sup Forums
Pick one

Don't forget he also was a faggot and frequented that pub.

The clip is usually inserted into the handle isn't it ?


Like a clip for the lanyard?

It's a semi-semi-automatic. Each round is loaded individually.

And you have none because you can't back up your claim nigger.

Gay culture is socially harmful. It's divisive and degenerate.

Typically the lanyard clips are on the shoulder stock and mid barrel on the forward grip. The magazine goes down the barrel


Maybe on a 9mm, .40, or .45 carbine. Not on the really scary black rifle. Imagine if the black rifle wore a trench coat?

>special privileges
you have no idea what you're talking about
"the right to live without being interfered with" isn't a special privilege it's a basic human right that people like you want to take from us

It's a clip you dip

Clipped, dipped, and checked

Don't know if trolled

Right that those gay people had didn't they? That the Muslim guy took away from them? They have privldge for various reasons and if you can't see how white strait guys are demonized and any minority is held up and it's alright for minorities to be bigoted. That's the privilege if I'm white shame on me for being proud of that, but if your Muslim then sure it's totally cool, shout your extremist religion in the streets

Omg. My first set of trips
Can somebody shop a big penis in this picture and remove the dog

Like these?
Pic related

Those look like 30 magazine clips

Not just trip, it's a quad

wow where did you learn to write, my man

you aren't oppressed because minorities don't like you
gay people may shout at you but they're still more likely to be killed or attacked than you
racial minorities may hate you but you're still more likely to get hired than them, the police won't stop you as much, you won't go to jail for the same things they would

you have privilege, they do not
them being upset about your privilege does not take it away from you

I think that pic was done by someone with the IQ of a donut.


Welp, the word is out. Mateen used a Sig Sauer MCX Carbine, not an AR-15.
Guns are 100% incompatible

Bingo. Liberalism is finally bearing fruit.

>there were no mass shootings until the left started empowering the worst people
thus isn't true though
not even a little bit
and nobody is empowering violent criminals

I'm actually have you heard of something called Affirmative action in which case minorities are actively accepted over white males. If I white man is shot by a cop no one cares, if a black man is its all over the news. I'm privileged though.

he says while posting on Sup Forums

but you're far less likely to ever be shot by a cop than a black man
that's the thing

affirmative action isn't discriminatory it's made to make up for discrimination that already happens
and affirmative action doesn't happen in private workplaces, where you're far more likely to be hired than any minority ever

It's not ironic if you know it

and even if it wasn't all over the news if you were shot by a cop the cop would be statistically more likely to be punished with jail time whereas if a black man got shot the cop usually has a less harsh sentence

so yeah, you're privileged

Yet more whites are killed by cops?


A black man is more likely to shoot at police and get return fire though.
If I were you, and I know you won't but I'd read up on the actual statsistics.

>activity choosing one race over the other
>isn't discrirmitoy
Double think much
Also maybe that because more crime is committed by blacks due to their lesser socioeconomic role and lack of education

>gay ar clips

when you say that you want to ban guns, you are not saying that there should be NO guns. you are saying that they should be in the hands of the most powerful, the people with the monopoly on violence. to take guns from people is to say that they have no right to safety, that they are merely puppets and pawns, with each gun removed the world becomes a safer place for tyranny and crime.


Grow the fuck up


How is what user said, immature?

Pew pew

That people should stop exploiting 50 innocent citizens being murdered by violent extremists for political gain.

I think user was well within the scope of reason in what he said.

bullets on an assault rifle are loaded into a cartridge (aka magazine) and inserted into a slot just in front of the trigger, before the front grip.

omar used an AR type gun. ive shot a semi auto ar-15 and it was fucking fun. dont see why people are looking to take them away. just destroy islam and problem solved.