I have a label maker Sup Forums

I have a label maker Sup Forums

What do

Make some labels, I suppose?

Print out

"Property of Bart Simpson"


Print "label printer" and put it on the label printer

Print a label of each letter and key and label the keyboard appropriately. And put a "DYMO" label over the logo.

Make some labels for yourself

Rollin for this





cure the cancer of Sup Forums



do you have a roommate? label all the food in the house. Individual cans of beer/soda and stuff like that. label every lightswitch and shit too

I'm at work so that's a no go


I laughed

The absolute madman

Make labels that say "Whites Only" and stick them to all the bathroom doors and water fountains

Make a label that says faggot and put it on yourself

Does it support emojis?

u absolute madman. This guy means business.

Now print "computer screen" and put it on the screen. Then print instructions on how to turn the screen on


print out "faggot" and label yourself, OP

go up to a stop sign or a mailbox and put "property of Sup Forums"

Fuck off

It has symbols and shit but no proper emojis

Type "Owned" and label nigers , or just regular price(20$) labeled to a nigger.


No niggers here boi sry

Thne find damn niggers and label them "Owned" CJ.


Keep working on those hearing aids faggot

Print up a bunch of OFF labels and go stick them over ON switches.

Wait, are you in Austria??

sharpie in pooper

It's been 20 years and I still cry laughing whenever I see that whole scene

Go autist and label everything - walls, doors, door konbs, keyboard - EVERYTHING!

you should print out several signs with confusing messages such as
>they are watching
>it's happening
>they can hear
>can you hear these voices too
>where did you go
>I knew you'd be here
>don't stay here
>something happened
>don't forget - you're here forever
and stick them everywhere around the place to creep people out

In fact, since switches are binary, just switch the location of the labels
On is off, off is on.

Label working electronics with "out of order" or "not working"
Then don't use them in front of people

Type in the smallest font: look up
Then one that says thank you for noticing this label, your noticing has been noted.

Stick the first one to the floor, then the other one on the highest ceiling you can find above it.

I realise, it's meta anyway. You're only going to be turning it off in the first place if it's already on and you're using it.

It being whatever the switch is connected to.

I was just saying instead of
To just reverse the labels, and I was just mentioning that they were binary as a way of saying "since you don't have to label 100 options"

Unless there's a dimmer. Then I suppose it really wouldn't be binary anymore

Make one label saying SWIMMING POOL in caps. Post it on a door to another room.

Then another saying "Pool is closed." and stick it under the other one.