Any UK fags here? How do you feel bout BREXIT?

Any UK fags here? How do you feel bout BREXIT?

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i dont think it would be good for the world. >Amerifag that has Brit ancestry

Love it

its for women and gays

>Also Amerifag with Brit ancestry from the 17th century here.
Full on supporter of Brexit

I have 2 citizenships, one of them is british. If I would be allowed to vote, I would vote against it. It would be an economical disaster. And quite frankly I'm sick of far right wing sheep shaggers.

whats your other citizenship?


muslim cuck detected

Probably some cuck nationality by the sound of it. My guess is Swedish

>mudslime detected

> Permission to exterminate

Other one is german.

>amerifat detected who never set foot into europe

Please, I'm tired of guys like you.

Proving my point.

More than likely a dirty muslim


Well no fucking wonder you're against brexit

Voting out .
Next 2 years will be unstable and the lefty labour scum cucks will take advantage of it saying we made a mistake. But when the economy settles back down and we can control the immigration problem a bit better we will eventually be better off. Others will follow and the EU will reform

Okay? Why, do you smell some sort of conspiracy spearheaded by ze jews?


BREXIT is a necessity

we have to take our country back

then get rid of the interlopers, criminal europeans, muslims, niggers etc

it has to on our terms, weve been far too soft for decades

im old enough to remember what it was like before and it was much better

I feel like Europe will end up like that Children of Men movie haha. England will stand last for all of humanity.

When is the vote?

23 June

fuck off you scottish smackhead prick, you dont even contribute to the UK let alone the EU

What is it?

We should leave. But we wont because we're pussies.

First Brexit, then Nexit, then ww3 in Europe. Do it faggots.

Because there are only a few strong nations in the EU and UK is one of them. If we leave Germany will have to pick up the slack and they're already suffering.

So it's not a world war then

Praying the Brexit happens. I'm sick of all the leftist cuckolds who think they understand economics.
These idiots didn't understand economics when they called for the state to pay for their lifestyle, the lifestyle of darkies and anybody else who wants money.
And they certainly don't understand economics now when they say a Brexit will be a disaster.
The European Union has been a massive failure, and by continuing forward we will lead to collapse anyway. The people running it are unelected socialists who have let unfavorable people in and who have favoured certain a few businesses.

Cool then you wont mind when we take our agriculture, water, fishing, electricity gas & oil.

English mother fucking pig fucking kid faggot. We used to hang nazis not worship them you degenerate unimportant little island.

if we vote out we'll just renegotiate better terms. It's a win/win voting out

Finnish exit is fix it.

Good to be a finnish mongolian

we own you , you silly cunt

> if shit goes south
please refuse any U.S support. you guys got this.

Yes, Dave Cameron & George Osborne are lefties...

Honestly, people like yourself with low IQ's are the reason why democracy is going down the pan. You shouldn't be allowed to breed let alone vote.

I'd like to think the momentum is swinging in Leave's favour. After that muslim faggot shot everyone and The Sun publicly back leaving.

True. Brexit hsa the potential to severely damage the EU. Nobody gains anything from that.

Shouldn't you be busy teaching rapefugees how to fuck your wife using cartoons provided by your government?

Fuck off Goldstein. The Jewropean Union will fall.

Gaw dam Fingolians!

Not for long you silly cunt.

A vote for brexit is a vote for independent scotland. People like you are traitors who want to break up the union.

The EU is just German bureaucracy,it has favored Germany's exporters and that's about it.
Bankrupted a shit load of countries along the way and has done very little to help anyone else.

we will will be well shot of you poncing pricks, london makes more money than the whole of scotland

The EU has done more for England than our own government

Shouldn't you be busy screaming cuck on The_Donald?

Fucking americans. No idea about the rest of the world.

massive britfag here. if we leave we are so fucked. i mean fucked beyond repair. we will be so reddit if we leave.

dont be a cunt

>people with low iqs such as yourself
>resorting to personal attacks
>not even arguing the crux of my post
Yes m8 continue to pat yourself on the back and tell everyone how intelligent you are.

Total bollocks. Even if that were true what happens when a government that does want to help is shackled by the EU?

not when the banks pull out after brexit... several have already announced they will in the event of LEAVE winning.

are you a farmer?

the rest of the world does ok for not being in the EU and we have a bigger economy than most of them

I wish I could make a joke about that, but sadly its true.

Dont be silly. You'd think we were a 3rd world country before the EU with the way people are talking. We'll have 2 years of the current deals and thats more than enough time for everyone to pull their finger out and sort it.

bad idea. The only argument for leave is little england racist and far right anti regulation tories who want to be able to do away with wroking hours restrictions, pensions, holidays and other workers rights. You think Murdoch Gove Johnson and Ian Duncan Smith are telling the truth or have your best interest in mind? It is guaranteed that the pund will fall, by at least ten% maybe 20% on Brexit, and our trade deficit will rocket. Guaranteed recession, more austerity politics, job losses. Guaranteed flight of the financial sector to Paris and Frankfurt - all the big banks have said so. There is no good reason for leaving - unless you are a millionaire with offshore holdings.

>Implying I'm American.
Keep guessing, cuck.

You think the Tories are lefties. Pretty much says everything. #pleasedontbreed

bullshit, most trade agreements will still be in place, it wont happen, i know a lot of people who work in said banks in the city and they all want to vote leave, its just scaremongering


our economy is strong because of the EU. Job because of the EU. Trade because of the EU. Migration helps us.

You have nothing, you contribute nothing. You are a net benefactor by some considerable margin. Hadrian had the right idea: seal you off and forget about you.

you really have no idea what brexit would mean do you? #fail

>Brexit passes and the EU begins to collapse
>Scotland calls another independence referendum which passes this time
>Sinn Fein calls for a border poll in Northern Ireland which results in a 32 county Irish Republic and/or Troubles 2.0: Electric Boogaloo

The thought of the EU and the British Empire collapsing in the same day makes me hard

>There is no good reason for leaving - unless you dont want the country to be over run by immigrants who will bring our school and health services to it's knees and probably try to blow us up


you are an idiot

Fuck off you stupid nigger

Vote leave, immigration is getting out of hand, soon our health system and economy will not be able to sustain it

Image source?

you are bang on mate

Really? Viktor Orban? An authoritarian and far right winger who is accused of restricting human rights in his own country?

You really gobble all that shit up that is being fed to you on american far right wing "news" - sites, right?


no one would do that, humans dont prepare.

>confusing white europeans with muslims, africans, and asians...

(hint: Africa, Asia, and muslim countries aren't in the eu - leaving won't stop them coming in)

alright you little fucking ass bandit. you know nothing if you want to leave. you clearly have no grasp of the economic ramifications should we leave

FYI: voting Leave will have Zero affect on the numbers of Muslims & Africans living & working here.

And you think an unelected bureaucratic elite in Brussels have had your best interests for the last 20 years?

You just hashtagged by the way

Please fuck off

Everyone slightly to the right of Mao and Pol Pot is a far-right wing fascist to you commies. Sounds like you need a helicopter ride to cool off.

you are forgetting that it is easy for them to emigrate to another EU country then apply for a passport then he have the right to come here

>implying anyone can even afford to go on holiday

I feel we are lurching towards isolationism that will condemn this country to a decade of economic collapse.

and the worst bit is there are thousands of people cheering it on.

>more personal attacks

Fine, european neo-nazi then. If you're from Poland, even more funny.

hash-tagging comments. please remove yourself.

you would know - you dirty mudslime

they're appointed by who we vote for...

Is there a lot of polaks in England?

Christ yes.

Project fear is in full swing I see.

im a bit older and wiser than you sonny, and much more well traveled, we will be much better off financially if we leave, the only people who want us to stay have a vested interest in us staying

Fuck the union and fuck the scots, bunch of layabout smackheads

Not even from Europe mate. I'll bet that you'll probably invite me into your home to come fuck your wife if I were to "seek asylum" in your country.

>gets pointed out how thick i am
>hurls abuse...
>it's not very effective
>Run away and hide, whilst crying into my 'I Love Nige' t-shirt

No, Viktor Orban is just a totalitarian undemocratic asshole.

Funny thing about Mao, he was totalitarian as well.

Seems like you want to be one too.

fuck off you old cunt you are the cancer of our country.

well it be more expensive after brexit.

we can control immigration - it is not a problem. You are being mislead by right wing fear monegers who lie and lie and lie. Read some real statistics - immigration is good for our economy - the problems we have are because of tory cuts and New Labour (tory lite) bad decisions - we let neoliberalism reign - that is why we have problems, and they neoliberals are all saying Leave - because they want more power and more money, and to take away your rights as a worker and as a citizen.


you mean millions? I agree with you though, people are willing to fuck their country and their kids future because they're racist.

take our country back from where? back from the future? Back from prosperity? back from a peaceful europe and prosperous UK?

Lol at the Scots trying to make themselves relevant. No one gives a fuck about you mate. You're that one smackhead girl we fucked years ago who convinced herself we're in a relationship and keeps following us around threatening to break up. You were just enough conquest, and a regrettable one at that.

says the side who claim 75 million Muslims are waiting to invade the UK.
