Do ribbed condoms even work that great for the girl?

Do ribbed condoms even work that great for the girl?

no, they're a scam

What are the best types of condoms to buy? Everytime I'm buying them I go full retard

The cheapest

yeah not these. hahah

save 24 cents on a condom, only cost you 18 years of child support! good deal

just buy whatever they have the most stock of or whatever it looks like people buy the most of.

don't buy trojan magnums unless you actually need them, which you probably don't. really annoying for those of us who need them when they're fucking always out of stock. everyone buys magnums.

GF is into getting hurt during sex, she gets insanely horny by feeling pain, however she did NOT like ribbed condoms.
So i guess most chicks will dislike that shit.
Try thinner condoms and shit, works best for my girl

Who cares?

Trojan ultra thin grey pack worked wonderfully

I use "Real Feeling" from Durex because It's the best kind of condom is you (man) want to feel anything... Best is without condom but your girlfriend will probably not want to make love without it...

trojan magnums are a marketing tactic. they are only very slightly larger than a regular condom.

I use magnums but sometimes have to tape two together because my tally Wacker is so long.

>not having a gf who tells you she's on the pill
This is why you fail.

I had one of the like generic condoms break one time. The thinner ones are even easier to break right? Or did I just fuck up and put it on wrong

Condoms suck dude. Get her on the pill.

Plus who fucking cares how good it feels for the girl? Ribbed condoms are an invention of feminists. "Yeah I'm not on the pill because I shouldn't feel obligated to spend my own money and keep myself from getting prego. But here, wrap your dick in plastic so I can pretend I'm fucking a plastic dildo while you feel nothing."

Fuck feminists, fuck condoms. Get her on birth control.

Oh yeah and inb4 'hurt sure diseases'

Find a girl who isn't black, Latin, or hasn't been with black or Latin men. Problem solved.

Nevertheless, when a regular condom feels like a vise around your dick and a Magnum doesn't, it's nice to have that tiny bit of extra space.

>make love

Never broke up a Real Feeling from Durex in 9 years

please tell me more i love having this discussion each and every time they're mentioned

yes i understand that because you don't need the width, that means nobody else does either. yes i know. everyone is just like you.

Sorry, I mean FUCK !

Nigger. Gtfo


>implying Magnums mean you have a big dick

It only means regular sized condoms fuck my boner up.

People getting ass