Take a good look white bois

Take a good look white bois

Thought it was a turd upon first glance tbh

i pay for prostitutes, why would i care what they want?

thought it was a piece of shit

>Get owned, sometimes literally, by nearly every other race and empire they came across
>Are the poorest and dumbest humans on Earth
>The places where are the majority become biggest shitholes

B-b-b-b-but muh dick right?

>Posting bait thread on Sup Forums all day long for the sole purpose of getting attention.
What a narcissist bitch OP. sage btw


>get owned, sometimes literaly,

top kek

Who says it's not?
No white girl wants that literal shit inside them.
Sorry, no skinny, attractive white girl wants that inside them.

Uuh, I don't think these two are competing


penis size is too individual to be race-bait. My dick is bigger than the black guys.


Ohhhhhhhhhh you destroyed him with that super edgy original comment! Damn no recovering from that. You are a genius among mediocre men!


>white bois

bad b8 but made me reply

funny thing, that white guy has the biggest dick in the world


woah that looks like my dick (white one) but mine's way bigger
thanks for making me feel better OP :D


the only useful part of a whiteboi is his asshole that can be given up to the black man.

Y'all gonna post more porn or what? That's the only reason I stay in these threads

You're kidding yourself if you think these threads are popular because everyone on Sup Forums is a cuck

I'll keep my wealth and smarts. You can keep your meat.

You take a good look nigger.

My ex broke up with me and about a month later she came back to me and cheated on her black bf with me that has a 3 inch long chode.

That's just clever photography. Those penises are the same size

>3 inch long chode
Yours or his?

Then why do blackbois make the best bottoms?

Small cock > a lifetime of being black

Why's that grown black man playing with a 12 year olds uncut penis...

typical nig, eh?

white people=attractive, good social skills, good bodies, accepted in a normal society
black people=big dicks, good cotton pickers

Which one would you choose?


Yeah, like everyone is like that.