Waifu claiming thread

Waifu claiming thread.

>Claim your Waifu/Husbando
>No Claiming Waifus/Husbandos that have already been claimed
>No stealing (unless trips or more)
>No oversexualised content
>No RP of any kind (maybe some on occasion)
>Discussion is welcomed
>Insults must be original
>If you're posting images you're not lurking
>3D is almost always trash
>Joining means a reserved place in hell
>Most importantly, have fun!

Kyouko claimed.

Other urls found in this thread:



Miho claimed



Aki-slut claimed

>Nya nya

Unfortunately, I don't get addicted unless I can go ham on the game. I can promise I'd have well over 20 times more play time on either if there wasn't an energy system.

Shiki claimed.

Trying with a full pic this time

The only thing I can say I'm excited for right now is Battlefield 1

same here really. I'd play those games so damn much but they just won't let me.
Deemo on the other side... all songs available now, can play whenever, no energy system. It's great.

>No french
>No russians
>Still have american niggers
What the fuck were they thinking?

Excuse me, but who are you?

Hello all

Gaming has been dead for years, I can't recall the last new game I've played




>Crash Bandicoot remake
>Made by Activision

I'm dead inside.


Light novel Akiko claim


Hello smuggles
How are these days?

Never heard of Deemo. What platform is it on? I might check it out.


Sup Smuggles.

Bun never misses a beat, I swear.

You cute boy, I wish I would buttfuck you.

kek, never fails to get a kek out of me.

>special licenses for the adobe shit. It costs us maybe 10 bucks
That's pretty cheap considering their original price, and everything as in whatever adobe program you want or only the ones you actually need for your course? It's funny that in Portugal both in my multimedia and IS programming courses we had to pirate our shit.

>Problem is making an actual game and getting that content out there attracts attention
I wonder how much those big companies would care about your game since they have to spend some too to sue you and it's probably not worth it in the end, but it's better not to play with fire since this is your future.

What a shame, it was literally Sony's Mario, their sonic, their whatever platform games exist that heavily represent their company.
>Cortex Strikes Back was best

Mean Warped, I'm used to say 3.

There's a Patrick Warburton( Joe from family guy and kronk from emperor's groove) impressionist here

Khoor, furz. Krz duh brx?

Hello kneessocks. How are you?

What's up?

Hello white gangbang. How's it going?

Destroying my circadian cycle but I'll live lol. How are you?

Hello bike cat. How are you?


Christ emi, vigil, Galky and yuuko were right




>Cuzco's poison

>Christ emi, vigil, Galky and yuuko were right

Warped was my favourite aswell.

I still need that photo.

Pretty good, getting real hungry though. I dunno if I wanna do Ramen, or Mac n Cheese with pepper.

Oh boy, this'll be a good one.

Please accept my apology and refusal.

I am sworn to only one other.

Only thing I want is BF1 and Forza Horizon 3.

Forza should have been in Japan... Fucking Australia? Why?

Man. I've had a shitty week. Azusa claimed.

Hellew, very well thank you!
Black coffee and falloutll, do it
How bout you?

Claimed. He is the best


It's on Android. Producer is Rayark. I can recommend it

Please don't. That's gay


To be honest I didn't like the jet ski and plane levels that much but everything else was awesome. The tiger levels are literally perfect and packed with fun.

Getting the bazooka cheeses out the lower levels a bit but they are still fun and shooting it quickly made for a fun speedrunning mechanic.
>I've beaten the first tiger level with PS1 emulator at 800% framerate for shits and giggles

Hi :3

That's fucking amazing!

Just chilling?

Being popular real fast

Guessing you didn't like the pic from yesterday?

Mac n cheese > ramen come on! It's simple geomamatry. Does it taste better with pepper or is it a garnish in some way?

Watching kancolle and cereal. Good stuff mang


Nothing wrong with wanting a good butt fucking

no this one is mine

Come on, we will have fun.

Sounds good! It better be Raisin Bran...




Android, eh? Might be a while till then, it seems.

Went with the mac, ya.
The pepper when added in during the mixing of the cheese powder/butter makes it have a nice zesty spice to it, that's not too overwhelming. I'd recommend it if you've never tried it.

Mornin Spidey. What's crackin?

good call. You got lucky there

I didnt even see it. If you have to make a new one use this.




>Christ emi, vigil, Galky and yuuko were right
I don't know what you're talking about but I don't see those in the wrong often.

It's pretty bad compared to what it was, but dead for you doesn't mean it's dead.
>inb4 usual pasta claim


A surprisibgly civil response
Do I need more :) smileys or more ebin memes? 0R M0R3 1337 5P34K?

worst ever

>claiming yume

>worst ever
Still better than the occasional Asuna

Fuck guys
I fell alseep at my computer

Love you.


Ahhh! It is the open mouth bird!

>I whip out my schwanz, it is erect and radiates the masculine virility and power
>It is inserted into the open mouth bird's open mouth, a pecker inside the pecker
>The hips are thrust vigorusly in the back and forth motion
>I gyrate too, like the talented male stripper of great technique

Oooooohhhhh yeeeeeeaaahhhh!

>I edgeaculate forcfully but consideratly with the powreful ograsm
>The seamin is rich and creamy with masculine potency
>The open mouth bird's open mouth is pragnated and lays the egg for life
>I defecate regally and go on my way

Ahhhh! It is good to be the king! The schwanz king!

that was a baby pasta

I'm not a noob!

Uh...I have the strangest boner right now

>when you're a gullible tard but you're still playing some board games

Chara come out you're bad at hiding

Good morning all

Back off, he's mine.

Nope. Captain crunch nigga

Oohhhhh it's a must! Sorta like sea salt then? I like it a bit saltier than it is with my mac n cheese

I got the pic from the night you asked. Must be some user that said "what all white do you not understand?"
Do you have another group of white gangs? It's hard finding one for some reason



Morning teasingbro

Mornin Amatsu

Good morning heretic

Good morning! How is the bunny? Is it in need of a schwanzing?

Thanks ill look and see what i find.



My mission in life is complete ^,^

Do they even have one character not cosplayed?

Mmm, i never really did salt with M&C. How good is it?

You lost me, who are "they"?

Morning, any dreams?

Thank you schwanz king.

When I greet you I say
"Look its them" instead of look its xyz
And I didn't greet ya today so I used them instead of shiki

Heya master, How's your day going?
Morning Makoto, how's your bike? Was it really a nail that got on the tire?
Good morning cosplayer~
Ate you the Schwang King I keep hearing about? And no, the bunny will be alright, thanks for asking~
I got none, as usual.. I'm sorry, but I don't remember who you were..

roll to pet cat
88 cent megumeme

Rookie, Raisan Bran!

Y-youre welcome?


All hail our lord and savior.

Oh no I have a very limited pool of cosplays, I'm going to start sorting out my collection so by the end of the week I might have a precise number.

I wouldn't know how to remind you. I'm just that person with Tristana as their waifu

You tell me, was it?
But i got the new tire on any everything. Tried to break it in good by riding around with my cousin last night.

Late claim

It is I, the schwanz king~! Bunny-chan is welcome to the rich seamin of schwanzenation anytime if the mind is changed! ^,^

You need Shiki cosplaying Yume
you are late twat

I found a good one for you.

Nintendo treehouse needs way too long for one game... but Pokémon looks nice so far.

I was getting some things done pls don't do this